Автор Тема: Про нас пишут и наши интервью  (Прочитано 390347 раз)


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Re: Про нас пишут и наши интервью
« Ответ #75 : Апрель 15, 2009, 02:04:47 »

В СибГАУ открылся Центр исследований космического пространства

10 апреля, в канун Дня космонавтики, в Сибирском государственном аэрокосмическом университете торжественно открыт Центр исследований космического пространства.

Традиционную красную ленточку у входа в обсерваторию разрезали ректор СибГАУ Геннадий Беляков, генеральный директор ОАО «Красноярский машиностроительный завод» Владимир Колмыков и заместитель генерального директора ОАО «Инфомационные спутниковые системы» Владимир Халиманович.

 Университетская обсерватория оборудована 40-сантиметровым цифровым телескопом, созданным группой ученых по международному проекту ПулКОН.  С его помощью можно наблюдать не только за небесными светилами, но и за спутниками, находящимися на геостационарных и низких орбитах, а также за космическим мусором.

- Это уникальный телескоп, позволяющий решать научные, образовательные и даже оборонные задачи, - рассказывает ректор СибГАУ, профессор Геннадий Беляков. – Мы можем отслеживать остатки космических аппаратов, ракет и прочего «космического мусора», предупреждая об их возможном столкновении с работающей в околоземном пространстве техникой.

- С открытием центра мы расширим границы в подготовке специалистов для космической отрасли, - говорит руководитель Центра исследований космического пространства, профессор Лев Границкий. – Наш вуз аэрокосмический, поэтому ребята должны обладать знаниями в области астрономии и уметь применять их на практике.

Оборудование, установленное в СибГАУ, позволяет в автоматическом и ручном режиме отслеживать до 1000 объектов в сутки. В отличие от других телескопов, красноярский «электронный глаз» может наблюдать быстродвижущиеся объекты, фиксируя их точное местонахождение. Все элементы телескопа – от оптики до механики - созданы вручную. На это отечественным разработчикам и изготовителям понадобился почти год. Но именно ручная работа позволила создать уникальное оборудование нового поколения. Матрица, установленная на телескопе, имеет линейный размер 36х36 мм (3056х3056 пикселей), он позволяет принимать изображения в цифровом формате и обрабатывать их в специальной программе через компьютер. Мерзнуть по ночам на крыше студентам не придется. Ведь управляется телескоп дистанционно, а изображения выводятся на мониторе компьютера в теплой комнате.

- То время, когда в телескоп смотрели через окуляр, осталось в прошлом веке, - утверждает начальник инновационного управления СибГАУ Кирилл Охоткин.

Телескоп имеет широкий угол зрения (2,3х2,3 градуса) и позволяет разглядеть звезды 17 величины в пределах городской черты и 20-й – за городом. Спутники группировки ГЛОНАСС и «Экспресс-АМ», изготавливаемые в ОАО ИСС и находящиеся на орбитах 19 тыс. км и 36 тыс. км соответственно, прекрасно видны в студенческий телескоп.

Поздравляя СибГАУ с открытием Центра космических исследований и приобретением телескопа, зам. генерального директора ОАО ИСС Владимир Халиманович отметил:

- Это знаменательные вехи в развитии университета, движение в космос. Содружество вуза и промышленных предприятий может внести существенный вклад в космическую индустрию.

- Мы, заводчане, используем «плоды» вашего труда, - ведь многие выпускники СибГАУ идут работать на Красмаш, - продолжил мысль своего коллеги Владимир Колмыков. - Желаю, чтобы вы всегда были теми гагаринцами, которые всегда идут впереди!


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Re: Про нас пишут и наши интервью
« Ответ #76 : Апрель 30, 2009, 19:18:17 »

Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Space Weather Workshop - SWF Operations Director Suzanne Metlay presents on Space Weather and SSA

Dr. Suzanne Metlay, Operations Director for Secure World Foundation ended the first day of the Space Weather Workshop with a talk entitled "Space Weather and International Space Situational Awareness." She began her talk by defining SSA and highlighting the need for it by citing the the Iridium 33-Cosmos 2251 collision earlier in the year.

Metlay then described how SSA serves as the foundation for debris mitigation, debris removal and space traffic management. The idea is to provide all space actors access to the tools needed for safe and sustainable used of outer space. She then went on to differentiate civil SSA from military SSA by describing civil SSA as more focused on positional data whereas military SSA requires much more data such as mission objectives and the nature of sensors or transponders.

Metlay pointed out that SSA data is collected by the DoD (via the Space Surveillance Network), the International Scientific Optical Observation Network (ISON) and other sources, which can then be filtered through a data clearing house for owner-operators. On such system is called SOCRATES-GEO (an example of processing and standardizing raw data on GEO satellites for owner-operators, provided by the Center for Space Standards and Innovation). The idea, ultimately, is to eventually produce a SOCRATES-type system for all Earth orbital regimes (a central data center, for example).

posted by Secure World Foundation Blog @ 3:25 PM


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Re: Про нас пишут и наши интервью
« Ответ #77 : Апрель 30, 2009, 19:45:32 »
Заметка в Поиске


Небо под присмотром

Красноярцы приглядятся к астероидам, кометам и космическому мусору

В канун Дня космонавтики в Сибирском государственном аэрокосмическом университете открыты Центр исследования космического пространства и обсерватория.

Главной достопримечательностью центра является уникальный 40-сантиметровый телескоп. Он позволит не только вести наблюдения за спутниками, небесными светилами, астероидами и кометами, но и отслеживать космический мусор, которого уже изрядно накопилось в околоземном пространстве. Уточненные данные затем будут направляться в соответствующие организации, что даст возможность откорректировать орбиты космических аппаратов во избежание столкновений.

Телескоп создан группой ученых, работающих по международной программе ПУЛКОН. По словам одного из разработчиков Геннадия Борисова, оборудование, установленное в СибГАУ, позволит в автоматическом и ручном режиме отслеживать до 1000 объектов в сутки в геостационарной области (это около 36 тысяч километров над Землей). Причем в отличие от телескопов большего диаметра красноярский электронный глаз дает возможность наблюдать быстродвижущиеся объекты, фиксируя их точное местонахождение. Все элементы телескопа - от оптики до механики - созданы вручную. На это разработчикам и изготовителям понадобился почти год. Но именно ручная работа позволила создать оборудование нового поколения, аналог которого у нас в стране есть только в Свердловской обсерватории. Кстати сказать, с запуском телескопа университет войдет в широкую кооперацию с отечественными и международными центрами слежения.

Что касается Центра исследования космического пространства, то он будет изучать не только космос, но и проблемы глобального потепления на нашей планете, гравитационное поле Земли.

- С открытием центра мы расширим границы подготовки специалистов для космической отрасли, - говорит руководитель центра профессор Лев Границкий. - Наш вуз аэрокосмический, поэтому ребята должны обладать знаниями в области астрономии и применять их на практике. Но учебный процесс будет организован не только для студентов технических специальностей. Гуманитарии тоже будут изучать астрономию, поэтому уже в следующем году мы планируем ввести новые дисциплины и практические занятия. А вообще, наблюдать звездное небо смогут все желающие. Знание законов мироздания и понимание законов галактики - это существенный элемент человеческой культуры. Ведь еще философ Кант говорил: две вещи никогда не перестанут волновать мою душу - звездное небо над головой и нравственный закон внутри нас.

В планах СГАУ приобрести еще один телескоп, который установят на автомобиле. Он будет вести наблюдение за звездным небом в окрестностях Красноярска.
 Пресс-служба СибГАУ


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Re: Про нас пишут и наши интервью
« Ответ #78 : Май 05, 2009, 21:08:26 »
Материал на сайте http://democrats.science.house.gov/

Протокол слушаний в конгрессе США


И вот здесь:





Keeping the Space Environment Safe
For Civil and Commercial Users

Tuesday, April 28, 20092 p.m. – 4:00 p.m.2318 Rayburn House Office Building

I. Purpose

The House Committee on Science and Technology’s Subcommittee on Space and Aeronautics is convening a hearing to examine the challenges faced by civiland commercial space users as space traffic and space debris populationscontinue to grow. The Subcommittee will explore potential measures to improve information available to civil and commercial users to avoid in-space collisions as well as ways to minimize the growth of future space debris. The hearing will focus on the following questions and issues:

• What are the current and projected risks to civil and commercial space users posed by other spacecraft and space debris?
• What information and services are currently available to civil andcommercial space users in terms of real-time data and predictive analyses?
• What can be done to minimize the growth of space debris?
• What is the level of coordination among military, civil, and commercial space users in the sharing of space situational awareness information?
• Have shortcomings been identified by civil and commercial space users with regards to the availability of situational awareness information they need? How are these shortcomings being addressed?
• Have civil and commercial space users identified their long-term situational awareness needs? What options are being considered to address them?

II. Witnesses

Lt. Gen. Larry D. James
Commander, 14th Air Force, Air Force Space Command, And Commander, Joint Functional Component Command for Space,U.S. Strategic Command

Mr. Nicholas Johnson
Chief Scientist for Orbital DebrisNational Aeronautics and Space Administration

Mr. Richard DalBello
Vice President of Government Relations
Intelsat General Corporation

Dr. Scott Pace
Director of the Space Policy Institute
George Washington University

III. Overview

Ensuring the future safety of civil and commercial spacecraft and satellites is becoming a major concern. The February 2009 collision between an Iridium Satellite-owned communications satellite and a defunct Russian Cosmos satellite above Northern Siberia highlighted the growing problem of space debris and the need to minimize the chances of in-space collisions. That collision also increased the number of pieces of space debris circling the Earth, a debris population that had already experienced a significant increase two years earlier following a Chinese anti-satellite weapons test that created thousands of fragments. As recently as last month, astronauts aboard the Space Shuttle and the International Space Station (ISS) maneuvered the connected crafts to avoid a piece of space debris that NASA believed could potentially have led to an impact.

While several nations such as Russia, France, Germany and Japan have some form of space surveillance capability, these systems are not interconnected and are neither as capable nor as robust as the United States’ Space Surveillance Network (SSN). SSN consists of a world-wide network of 29 ground-based sensors that are stated to be capable of tracking objects as small as five centimeters orbiting in Low Earth Orbit (LEO)—that is, the region of space below the altitude of 2,000 km (about 1,250 miles). Many remote sensing satellites use LEO, as do all current crewed orbital space flights. However, to be useful, information on potential collisions obtained through tracking efforts needs to be disseminated to all space users, including nongovernmental entities. Furthermore, the data needs to be of sufficient accuracy that predictions of possible collisions can be computed with a high level of confidence. That level of confidence is essential in light of the implications of making evasive maneuvers. If a space user knows that a particular object in space poses a collision risk to a satellite or spacecraft, the user can potentially maneuver the satellite or spacecraft to avoid the debris. However, flight changes to avoid potential collisions come at a high price since satellites carry limited quantities of fuel and avoidance maneuvers could result in decreased operational life.

Following congressional direction, the Air Force’s Space Command initiated a 3-year Commercial and Foreign Entities (CFE) Pilot Program in 2005 aimed at providing space users with tracking information and analytical services. The program gradually transitioned support responsibilities from the National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) to the Air Force’s Space Command; up until 2005, orbital data had been provided on NASA Goddard Space Flight Center’s Orbital Information Group (OIG) website free of charge.The Air Force also provides, for a fee, advanced analytical support such as on-orbit assessment of conflicts and pre-launch safety screenings. Legislation allows space surveillance data and analysis to be provided to any foreign or domestic governmental or commercial entity, so long as providing the data and analysis is in the national security interests of the United States. Furthermore, before being provided with such data, a non-U.S. Government entity must enter into an agreement with the Secretary of Defense agreeing to (a) reimburse the Department of Defense (DOD) for costs the Department in curs in providing data support and (b) not transfer any data or technical information received under the agreement without the approval of the Secretary. Nevertheless, desirous of having capabilities of its own, the European Union has initiated an effort to research what is required to develop a European Space Surveillance Awareness System.

Many questions remain as to how to improve space situational awareness with an ever growing population of spacecraft and international operators. Improvements in information services, capabilities, resources, and coordination will all have to be addressed. In addition, although organizations and individuals have examined the pros and cons of potential space traffic management approaches or international “rules of the road”, at this point, there does not appear to be a consensus on the appropriate long-term framework for space traffic management.

Testimony at this hearing should provide the Subcommittee with an assessmentof (1) what is being done to keep the space environment safe for civil and commercial space users given the growing number of satellites, spacecraft, and space debris, (2) how future propagation of space debris can be mitigated, (3) what space surveillance awareness capabilities and services are currently available, and (4) what challenges civil and commercial users face trying to getenhanced space surveillance awareness information. Keeping the space environment safe for civil and commercial users involves protection from amultitude of factors besides space debris, such as adverse space weather phenomena and radio frequency interference. However, this hearing will focus primarily on issues associated with space debris.

IV. Potential Hearing Issues

The following are some of the potential issues that may be raised at the hearing:

• What practices do civil and commercial space operators utilize to minimize the risk of collision in space?
• Should we be concerned about the projected worldwide growth in space traffic and debris generation? Could the risks of collisions in space grow to unacceptable levels?
• What is the status of the U.S. government-sanctioned Commercial and Foreign Entities (CFE) Pilot Program? What are the lessons learned so far? What are DOD’s plans for providing a CFE capability in the future?
• What techniques and procedures can space operators use to minimize the future growth of orbital debris? What are the biggest challenges to reducing the growth of orbital debris?
• What space situational awareness system would commercial space users like to have in place in 10 years? How far are we from having such asystem today and what will need to be done to make it possible?
• A comprehensive space situational awareness system that meets the needs of the military, civil, and commercial space sectors would seem to require the involvement of each of those sectors both domestically and internationally. Are there any good governance models that could be used to construct and operate such a comprehensive system?
• How does DOD coordinate with commercial space users? For example,what major issues have been raised at the series of meetings between DOD leadership and the CEOs of the top 10 commercial satellite companies focusing on enhancing cooperation to improve surveillance and what are the plans for addressing those issues?
• How can coordination among military, civil, and commercial space usersbe enhanced relative to both orbital debris mitigation and collision avoidance?
• What can be done to address the shortcomings in current space situational awareness information, predictive capabilities, and supporting infrastructure to enable safe civil and commercial space operations in the future?
• What are the key policy questions that need to be addressed in determining the best path forward for keeping the space environment safe for civil and commercial users?
• Are international “rules of the road” needed to prevent future in-space collisions and debris growth?

V. Background

The Space Debris Threat

Space Environment

Since 1957, there have been several thousand payloads launched into space. These launches have contributed to an ever growing population of man-made objects in space, which have themselves generated an even larger amount oforbital debris. NASA defines orbital debris “as any object placed in space by humans that remains in orbit and no longer serves any useful function or purpose. Objects range from spacecraft to spent launch vehicle stages to components and also include materials, trash, refuse, fragments, or other objects which are overtly or in advertently cast off or generated.” These objects, rangingin size from that of a microscopic paint chip to a large defunct satellite, can travel at speeds up to 11 km/second.

Most of today’s spacecraft operate in two major orbital altitudes. The most populated is Low Earth Orbit (LEO), where many scientific and human spacecraft operate between altitudes of 320 km and 2,000 km. The other is GeostationaryOrbit (GEO), which is populated primarily by communications satellites that orbitas the same speed as the Earth so as to continuously face one region of the planet. These satellites operate at an altitude of approximately 36,000 km.There are approximately 900 operational spacecraft currently in orbit. Of those, approximately 800 are maneuverable.

Extent of Orbital Debris in Space

The first fragmentation of a man-made satellite occurred in 1961. Since then,there have been over 190 spacecraft fragmentations, and 4 accidental collisions resulting in the generation of debris (there has been only 1 collision between two intact spacecraft). Even though some of the debris from these fragmentations has fallen out of orbit, numerous other incidents over the years have increased the overall population of space debris dramatically. According to an Aerospace Corporation study, “the creation rate of debris has out paced the removal rate, leading to a net growth in the debris population in low Earth orbit at an average rate of approximately 5 percent per year.”

The majority of Earth’s orbital debris currently resides in LEO between the altitudes of 600 km and 1,500 km, where there is an estimated 300,000 pieces of debris 1 cm in size or greater. Of that number, there are more that 18,000 objects that are 5 cm or greater in size. Objects that are between 1 cm and 10 cm in size are of primary concern to spacecraft in LEO as these are the most difficult pieces to track and have enough mass to completely disable a spacecraft.

The orbital lifetime of debris varies, as some pieces can re-enter the Earth's atmosphere within several days of their fragmentation, while some pieces canstay in orbit for over several hundred years. Currently, more debris is being accumulated in orbit than is falling out of orbit. According to a NASA study completed in 2006 which assumes no new launches of any kind past 2005, in-orbit collisions will sustain the current population of debris, even as other objects decay into the atmosphere. As indicated in a NASA Orbital Debris Quarterly publication, by 2055, collisions will become the primary source of debris generation. Even though a majority of the debris lies in LEO orbit, concerns are still growing over the future of GEO as it a highly valuable and fairly costly area to place a satellite. Debris that continuously fly at GEO altitude are too high to be affected by atmospheric drag and rarely fall back to Earth. It is also extremely difficult to track and characterize objects less that 1 m in GEO with current technologies.

Causes of Fragmentation

Space debris comes in many different forms, but the velocity at which these objects move in relation to the object they impact is what makes them potentially lethal. A piece of debris as small as 1 cm can potentially destroy a satellite, while an object less that 0.1 cm can penetrate an astronaut's suit during an Extra Vehicular Activity (EVA).

Debris can be created in a number of ways, from actual collisions to incidents occurring during spacecraft separation. The most common causes of fragmentations are propulsion-related incidents that involve remaining fuel or pressurized components exploding in discarded rocket stages. This type ofevent was prevalent in the 1970s and 1980s but has since slowed due to increased mitigation techniques practiced worldwide. Until recently, the objects from these events constituted about 40% of current orbital debris.

Other sources of fragmentation debris include accidental collisions, battery explosions, fuel leaks, failures of attitude control systems, failures during orbital injection maneuvers and other unidentified causes. Not all of these fragmentation events create equivalent amounts of debris. The damage and subsequent results of a collision in orbit are dependent on multiple variables such as velocity and design of the structure as well as the angle of collision. For example one collision in the mid-1990s of a European satellite involved a small piece of debris striking an extended antenna, which resulted in only one piece of debris being generated.

The more troubling type of fragmentation event is the intentional breakups thatare deliberately taken, such as in the form of an anti-satellite weapons test. Such actions have historically led to very accurate strikes and thus produced larger amounts of debris than other collisions and self generated explosions.

Risks Generated by Orbital Debris

Since January 2007, there have been three major debris generating incidents that have increased Earth’s orbital debris environment significantly. As a result, the risks to active and non-active spacecraft have greatly increased. Expertshave predicted that it is only matter of time until there is another large debris generating collision.

The ISS flies at an average altitude of 349 km to 358 km and the Hubble Space Telescope flies at an altitude of 570 km. For the remainder of its manifest, the Space Shuttles will fly only to these two orbits and as such are subject to their orbital hazards. The upcoming STS-125 flight will allow crew aboard the Shuttle Atlantis to repair the Hubble Space Telescope. Recent reviews of the threat of an orbital debris strike have remained nearly constant since its initial review last September. Since that time, the recent Iridium-Cosmos collision has added to the debris field in LEO and represents a 71% increase in the amount of threatening debris to STS-125. Due to its low altitude in LEO, the ISS’ risk ofcollision will be lower than that of spacecraft that operate at higher altitudes in LEO. Nevertheless, the ISS still remains at risk from micrometeoroid and orbital debris strikes. The possibility of having to maneuver the ISS away from harmful debris will remain constant throughout its life-time. Typically, an ISS maneuver takes approximately 30 hours to plan and execute.

In addition to on-orbit risks, there are economic consequences that flow from the increase in orbital debris and a potential lack of adequate situational awareness.The need to maneuver leads to the use of limited spacecraft fuel supplies, which can shorten the on-orbit operational lifetime of the spacecraft. Another economic consequence could be the disruption of data and services of commercial satellites. Even if they aren’t actually struck, maneuvering satellites out of harm’sis costly, as data and service continuity become disrupted as a result of the maneuver.

Over the past several years, there have been several incidents which contributed to the rise in the number of orbital debris:

• Iridium 33 – Cosmos 2251 Satellite Collision: On February 10, 2009, a U.S.Iridium communications satellite collided at a near right angle to a decommissioned Russian Cosmos communications satellite at an altitude of 790 km. This was the first hypervelocity collision of two ‘intact’ spacecraftever. According to Space News, the collision created at least 823 pieces of trackable debris (with many smaller pieces not yet cataloged) and increased the risk of a debris strike on the Space Shuttle by approximately 6%. The majority of this debris will remain a threat to other satellites in LEO for decades.
• Chinese A-SAT test on Fengyun-1C: In January of 2007, the Chinese government launched an SC-19 missile at one of their country’s decommissioned weather satellites and destroyed it. It is the worst fragmentation event in the history of spaceflight and at the time, accounted formore than 25% of cataloged objects in LEO. The estimated debris population larger than 1 cm in size generated by the collision will eventually exceed 150,000. Resultant debris has already enveloped the Earth and nowposes a threat to all spacecraft in LEO.
• Russian spent stage explosion – Russian Arabsat 4: A Russian upper stage from a Proton rocket exploded in February 2007, almost a year after its launch to GEO failed, creating an initial amount of over 1,100 pieces of trackable debris. The cause of the explosion was determined to be left over fuel in the failed stage that was ignited by several possible sources.

Mr. Nicholas Johnson, a witness at the hearing, will be able to provide additional details on the risks associated with these recent events.

Space Surveillance Capabilities

Although the U.S. has the most capable space surveillance system in the world, other countries also utilize radars and telescopes to perform similar tracking activities. Limited in their space surveillance capabilities, other nations must use information generated by the U.S. system to supplement their own data.

U.S. Space Surveillance Capabilities

Space surveillance refers to the ability to detect, track, and identify objects in space. Surveillance services used by space transportation users include calculation of debris-clear launch trajectories and in-orbit debris tracking and collision warnings. The primary supplier of space surveillance capability is the Space Surveillance Network (SSN), consisting of a world-wide network of 29 ground-based sensors including electro-optical, conventional and phased-array radars. The SSN permits the cataloging of objects in space. According to an April 2009 presentation by a representative of NASA’s Orbital Debris Program Office to the NASA Advisory Council, the number of cataloged objects has increased by more than 30% since January 2007. The catalog currently accounts for more than 14,000 objects in orbit.

The SSN can collect data about objects’ altitude, orbit, size, and composition.The capabilities of the network are limited by the debris’ size and altitude, however. Initially, the SSN could not detect or track objects smaller than 10 cm in LEO, and only objects 30 cm and larger could be continuously tracked. Remote sensing satellites typically use LEO, as do most manned space flights. In March 2003, the sensitivity of the SSN was enhanced so that objects as small as 5 cm orbiting in LEO can be tracked. As altitude increases, the ability of the SSN’s sensors to detect small objects decreases. Consequently, objects in Geosynchronous Orbit (GEO) need to be located through optical instruments (asopposed to radar) and also must be at least one meter across to be tracked. Satellites in GEO orbit the Earth once a day at an altitude of approximately 35,786 kilometers (about 22,236 miles). Satellites in geostationary orbit are primarily used for communications and meteorology.

Protection of NASA assets is a major concern. The Joint Space Operations Center (JSpOC) within the U.S. Strategic Command provides collision avoidance analysis for the Space Shuttle and International Space Station (ISS). During NASA missions, the JSpOC computes possible close approaches of other orbiting objects to the Space Shuttle or ISS. The JSpOC also conducts re-entry assessments for objects including prediction of time, location of atmospheric reentry, and potential ground impact.

Space surveillance capabilities are likely to improve in the next few years. The Air Force’s Space Based Space Surveillance (SBSS) Program, initiated in 2003, will consist of a single satellite and associated command, control, communications, and ground processing equipment when operational. The SBSS satellite, scheduled for launch in 2009, is scheduled to operate 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, to collect positional and characterization data on earth-orbiting objects of potential interest to national security. The SSN’s only spaceborne sensor to date, the space-based visible (SBV) sensor carried aboard the Midcourse Space Experiment (MSX) satellite, was retired in June 2008 after nearly 12 years of operation. DOD considers SBSS to be an essential element in developing a space situational-awareness capability. In an article published in Space News, it was reported that “SBSS will allow airmen to monitor satellites in the geosynchronous orbit 24 hours a day, which Space Command can't presently do with its Ground-based Electro-Optical Deep Space Surveillance (GEODSS)system. Airmen on the ground can only collect data on satellites using the GEODSS at night when the sun is reflecting on the targeted satellite.” This is because unlike ground sensors, the space-based SBSS is not limited by lighting conditions, weather, or atmospheric distortion.

One of the SSN’s oldest systems is the Space Fence which grew out of an effort by the Naval Research Laboratory to detect and track satellites that did not emit signals as part of their normal operations. Ushered into existence as the Naval Space Surveillance System (NSSS) in 1961, the Space Fence is composed of three transmitters and six receivers interspersed across the southern United States. As reported by C4ISR Journal, DOD is considering upgrading the Space Fence with more powerful radars and sites overseas for more expansive coverage. According to an article in Inside the Air Force, the service hopes to award a concept development phase contract in July 2009. The upgraded Space Fence will be capable of detecting tenfold the amount of objects in Low- and Medium-Earth Orbit. It also will be able to monitor objects 5 cm in diameter, compared to the 30 cm limit of the legacy asset. According to Inside the Air Force, the Air Force anticipates “that the winning contractor will deliver the initial, southern hemisphere coverage Space Fence sensor “no later than fiscal year2015” and deliver all expected blocks of coverage by FY-20.””

International Space Surveillance Capabilities

Other countries also have space tracking capabilities, but they are not on par with the SSN. For example, according to an article in Space News, the Russian-led International Scientific Optical Network, based at Moscow’s Keldysh Institute of Applied Mathematics, includes some 25 optical telescopes, mainly in the republics of the former Soviet Union, that can be deployed on a case-by-case basis as part of commercial transactions. But this network’s focus is on objects in geostationary orbit, the operating orbit for most commercial satellites but far above LEO regions where debris is of most concern.
French, German, and Japanese systems are also in use. For example:

• France has developed a radar system called Graves (Grand Réseau Adapté à la Veille Spatiale), a demonstrator which has been operational since 2005 and can watch the sky up to 1,000 km above the French territory. According to its developer, ONERA, the Graves system consists of “specific radar combined with an automatic processing system that creates and updates a database of the orbital parameters for the satellites it detects”. Graves is operated by the French Air Force.
• The European Space Agency (ESA) collaborates with the operators of the German TIRA system (Tracking and Imaging Radar), located at FGAN (Research Establishment for Applied Science), near Bonn, Germany. According to ESA’s Space Debris website, TIRA has a 34-meter dish antenna. The radar also conducts beam park experiments, where the radar beam is pointed in a fixed direction for 24 hours so that the beam scans 360º in a narrow strip on the celestial sphere during a full Earth rotation. During such experiments, the website says, TIRA can detect debris and determine “coarse orbit information for objects of diameters down to 2 cm at 1,000 kmrange.”
• According to a report on “Space Debris Related Activities in Japan” presented by Japanese representatives to the UN’s Committee on the Peaceful Uses of Outer Space (COPUOUS) in February, 2009, observation of objects in geosynchronous orbit (GEO) and determination of their orbit characteristics are routinely carried out using Japanese optical telescopes. Research to develop software that can automatically detect smaller objects in GEO is progressing. Japanese representatives also said that LEO observations are being conducted using radar telescopes and that research to observe objects in LEO is also being conducted using high-speed tracking optical telescopes.

U.S. Space Surveillance Services

To be useful, information related to potential in-space collisions that is obtained through tracking efforts needs to be disseminated to all affected space users, including nongovernmental entities. If a space user knows that a particular object in space poses a collision risk to a satellite or spacecraft, the user can maneuver the satellite or spacecraft to avoid the debris. However, avoidance maneuvers consume valuable fuel supplies, which translates into a reduced operational life. Since collisions in space increase the amount of debris, it is in the interest of all parties concerned to ensure space users have access to relevant space surveillance data. Initially, the data from the SSN had been made available through NASA’s Orbital Information Group (OIG) web site.

However, in November 2003, the Congress directed the Secretary of Defensethrough the 2004 National Defense Authorization Act [P.L. 108-136, Section 913] to provide space surveillance data to any foreign or domestic governmental or commercial entity, so long as it was consistent with national security. The Secretary delegated implementation responsibility to the Secretary of the Air Force in October 2004. The national policy of providing space surveillance information was further articulated in the President’s National Space Policy dated August 31, 2006. In achieving the goals of the national policy, the Secretary of Defense was assigned responsibility for supporting the space situational awareness requirements of the Director of National Intelligence and conducting space situational awareness for “the United States government; U.S. commercial space capabilities and services used for national and homeland security purposes; civil space capabilities and operations, particularly human space flight activities; and, as appropriate, commercial and foreign space activities.”

With regards to orbital debris, the National Space Policy acknowledges that orbital debris poses a risk to continued reliable use of space-based services and operations and to the safety of persons and property in space. Consequently, the policy states that “the United States shall seek to minimize the creation of orbital debris by government and non-government operations in space in order to preserve the space environment for future generations”. The policy also states that the “United States shall take a leadership role in international fora to encourage foreign nations and international organizations to adopt policies and practices aimed at debris minimization and shall cooperate in the exchange of information on debris research and the identification of improved debris mitigation practices.”

Commercial and Foreign Entities (CFE) Pilot Program

Pursuant to the legislative direction, the Air Force Space Command implemented the Commercial and Foreign Entities (CFE) Pilot Program. The CFE pilot program was designed to be implemented in three phases over a 3-year period, gradually transitioning CFE support responsibilities from NASA to the Air Force’s Space Command. In addition to the free orbital data previously provided on NASA's OIG website, the Air Force offered to provide, for a fee, advanced analytical support such as on-orbit conjunction assessment and pre-launch safety screenings. The Air Force’s goal was to provide increased situational awareness for commercial and foreign operators, thereby improving orbital safety for all space vehicles. The previously cited legislation allows space surveillance data and analysis to be provided to any foreign or domestic governmental or commercial entity, so long as providing the data and analysis is in the national security interests of the United States. Furthermore, before being provided with such data, a non-U.S. Government entity must enter into an agreement with the Secretary of Defense agreeing to (a) pay for any fee charged by the Secretary to reimburse the Department for the costs of providing space surveillance data support under the agreement and (b) not transfer any data or technical information received under the agreement without the approval of the Secretary.

The Air Force selected the Aerospace Corporation to operate the CFE Support Office (CSO) and tasked it to interface with commercial and foreign entities on behalf of the Air Force Space Command and develop the Space-Track.org website to replace the NASA OIG website. Initially, the CFE pilot program was scheduled to last three years and end in May 2007. However, in October 2006, the Congress extended the pilot’s end date to September 30, 2009 [P.L. 109-364, Section 912]. Aviation Week and Space Technology recently reported that the CFE program is scheduled to transition from the Air Force Space Command to the U.S. Strategic Command later this year. According to the Air Force, the CFE Pilot Program was to be implemented in three phases, Phase 1 being a transitionary one where the CSO activated the Space-Track website offering a limited subset of the NASA OIG website functionality. During Phase 2, the NASA OIG website ceased operating and functions such as specific queries, a 60-day decay forecast report, and a satellite situation report were made available.

The CFE Pilot Program is currently in Phase 3. The CSO provides advanced services and products on a fee-for-service basis because of the additional analysis and manipulation required by additional Air Force personnel. Services provided include all services offered under Phase 1 and Phase 2 and more advanced capabilities such as launch support (Pre-Launch safety screeningsand/or early orbit determination); conjunction assessment (CA) (determining the likelihood of a conjunction between orbiting objects); end-of–life/reentry support (including reentry support and planned de-orbit operations); anomaly resolution support (including attitude determination and spacecraft configuration); and providing emergency support. Emergency support is required when significant mission degradation or failure occurs for either the affected party’s asset or U.S.government assets, endangerment of human life or degradation of U.S. national security. Emergency support is a free service.

More advanced information and services may soon be available. According to a March 2009 article in Space News, the Air Force is moving towards providing [color=blue]“wider access to its high-accuracy catalog showing the where abouts of orbital debris and operational satellites as part of an effort to enable commercial and non-U.S. government satellite operators to better avoid in-orbit collisions, according to U.S. Air Force officials”. [/color] The new policy, Space News reported, should be announced in June 2009. In a March 2009 response to Space News questions, the Air Force’s Space Command said that: “In the near future, the public will also receive more advanced services to include End-of-Lifesupport, Anomaly Resolution support, and potential threat notification support.The vision is to provide these advanced services via the same website as the [collision-risk analysis] and Launch support service is provided.” Space News cited an Air Force official as having said that a full review of how space traffic management is conducted is being readied for completion before this summer.

Space News also reported that Iridium Satellite has been given special access to otherwise nonpublic Space Surveillance Network information, but only for limited periods. According to Iridium’s vice president for government affairs, Iridium was given access to the high-accuracy data starting in January 2007, following China’s anti-satellite missile firing that destroyed a retired Chinese weather satellite operating in an orbit near Iridium’s. Space News reported that Iridium’saccess to the high-accuracy data was only for the debris from the Chinese anti-satellite test. The publication reported that although the access ended in January2008, it was renewed in February 2009 to aid Iridium in repositioning an on-orbitspare satellite to replace the one that was destroyed.

The Space News article also said that the data furnished by the Air Force was based only on the Air Force’s catalog and had not included inputs from Iridium on the exact location of its satellites. The “fusion” of such data is seen asaugmenting space situational awareness. According to Space News, “operator input makes even the most precise Air Force information more accurate because operators know the exact position of their own spacecraft.”

Many questions remain as to how to improve space situational awareness with an ever growing population of spacecraft and international operators. Improvements in information services, capabilities and resources, and coordination will all have to be addressed. One approach, the previously referenced fusion of data, would allow combining multiple sources of information to produce a more detailed and refined estimation of the orbital environment. Efforts are underway to improve the system of integrated data by incorporating foreign information, ground and space based observations, space weather data,and other data sources. This information should help provide more accuracy to automated processes and computations that will reduce the reliance on human analysis.

Not with standing DOD’s plans to upgrade the SSN, concerns have been raised regarding the Department’s level of investment in space surveillance and whether funding may be sufficient to provide the data commercial space users need to protect their satellites. In a March 2009 testimony before the Strategic Forces Subcommittee, House Armed Services Committee, retired Major General James Armor said that the SSN is not sufficiently resourced to support civil and commercial operations. The former Director of DOD’s National Security Space Office said that the Air Force does not have the resources to conduct CFE support, adding that “recent complaints by commercial operators about unwarned movement of DOD satellites and lack of support formoving commercial satellites at GEO, as well as the Iridium Satellite collision with a defunct Russian Cosmos satellite are indications of inadequate resources and lower priority for CFE.” In addition, space users have also indicated concern about insufficient funding. An article in Aviation Week and Space Technology recently quoted a satellite communications official as saying that the question is “whether there will be enough money to get more than the two-line elements currently available.” The article added that “Industry analysts say the two-line element sets do not satisfy operators’ accuracy needs: they want specific data sets that include such information as maneuvering details necessary to predict the ephemeris (daily computed position) of active satellites and to accurately forecast the close approach of drifting debris.”

The Air Force has indicated that 37,000 users and 110 countries have availed themselves of the CFE Pilot Program’s services. Lt. Gen. Larry D. James, a witness at the hearing, will provide the latest status on the CFE Pilot Program, including steps envisioned following the Pilot Program’s completion. Mr. Richard DalBello, also a witness at the hearing, will provide perspectives from the commercial user’s viewpoint.

Other Space Surveillance Analysis Tools and Services

There are other means for space operators to gain access to additional assistance. For example: NASA has developed a software tool to be used by the agency’s programs but also made available to other space users.

• The Debris Assessment Software (DAS) is designed to assist NASA programs in performing orbital debris assessments and provides the user with tools to assess compliance with the requirements. In addition, NASA has developed a computer-based orbital debris engineering model called ORDEM2000. The model describes the orbital debris environment in the low Earth orbit region between 200 km and 2,000 km altitude. NASA says that the model is appropriate for those engineering tasks requiring knowledge and estimates of the orbital debris environment and can also be used as a benchmark for ground-based debris measurements and observations. This engineering model will soon be enhanced with the upcoming release of ORDEM2008.
• The Satellite Orbital Conjunction Reports Assessing Threatening Encounters in Space for Geosynchronous (SOCRATES-GEO) service offered by the Center for Space Standards and Innovation (CSSI) provides commercial space users with an alternative to DOD analyses. Based in Colorado Springs, CO, CSSI is a research arm of Analytical Graphics, Inc. (AGI). SOCRATES-GEO is a partnership between CSSI and several commercial GEO providers where voluntary owner-operator positional data and maneuver schedules are provided to CSSI by the commercial partners. The CSSI analysts and software combine this information with data pulled from the U.S.military’s public satellite catalog on debris and other objects.
• As indicated in the European Space Agency’s (ESA) Space Debris website,the consolidation of knowledge on all known objects in space is a fundamental condition for the operational support activities of ESA’s Space Debris Office. This knowledge, the website says, is maintained and kept up-to-date through the DISCOS database (Database and Information System Characterising Objects in Space). DISCOS serves as a single-source reference for information on launch details, orbit histories, physical properties and mission descriptions for about 33,500 objects tracked since Sputnik-1, including records of 7.4 million orbits in total. According to ESA, DISCOS isregularly used by almost 50 customers worldwide.
• ESA’s most prominent debris and meteoroid risk assessment tool is called MASTER (Meteoroid and Space Debris Terrestrial Environment Reference). In order to study the effectiveness of debris mitigation measures on the debris population stability, long-term forecasts are required to determine future trends as a function of individual mitigation actions. This type of analysis can be performed with ESA's DELTA tool (Debris Environment Long-Term Analysis).

Collaborative Efforts to Mitigate the Growth of Orbital Debris and Enhance Space Situational Awareness

Because of the global nature of the risks of orbital debris to space users of all nations, several collaborative efforts have emerged in the form of guidelines to minimize the propagation of space debris and research to improve space situational awareness capabilities. While space surveillance focuses on securing positional data, situational awareness of ten times requires the “fusing” (combining) of multiple data types and sources, thus creating information conducive to decision-making.

International Space Debris Mitigation Guidelines

The Inter-Agency Space Debris Coordination Committee (IADC) is an international governmental forum for the worldwide coordination of activities related to the issues of man-made and natural debris in space. The primary purposes of IADC are to exchange information on space debris research activities between member space agencies, to facilitate opportunities for cooperation in space debris research, to review the progress of ongoing cooperative activities, and to identify debris mitigation options. IADC member agencies include ASI (Agenzia Spaziale Italiana); BNSC (British National Space Centre); CNES (Centre National d'Etudes Spatiales); CNSA (China National Space Administration); DLR (German Aerospace Center); ESA; ISRO (Indian Space Research Organisation); JAXA (Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency); NASA ; NSAU (National Space Agency of Ukraine); and ROSCOSMOS (Russian Federal Space Agency).

An initial set of space debris mitigation guidelines was developed by IADC in 2002, reflecting the fundamental debris mitigation elements of a series of existing practices, standards, codes and handbooks developed by a number of national and international organizations. The UN’s COPUOUS acknowledged the benefit of a set of high-level qualitative guidelines having wider acceptance among the global space community. The Working Group on Space Debris was established by the Scientific and Technical Subcommittee of the Committee to develop a set of recommended guidelines based on the technical content and the basic definitions of the IADC space debris mitigation guidelines, taking into consideration the United Nations treaties and principles on outer space.

This activity resulted in the Space Debris Mitigation Guidelines being endorsed by the United Nations’ General Assembly in December 2007, a document that outlines space debris mitigation measures for the mission planning, design, manufacture and operational (launch, mission and disposal) phases of spacecraf tand launch vehicle orbital stages. Compliance is voluntary; in addition, Guidelines are not legally binding under international law. However, many Member States have incorporated them through national mechanisms. The Guidelines, characterized numerically in the United Nations document, focus on seven areas:

• Guideline 1: Limit debris released during normal operations
• Guideline 2: Minimize the potential for break-ups during operational phases
• Guideline 3: Limit the probability of accidental collision in orbit
• Guideline 4: Avoid intentional destruction and other harmful activities
• Guideline 5: Minimize potential for post-mission break-ups resulting from stored energy
• Guideline 6: Limit the long-term presence of spacecraft and launch vehicle orbital stages in the low-Earth orbit (LEO) region after the end of their mission
• Guideline 7: Limit the long-term interference of spacecraft and launch vehicle orbital stages with the geosynchronous Earth orbit (GEO) region after the end of their mission

Shortly after the February 10, 2009 collision between the inactive Russian Federation communications satellite Cosmos 2251 and the operational U.S. satellite Iridium 33, the Director of the United Nations’ Office for Outer Space Affairs (UNOOSA) issued a call to all Member States and international organizations to voluntarily take measures to ensure that the Space Debris Mitigation Guidelines are fully implemented. The Director stressed that "the prompt implementation of appropriate space debris mitigation measures is in humanity's common interest, particularly if we are to preserve the outer space environment for future generations.”

5th European Conference on Space Debris

During the 5th European Conference on Space Debris held earlier this month in Darmstadt, Germany, experts from around the world met to discuss a variety of issues associated with space debris such as measurements and debris environment characterization; environment modeling and forecasting, risk analysis for the in-orbit and re-entry mission phases, protection and shielding, debris mitigation and remediation, and debris policies and guidelines.

As noted on the Conference’s website, the Conference’s main finding was that mitigation alone cannot maintain a safe and stable debris environment in the long-term future and that active space debris remediation measures will need to be devised and implemented. Conferees recognized that such measures are technologically demanding and potentially costly, but saw no alternative to protect space as a valuable resource for the operation of indispensable satellite infrastructures. The website conference summary stated that as far as satellite infrastructures are concerned “their direct costs and the costs of losing them will by far exceed the cost of remedial activities.”

Research on a European Union Space Surveillance Awareness System

ESA is undertaking research on European countries’ needs for Space Situational Awareness (SSA). ESA defines SSA as the comprehensive understanding and knowledge of (a) the population of space objects, (b) the space environment, and (c) possible threats/risks. As such, the European SSA differs in philosophy to the U.S. SSN in that “astronomical threats”, such as asteroids, will be tracked. In a September 2008 presentation entitled “ESA’s initiative towards a European Space Situational Awareness System” at the Space for Defence and Security Conference sponsored by the Royal United Services Institute, an ESA representative outlined his agency’s progress to date. He provided the background for the research, noting the European Union’s (EU) dependency on space assets; the major consequences of a shutdown of even a part of the space infrastructure on the European economy and security; and the fact that the EU does not have the capability to monitor its space assets and identify threats. The ESA representative said that relative to the SSA research program, ESA had (1) established an informal user group representing the full spectrum of potential SSA user communities (civil, military, commercial operators, national space agencies, insurance companies, scientific community, defense intelligence, etc.), (2) initiated several preliminary studies such as a compilation of a SSA Users’ Needs list; and (3) prepared an SSA research Program Proposal.

According to the ESA representative, the overall research program will be conducted from 2009 to 2018. With regards to the benefits of a Europe-U.S. cooperative SSA effort, the ESA representative listed those benefits as making the two systems more capable, more robust, and more “credible” (i.e., “through reciprocal independent situational assessment and validation”).

Others in the global community also believe an inter-agency coalition should be formed to develop an international space traffic management organization. A February 23, 2009 Space News article quotes Air Force Gen. Michael Carey, deputy director of U.S. Strategic Command as saying that the Air Force would be willing to help coordinate an international effort to create a space traffic management system, but the service stopped short of suggesting what entity would take the lead in operating such a system.

Future Challenges Associated with Space Debris Mitigation, Removal, and Designation of Responsibility

There are a number of challenges facing the global community with regards to how space debris could be mitigated or removed, how responsibility for space traffic management will be assigned, and whether rules of conduct to minimize space debris need to be explicitly stated. Space Debris Mitigation and Removal There are two major methods for stemming the growth of orbital debris. Growth mitigation is currently the primary and only means for combating space debris.This more cost effective method includes all preventative measures taken to reduce the possibility for multiple types of debris generating events. One method of mitigation involves disposing of spacecraft at the end of their operational lifetime by maneuvering them into the Earth’s atmosphere or by placing them into ahigher “graveyard orbit.” The passivation of aging spacecraft is used to prevent accidental debris generating events that can occur many years after mission completion by reducing stored energy sources by venting or burning remaining propellants and pressurized systems, and the discharging of batteries. There are also preventative design measures that can be added to a spacecraft or rocket during its design and manufacturing stages that can reduce the possibility of future explosions and that limit the amount of debris generated during in-space activities.

The second method is active debris removal. NASA studies have shown that even if there were no new launches of any kind, orbital debris would continue togrow as existing spacecraft and debris continued to collide and propagate. Therefore, various experts have recently come to the conclusion that active debris removal must be viewed as a possible solution as there is no other apparent alternative for proactively reducing debris. Yet, active debris removal is extremely expensive to design, test, and produce and has therefore been a historically low engineering research and development priority. Very few theoretical methods of active debris removal exist, and several studies have been initiated by different space agencies and groups to verify the technical feasibility of several proposed methods.

Responsibility for Space Traffic Management and Rules of the Road

Retired General James Armor testified at the previously noted House Armed Services Committee subcommittee hearing that there is currently no assigned organizational responsibility for space traffic management in the U.S. While acknowledging that the National Security Space Office (NSSO) maintains DOD’sjoint agency architecture, he noted that responsibilities for space traffic management are located in several other agencies. For example, the FAA’s Office of Commercial Space Transportation grants launch and re-entry licenses, the Federal Communications Commission grants orbital locations and spectrum, and the Air Force operates the Space Surveillance system. He drewan analogy with the Global Positioning System (GPS) that started as a strictly military system but rapidly grew to have civil and commercial applications. General Armor recalled how organizational responsibility became vested in a National Executive Committee co-chaired by DOD and the Department of Transportation having oversight over diverse agency functions and resources. He advocated that “Synchronizing these agencies to jointly start studying aspace traffic management investment framework might be productive. Working towards a commercially secure space operating environment is an opportunity for global U.S. space leadership that addresses a huge portion ofspace security. This is also where discussions about rules of the road might be beneficial”.

In addition, there have been other organizations and individuals that have examined the pros and cons of potential space traffic management approachesor international “rules of the road.” There is currently no international treaty, document or set of agreed upon guidelines that mandates a legal set of approaches towards space traffic management. The most concrete set of “rules of the road” originate from the space agencies internally. Legal solutions to such concerns as liability issues remain unclear. No standard exists for what constitutes negligence, nor is there a clear approach towards resolving possible incidents between foreign civil, commercial and military spacecraft. At this point, there does not appear to be a consensus on the appropriate long-term framework for space traffic management. Dr. Pace, a witness at today’s hearing, will discuss some of the policy issue implications of keeping the space environment safe for civil and commercial users, such as the ramifications of enhanced sharing of space situational awareness information.
« Последнее редактирование: Май 12, 2009, 00:58:59 от Игорь »

Олег Чекалин

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Re: Про нас пишут и наши интервью
« Ответ #79 : Май 06, 2009, 01:00:08 »

- С открытием центра мы расширим границы подготовки специалистов для космической отрасли, - говорит руководитель центра профессор Лев Границкий.

Этот "руководитель центра " даже ни разу не появился посмотреть на создание обсерватории, а теперь умное лицо делает.
« Последнее редактирование: Май 06, 2009, 01:14:17 от Игорь »


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Re: Про нас пишут и наши интервью
« Ответ #80 : Май 12, 2009, 00:39:58 »

McGill International Interdisciplinary Space Debris Congress Wrap-up

Thanks to Brian Weeden, Secure World Foundation Technical Consultan, for the bulk of this write-up.

The International Interdisciplinary Space Debris Congress held at McGill University in Montreal, Canada has concluded. This was an event primarily put together by Dr. Ram Jaku of the McGill School of Air and Space Law with funding support from the Erin Arsenault Trust. Brian Weeden and Ben Baseley-Walker of Secure World Foundation had significant input into the agenda and objectives for the event. The event, attended by between 50 and 75 legal and technical professionals, was devised as the first part of a two-phase project, with part two being hosted at the University of Cologne in May 2010. The Cologne workshop will include a smaller list of participants and focus on drafting a set of legal, policy, and technical recommendations for moving forward on the space debris mitigation issue.

First Session
The first session was chaired by Lubos Perek of the Czech Republic and represented a summary of current knowledge on space debris from both a legal and technical aspect. Fernand Alby, representing France’s Centre National d'Etudes Spatiales (CNES) gave a summary of the amount of debris currently on orbit, the danger to satellites, and the re-entry issue. Rudi Jehn of the European Space Agency (ESA) followed with a talk on how we detect and observe space debris using the US Space Surveillance Network (SSN), some European sensors, and the International Scientific Optical observation Network (ISON), highlighting areas where there are tracking shortfalls. This was followed by Darius Nikanpour of the Canadian Space Agency (CSA) who talked about space debris mitigation technologies, from spacecraft design to satellite on-orbit and end of life practices. Finally, Stephan Hobe of the University of Cologne Space Law program in Germany presented a legal analysis of how current space and international law applies to space debris. He focused on the issue of the legal definition of space debris, the potential illegality of debris creation and obligation to prevent and minimize debris, and the legality of removal and recycling of space debris.

Second Session
The second session was chaired by Richard Tremayne-Smith and focused on an analysis of the voluntary debris mitigation guidelines developed by the Inter-Agency Space Debris Coordination Committee (IADC) and endorsed by the United Nations Committee on the Peaceful Uses of Outer Space (COPUOS) from both a technical and legal perspective. Niklas Hedman of the UN Office of Outer Space Affairs (OOSA) gave a talk on the IADC and UN COPOUS process and how that shaped the design of the guidelines. Stephan Hobe discussed potential legal issues in establishing national regulations for implementation. David Wright of the Union of Concerned Scientists (UCS) finished up the session with an interesting analysis of the history of intentional and unintentional collisions and what the wartime destruction of a US spy satellite by a Chinese anti-satellite (ASAT) weapon might look like (a scenario that generated about three to five times as much debris as the ASAT/FY-1C event of January 2007).

Third Session
The third session was chaired by Jeff Foust of Futron Corporation and focused on current implantation of the IADC/UN COPOUS debris mitigation guidelines by various States. US Air Force (USAF) Major Mike Taylor of Air Force Space Command (AFSPC) talked about how the USAF was implementing them through regulations and policy, which is considered national “soft law” (as opposed to codes and statutes which are “hard law”), and a bit about the role of the Commercial and Foreign Entities (CFE) program in this regard. The Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) was represented by Laura Montgomery, who gave a talk about the FAA role in inserting debris mitigation guidelines into licensing requirements. The primary issue here is that the FAA’s Office of Commercial Space Transportation (AST) only has jurisdiction over the launch and re-entry phases and not explicitly over the on-orbit phase. Carsten Weidemann (Germany’s IADC group) outlined the long-term impacts of both tracked and untracked debris on satellites and showed some initial cost estimates and returns for various levels of IADC debris mitigation guidelines implementation – the level 2 guidelines started to payoff in 2041.

K R S Murthi from the Indian Space Research Organization (ISRO) provided an overview of ISRO activities and how it is implementing the debris guidelines. He mentioned that India has made a policy decision not to have any intentional breakups and that India does support discussion of a future international treaty on space debris. Jiehan Feng of China’s Wuhan University gave a legal overview of China’s regulatory situation and how they are looking to implement the guidelines. In particular, she pointed out that China is looking to harmonize its national space launch and regulations and increase the internal coordination between government departments. Michael Yakolev (ROSCOSMOS) talked about Russian implementation, the most recent example of which was a national law mandating debris mitigation which came into force in January 2009. He also talked a bit about the Russian center that does conjunction analysis and highlighted the need for transparency. Finally, Hugues Gilbert (CSA) talked about Canadian implementation, particularly the new Canadian Remote Sensing Space Systems Act.

Fourth Session
This session, chaired by Secure World Foundation (SWF) Executive Director Dr. Ray Williamson, focused on the various implementation strategies beyond those that were currently being used. The first talk was by Adigun Ade of Nigeria who provided the developing country perspective. He highlighted the need to get the developing countries involved in the process, since it is important to them from a safety (re-entering space debris) and security (their space assets) standpoint. Most significantly, he talked about the need to invest in knowledge and science in developing countries so they could contribute meaningfully to the discussion. Wade Huntley of the Canadian-based Simons Center for Disarmament and Non-Proliferation Research followed with a talk on the differences in perspective between great powers and developing countries and how including the latter could help shift the debate on space away from nationalistic tendencies towards cooperation.

Ram Jakhu from the McGill Law School then discussed the various levels of international law, starting with voluntary guidelines at the least strict end and a multilateral treaty with verification mechanisms on the high end. Within this spectrum, he talked about how the space debris mitigation guidelines might fit well in a system like the Missile Technology Control Regime (MCTR) or even the Limited Test Ban Treaty. Intelsat’s Richard Dalbello gave the commercial perspective on the issue, talking about the need for agreement on radiofrequency issues as well as debris. He said that the decisions we make in the next 5-10 years will have huge implications for the future and strongly advocated making every satellite a sensor and some level of space traffic management.

Tommasso Sgobba (International Association for the Advancement of Space Safety) gave the non-governmental organization (NGO) perspective on the situation. He talked about other issues of space safety such as the threat to air traffic and toxic pollution. In particular, he mentioned that the Columbia disaster created a curtain of falling debris across a large part of the US that created a 1 in 1,000 collision hazard for air traffic. He felt strongly that space debris needed to be part of a larger space safety regime and that a lightweight international organization was needed to manage and oversee adoption.

Dave Finkelman from the Center for Space Standards and Innovation (CSSI) discussed ISO (International Organization for Standardization) processes and industrial standards. He emphasized that unless the guidelines were validated, verifiable, enforced and had demonstrated sufficiency they were mostly worthless. In particular, he talked about the need for international industrial consensus on this and especially a focus on safety focus in the orbit and constellation design phase. Xavier Pasco (Fondation pour la Recherche Stratégique) talked about how European policy on space security is developing. Space is seen as an element of the security of the European citizen, and that space is seen as a way of doing soft power projection at a time when it is difficult to get agreement on an overall European security and defense policy. Finally, Rudi Jehn (ESA) spoke again on the re-orbit situation. In 2008, only seven of the 12 satellites in geosynchronous orbit (GEO) that failed were re-orbited safely in accordance with the guidelines and that less than 400 of the 1,200 trackable objects near the GEO belt were active satellites.

Fifth Session
This session, chaired by Claudio Portelli (ESA) focused on complementary regimes and initiatives that could work well with the UN COPOUS debris mitigation guidelines. Technical Consultant Brian Weeden (SWF) gave a presentation on international civil space situational awareness (ICSSA). This was followed by Luca del Monte (ESA) who gave a talk on the European SSA initiative, in particular how they were making progress on a governance model and data sharing policy. Maria Buzdugan of Milbank Insurance talked about the issue from a space insurer’s perspective and how the insurance industry is starting to think differently about space debris. However, for the time being it is still a small fraction of the overall risk to satellites. She also mentioned that every satellite insurance policy has exclusion for destruction or damage due to an ASAT attack as well as damage or destruction from a collision with a piece of debris from an ASAT attack. Also, since the debris mitigation guidelines are becoming standardized, non-compliance may be seen as fault for any damage resulting from not complying. Finally, Bill Ailor (The Aerospace Corporation) talked about space traffic management and re-iterated his proposal for an international non-profit being setup to handle this.

Sixth Session
Chaired by Paul Dempsey of McGill University featured all the session chairs giving wrap-ups of their sessions along with a speech by Ciro Arevalo, Chairman of COPUOS. There was then an extended discussion with comments and input from much of the audience on where to go from here. Several big issues were highlighted:

1) The need to find a way to involve the developing world in the process in a meaningful and constructive way, and to expand implementation in a realistic way beyond the space faring States.
2) The role and development of regional mechanisms to overcome the lack of national mechanisms in non-space faring nations and the need to avoid fragmentation of multiple efforts.
3) Analysis and discussion of the right level of international law as the next step in space debris mitigation, and whether or not it should be part of a larger space safety regime. Should there be one big regime or agreement, or multiple overlapping ones at different levels?
4) The role and mechanism for involving commercial operators as partners with governments in this process.
5) Making sure the debris mitigation guidelines are validated, verifiable, enforced and have demonstrated sufficiency for solving the problem.
6) How do we future proof any space debris regime by adding in links to SSA and future STM regimes?
7) What is the research plan for active debris removal, something that everyone agrees is going to become necessary?
8 ) What is the role that space safety plays in the overall context of global human and environmental security? Can we continue to treat space as separate from overall security issues?
« Последнее редактирование: Май 12, 2009, 02:42:51 от Игорь »


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Re: Про нас пишут и наши интервью
« Ответ #81 : Май 16, 2009, 21:12:57 »
Пресс Центр Межведомственного Координационного Совета при Президенте Приднестровской Молдавской Республики

Новости Приднестровья

В Приднестровском астрономическом центре появился новый универсальный телескоп

Важные события для приднестровского астрономического центра не только в научном, но и образовательном плане. Планетарий получил еще одно подтверждение тесного сотрудничества с Пулковской обсерваторией - современный, многофункциональный телескоп. Он позволит заняться изучением самых отдаленных уголков Вселенной.

С каждым годом количество космического мусора вокруг планеты Земля растет заметными темпами. Более 3 миллионов обломков спутников, завершивших свой срок службы, продолжают кружить вокруг Земли, образуя кольцо. Этот мусор, возникший под влиянием человека, сегодня создает серьезные проблемы даже для запуска нового спутника на орбиту. С целью контроля за космическим пространством в 2004 году в России была создана Пулковскоя кооперация оптических наблюдателей – ПулКОН. В эту организацию входят 10 обсерваторий и наблюдательных пунктов по всему миру, в их числе и научно-методический центр астрономии ПГУ.     

Александр Выхристенко, директор научно-методического центра астрономии и астрофизики: «Перед новым годом состоялась небольшая командировка – поездка в Москву, где мы встречались в рамках договора, который подписан между ПГУ и рядом субъектов РАН и Пулковской обсерватории».  Из Москвы Александр Михайлович, директор астрономического центра приднестровского университета, привез уникальное оборудование – широкоугольную астрономическую фотокамеру. Таких объективов создано всего два: один - в Уссурийске, то есть на востоке, второй - в Тирасполе.

После установки объектива астрономический центр сможет получать фотографии высокой четкости и большой глубины проникновения. Это будет уже третий телескоп в центре. Предыдущий телескоп здесь был установлен 3 года назад, так же при поддержке российских коллег. А вот самый первый телескоп смонтировали еще в 1965 году, и сегодня он выполняет роль «тренажера» для студентов, и все меньше используется для научных исследований, уступая место современным аналогам. До конца года планируется установить еще 2 телескопа.   

Александр Выхристенко, директор научно-методического центра астрономии и астрофизики: «В этом году мы также планируем получить новое оборудование и в том числе очень сложные системы, которые позволят нам создать 80-сантиметровый телескоп, и в результате такого оснащения мы сможем наблюдать огромный спектр космических объектов».

« Последнее редактирование: Май 16, 2009, 21:20:30 от Игорь »


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Re: Про нас пишут и наши интервью
« Ответ #82 : Май 21, 2009, 00:23:04 »
Заметка в газете "Приднестровье":


Обсерватория на базе ПГУ им. Т.Г. Шевченко уже три года является полноценным партнёром Пулковской кооперации оптических наблюдателей (ПулКон, международное название — ison), в состав которой входит около 20 обсерваторий в странах СНГ и дальнего зарубежья.

Основная задача — контроль космического пространства на предмет мониторинга полёта космических спутников Земли, космического мусора, а также астероидов и комет, опасно приближающихся к Земле. Благодаря участию в этой программе обсерватория получила новейшее оборудование — сверхширокоугольную астро-фотографическую камеру, специально разработанную для обзоров неба и поиска космического мусора, комет, астероидов и искусственных спутников. Таких камер всего две в мире, и возможности, которыми она обладает, позволяют разглядеть на околоземной орбите объекты величиной от 10 см. Все данные, полученные обсерваторией, отправляются в главный центр ПулКона в Москву, где они проходят дальнейшее изучение и обработку. Помимо этой задачи обсерватория является крупным образовательным центром, в котором проходят подготовку лучшие студенты физико-математического факультета. Не так давно  был завершён ремонт и переоснащение планетария, где вне зависимости от времени суток можно изучать положение небесных тел на карте и анализировать снимки, полученные во время ночных съемок.  Одним словом, обсерватория выполняет не только образовательную функцию, но участвует в обеспечении безопасности Земли и совершаемых с неё космических полётов от столкновения с различными космическими объектами.

А. Кононов.
Фото автора.


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Re: Про нас пишут и наши интервью
« Ответ #83 : Июнь 01, 2009, 23:35:43 »


Geosync Spies

Тут есть такая фраза:

The International Scientific Optical Network, primarily a Russian venture, has discovered 152 ‘unknown’ objects, likely including classified US satellites, that have no public orbital information in the US catalog. It also has also tracked 192 previously unknown faint space debris objects in geosynchronous orbit.

И несколько картинок из статьи

- In a top secret operation, the U.S. Defense Dept. is conducting the first deep space inspection of a crippled U.S. military spacecraft. To do this, it is using sensors on two covert inspection satellites that have been prowling geosynchronous orbit for nearly three years. The failed satellite being examined is the $400 million U.S. Air Force/Northrop Grumman Defense Support Program DSP 23 missile warning satellite. It died in 2008 after being launched successfully from Cape Canaveral in November 2007 on the first operational Delta 4-Heavy booster.

- The Orbital Sciences and Lockheed Martin “Mitex” inspection spacecraft involved are part of a classified Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA) technology development program. When initially launched on a Delta 2 from Cape Canaveral in 2006, the project involved maneuvering around and inspecting each other at geosynchronous altitude.

- The US currently accounts for roughly 95 percent of total global military space expenditures with approximately 130 operational military-related satellites – over half of all military satellites in orbit, says spacesecurity.org.

- Politics aside, the unfurling of a 100 meter antenna on board a geosynchronous spacecraft would have to be viewed as a major milestone for telecommunications world-wide. The $2B secret reconnaissance satellite is a high-risk, high-stakes gamble.
« Последнее редактирование: Июнь 01, 2009, 23:51:36 от Игорь »


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Re: Про нас пишут и наши интервью
« Ответ #84 : Июнь 09, 2009, 10:46:41 »
McGill International Interdisciplinary Space Debris Congress Wrap-up

На этом конгрессе нас упоминали в нескольких докладах.

1. International Civil SSA as a Complementary Initiative, Brian Weeden, Technical Strategist, Secure World Foundation

International Scientific Optical Network (ISON)
• 25 telescopes at 18 institutions in 9 States
• Coordinated Academy of Sciences

2. RUSSIASPACE DEBRIS AND CHALLENGES TO SAFETY OF SPACE ACTIVITY, Yuriy Makarov, Dmitriy Gorobets, Federal Space Agency, Michael Yakovlev, Central Research Institute of Machine Building

International Scientific Optical Network(ISON)
ISON is an open international non-governmentproject mainly aimed at being a free source of information on space objects for scientific analysis.

The Scientific Optical Instruments Network for astrometric and photometric tracking of space debris fragments was organized. The Network integrates 18 observatories, 25 telescopes. The Network includes three specialized subsystems –
• GEO and GTO objects surveillance;
• high orbit small-size space debris fragments detection and tracking;
• LEO and high elliptical orbit objects observation.
In 2008 effectiveness of the Network have been enhanced by 2.5 times as compared with 2007. Due to Network capabilities the number of known GEO objects have increased more than 35%.

3. Debris Detection and Observation Systems, Rüdiger Jehn, ESA/ESOC, Robert-Bosch-Str. 5, 64293 Darmstadt, Germany

International scientific optical network
Green circles –ISON observatory working in the project during few years already.
Blue circles –ISON observatories working first year only.
Yellow circles –ISON observatories where preparatory work are carried out.
Red circles –observatories –foreign partners of the ISON.
Orange circles –observatories –Russian partners of the ISON.

Search and survey subsystem for studying of the bright GEO-objects consists of 11 telescopes of 22-cm aperture with FOV of 4°and 5.5°
Subsystem for high altitude faint space debris detection and tracking consist of telescopes of 0.4-2.6 m apertures
Search and survey subsystem for studying of the bright HEO and LEO objects will consists of 4 telescopes of 12.5-cm aperture with FOV of 15°and 10 telescopes of 25-cm -with FOV of 3°
« Последнее редактирование: Июнь 09, 2009, 20:41:12 от Игорь »


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Re: Про нас пишут и наши интервью
« Ответ #85 : Июнь 21, 2009, 21:49:11 »

На сайте Российской академии наук, нашел любопытный документ:

Прогноз развития научных и технологических направлений, имеющих значительный прикладной потенциал в долгосрочной перспективе, представленный институтами РАН


В пункте 1.7.4. Космические исследования (страница 15)

Есть такие фразы про нашу работу:

Необходимо также решать комплекс задач по анализу техногенной засоренности околоземного космического пространства (ОКП) оптическими и радиолокационными средствами, разработке и созданию динамических моделей состояния ОКП. В ИПМ создан центр по сбору измерительной информации об объектах техногенного происхождения в ОКП, ее хранению, обработки и анализу. Осуществляется развитие и координация работ "Научной сети оптических инструментов для астрометрических и фотометрических наблюдений техногенных объектов" (НСОИ АФН). На начало 2008 г. НСОИ АФН объединяет: 18 научных учреждений, 25 телескопов, более 50 наблюдателей и исследователей. В результате выполненных работ произведен качественный скачок: контролируется вся область и налажены регулярные обзоры в широкой полосе, достигнута полнота информации по объектам ярче 15 звездной величины. Налажен процесс обнаружения и устойчивого сопровождения значительного количества малоразмерных фрагментов на высоких орбитах (всего получено более 100000 измерений по ~450 фрагментам). Объем и качественные показатели результатов находятся на самом высоком уровне и превосходят во многом результаты зарубежных ученых.


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Re: Про нас пишут и наши интервью
« Ответ #86 : Июнь 24, 2009, 14:35:02 »

Dead Man Floating

June 15, 2009: In the last 13 years, eight space satellites have been destroyed by collisions with one of the 300,000 lethal (the size of a marble or larger) bits of space junk that are in orbit. As more satellites are launched, more bits of space junk are left in orbit. Based on that, and past experience, it's predicted that ten more satellites will be destroyed by space junk in the next five years. Manned space missions are at risk as well. The recent U.S. Space Shuttle mission to fix the Hubble space telescope, faced a one in 229 chance of getting hit with space junk (that would have likely damaged the shuttle, and required a back up shuttle be sent up to rescue the crew.) Smaller, more numerous, bits of space junk are more of a danger to astronauts (in space suits) working outside. The shuttle crew working outside to repair the Hubble satellite had a much lower chance  of being killed by space junk, because a man in a space suit is much smaller, and the space suits are designed to help the person inside survive a strike by a microscopic piece of space junk.
The U.S. is spending nearly a billion dollars a year in an attempt to better identify, and track, the larger, more lethal bits of space junk. Later this year, the U.S. Air Force is putting a special Space Based Space Surveillance system (SBSS) satellite into orbit. This $425 million satellite contains a digital camera to take pictures of space debris, and make it easier to count and track the growing quantity of space junk up there. Getting a better, and more timely, look at space junk has become a priority.

The U.S. has proposed using a space based laser to destroy much of the space junk. The laser either vaporizes debris, or damages the larger bits so that its orbit "decays" and the junk moves down into the atmosphere and burns up. Many nations object to this proposal, as such a laser system could also be used as an anti-satellite weapon. However, if the growing swarm of space junk destroys lots more satellites, that attitude may change.

After over half a century of humans putting objects into orbit, there is a lot of junk circling the planet. Currently, over 300,000 dangerous objects 10 mm (.4 inch) in size have been identified. The smallest of these is capable of disabling a satellite, or damaging a spacecraft. That's because these objects can hit at very high speed (9-10 times faster than a bullet) if they, and their target, are coming from different directions. There are nearly 18,000 objects 10 centimeters (4 inches) or larger. These can do some catastrophic damage to satellites or spacecraft. There are billions of objects smaller than 10mm, and these are responsible for many satellites failing early because of cumulative damage from getting hit by several of these micro objects.

The U.S. Air Force Space Surveillance Network tracks nearly 18,000 objects 10mm and larger, but stopped sharing all of its information five years ago, for national security reasons. The United States will be under a lot of pressure to change this policy once the SBBS goes into operation. With some 900 active satellites in orbit, and nearly half of them are American, there is a need to provide better tracking of dangerous space junk. About 75 percent of all satellites are non-military (most of them commercial, the rest government non-military birds.) With SBBS, the U.S. will be much better able to protect its satellites from the growing debris menace. Other nations, particularly American allies, will want the same degree of safety.

There are other organizations keeping an eye on the debris. The Russian Space Surveillance System is known to use radar to track over 5,000 objects in low orbit. But the Russians have never shared this data completely, or regularly. Filling in the gaps are two international organizations; IADC (Inter-Agency Space Debris Coordination Committee) and ISON (International Space Observation Network). IADC is a government operation, whose members include the U.S. NASA, and the equivalents in Russia, China and several other major nations. Like most government organizations, not all data is shared.

ISON is a non-government organization, and they come up with some of the most interesting stuff. ISON comprises 18 scientific institutions, 18 observatories, 25 telescopes and over a hundred professionals. ISON does not, as far as anyone knows, withhold data because of any national security concerns. This is fairly certain because ISON work is monitored, and complemented, by the efforts of thousands of amateur astronomers and orbital addicts who connect via the Internet, and constantly scour the orbital space for new objects, and dangerous movements by existing ones.

ISON already has spotted nearly 200 larger (over 10mm) objects that have never been reported by any of the government organizations. The Internet based amateurs are often the first to spot a lot of this new activity, mainly because they have more eyeballs, and, in some cases, impressive optical equipment, searching the skies.

When someone spots an object headed for a maneuverable satellite, the owner is alerted, and the bird is moved. This has happened several times in the last few years. The number of dangerous objects up there increases 10-20 percent a year. That's even with many of them falling into the atmosphere and burning up each year. Even when you spot a potential collision between debris and an active satellite, the high speed of these objects, and slight instability of their orbits, can turn an expected collision into a near miss. This is not an exact science, but the more information you have, the more accurate your predictions will be.

SBBS has a military purpose, to spot and track hostile KillSats, sent up to destroy American satellites. If the initial SBBS is successful, more will be launched, to provide real time surveillance of orbital space. But most of the time, SBBS will serve to make space safer from catastrophic accidental collisions.


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Re: Про нас пишут и наши интервью
« Ответ #87 : Июнь 24, 2009, 14:42:04 »
Из Википедии:


Kosmické smetí


která se zaměřuje na koordinaci a spolupráci mezi agenturami a ISON (International Space Observation Network), což je mezinárodní síť sledovacích observatoří.


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Re: Про нас пишут и наши интервью
« Ответ #88 : Июль 02, 2009, 11:47:03 »
 Привет, Игорь!
Я доделал фильм о приключениях "Пулконовцев" в Красноярске. Любой желающий может скачать:http://sky.sibsau.ru/index.php?option=com_docman&task=cat_view&gid=23&Itemid=51
Конечно в оригинале (на DVD диске качество выше), а здесь я его поджал для инета, но все равно нормально. Там есть еще один фильм, про СФУ и их обсерваторию, можно сравнить.


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Re: Про нас пишут и наши интервью
« Ответ #89 : Июль 02, 2009, 22:25:05 »
Нашел, что нашу заметку Первые шаги проекта автоматизации телескопов ПулКОН перепечатали в журнале для любителей астрономии "Телескопостроение и оптика":