Автор Тема: Обсерватория рядом с Барселоной  (Прочитано 11185 раз)


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Обсерватория рядом с Барселоной
« : Февраль 05, 2015, 00:33:58 »
Comet c/2014 Q2 (Lovejoy) taken by TFRM team on Jan 9, 2015.  False color composite of 5 frames stacking, each one of 60s.


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Re: Обсерватория рядом с Барселоной
« Ответ #1 : Июль 31, 2015, 12:07:57 »
Fabra-ROA telescope at Montsec. From early satellite tracking age to space surveillance



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Re: Обсерватория рядом с Барселоной
« Ответ #2 : Август 01, 2015, 02:12:14 »
Telescope Fabra ROA Montsec: a new robotic wide-field Baker-Nunn facility


The  TFRM was installed at the Observatori Astronomic del Montsec (OAdM), in the Catalo- nian  Pre-Pyrenees, whose WGS84  coordinates are:  φ = 42◦. 0516 N, λ = 0◦. 7293 E, and  h = 1570 m HMSL.  To  date,  the OAdM  is pioneered  by the Consorci  del Montsec, an  institution run  by the Catalonian Government.  The observatory is located  at the Montsec d’Ares mountain, 50 km South of the central Pyrenees, in the province  of Lleida (Spain). The  site was chosen after a site-testing campaign.  The  OAdM  also hosts the 0.8 m Joan Or´o Telescope,  named  in honour  of this famous Catalonian researcher.
The  installation  of the TFRM at  OAdM  resulted  in a number of infrastructure  upgrades to the facility  as a whole:  stable  power  line,  a 100 Mbps  Internet access via fiber optics  cable,  and enhanced security fence.

The  International Scientific Optical Network (ISON)  is a civilian  non-governmental project devoted  to space debris research  and space situation awareness.  TFRM is collaborating with ISON in its sistematic survey  of the GEO  Protected Zone since 2011 (Agapov  et al. 2011).   Positional measurements  are  derived  using  advanced trailed  image  reduction  techniques  included  in APEX- II  sofware  (Devyatkin et al.  2010).   As  a  result  of this  collaboration, the TFRM is one  of the sensors that contributes to the completeness of the objects without Two-Line-Element data  of ESA’s DISCOS  database, as stated at  the last “Classification of Geosynchronous Objects Report” issued by ESA (Floher  2012).
Currently TFRM is observing  routinely and  can detect an average  of 400 GEO  objects tracks per night with an accuracy  better than 0′.′ 5 in both  coordinates and  a limit magnitude of 16 mag. Furthermore, the TFRM team is in the process of improving  the limit of detection towards fainter GEO objects (Fors  et al. 2010c).  Typically in a 12 hour night the TFRM is measuring around  2800 positions of 320 different objects.
A good  example  of the TFRM’s  capabilities  in  the SST  field was  the early  detection  after the MSG-3 (Meteosat  10) satellite  launch.   This  GEO  satellite  was on its way after  lifting  off on an  Ariane  5 at  21:36 UTC  on  Thursday, 5 July from  Europe’s  Spaceport  at  the Guiana  Space Centre  in Kourou,  French  Guiana.  The  MSG-3  was first  detected  by  TFRM on the night  of 12
July, during  our routine collaboration in the ISON geosynchronous space survey.  Three  tracks (see Fig. 18) were detected over the night with the automatic GEO  objects detection software APEX- II. With additional follow-up observations from other  telescopes of ISON network, an initial orbit determination was performed  by ISON  before  the satellite TLEs  were published, and  the results showed that the satellite was indeed the MSG-3, which was drifting East at 3◦  per hour rate.  Hence, it was caught maneuvering to its final 0◦  longitude expected geostationary slot.


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Re: Обсерватория рядом с Барселоной
« Ответ #3 : Апрель 21, 2016, 00:28:59 »
Hi Dmitry,

after testing the TFRM's survey movements and cycle times, our best
parametes for editing the observing list are as follow:

FoV = 4.2deg (in RA) x 2.9deg (in DEC)

Exposure time = 13s
Frame to frame = 20s

Times in funtion of the number of fields per column in DEC (and the
same when column changes):
4 fields = 25s
5 fields = 26s
6 fields = 27s
7 fields = 28s

Any other movement:

Have in mind that these times are not the real slewing time to one
field to another. Actually is the total optimized cycle (texp + tstop
+ tslew + tstop) with the constrait: tstop + tslew + tstop > camera
download time.

Thanks and regards,


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Re: Обсерватория рядом с Барселоной
« Ответ #4 : Апрель 21, 2016, 13:12:05 »
Оur sensor (10190) has physical constraints rather than "horizontal obstruction". Our limits are 65deg in HA (positive and
negative) and +61deg in DEC, with a lower limit in altitude of 13deg.

Our equivalent focal lenght is 479mm (apex calculated scale of 2.368 arcs/pix with a pixel of 5.5 microns)



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Re: Обсерватория рядом с Барселоной
« Ответ #5 : Март 14, 2017, 11:52:40 »
Thanks Viktor, it seems that the latest changes of camera electronics are bringing us very good results! Nice!

Thanks and regards,


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Re: Обсерватория рядом с Барселоной
« Ответ #6 : Июнь 29, 2017, 13:39:35 »
Hi Viktor,

    two weeks ago the CCD shutter broke, so we had to open the telescope chage it and recolimate, not an easy maneuver with the Baker.

    The night of this report there was a part of the night with many images rejected with a lot of "false" detections, so we tried to increase thsese number in order not te be rejected and see what happens. After ISON report we have been checking the images with de "unknowns" and confirmed that all of them were false detections. We think that maybe is a threshold problem, we will try to increase it and see what happens next observations.

    Maybe next week we will be performing some maintenances there at the observatory.

Bests regards,
    Lluís Canals


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Re: Обсерватория рядом с Барселоной
« Ответ #7 : Июль 01, 2017, 14:13:55 »
Hey Lluis and all,

My five cents, just in case. This could be due to the difference in
FWHM, focus, and/or PSF shape in general after collimation.
Low-threshold detection is very sensitive to things like that, so
(assuming the focus is good) you might need to adjust the morphology
filtering parameters in [apex.extraction.filtering.trail_filters]. It's
the last thing to do after you make sure the images are perfect, and I
hope that you won't ever need to go that far because it's a slippery
slope, and you may easily end up in more false positives and less real
detections than before if applied without caution. I can try to help you
fine-tuning detection if nothing else helps.



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Re: Обсерватория рядом с Барселоной
« Ответ #8 : Январь 07, 2019, 03:11:19 »

Telescope Fabra ROA Montsec: a new robotic wide-field Baker-Nunn facility

3.2. Space debris
The TFRM’s collaboration in the SSA/SST international effort develops in two different projects: the European Space Agency (ESA) program and the International Scientific Optical Network (ISON) survey.
The International Scientific Optical Network (ISON) is a civilian non-governmental project devoted to space debris research and space situation awareness. TFRM is collaborating with ISON in its sistematic survey of the GEO Protected Zone since 2011 (Agapov et al. 2011). Positional measurements are derived using advanced trailed image reduction techniques included in APEX- II sofware (Devyatkin et al. 2010). As a result of this collaboration, the TFRM is one of the sensors that contributes to the completeness of the objects without Two-Line-Element data of ESA’s DISCOS database, as stated at the last “Classification of Geosynchronous Objects Report” issued by ESA (Floher 2012).

Currently TFRM is observing routinely and can detect an average of 400 GEO objects tracks per night with an accuracy better than 0′.′ 5 in both coordinates and a limit magnitude of 16 mag. Furthermore, the TFRM team is in the process of improving the limit of detection towards fainter GEO objects (Fors et al. 2010c). Typically in a 12 hour night the TFRM is measuring around 2800 positions of 320 different objects.

A good example of the TFRM’s capabilities in the SST field was the early detection after the MSG-3 (Meteosat 10) satellite launch. This GEO satellite was on its way after lifting off on an Ariane 5 at 21:36 UTC on Thursday, 5 July from Europe’s Spaceport at the Guiana Space Centre in Kourou, French Guiana. The MSG-3 was first detected by TFRM on the night of 12

July, during our routine collaboration in the ISON geosynchronous space survey. Three tracks (see Fig. 18) were detected over the night with the automatic GEO objects detection software APEX- II. With additional follow-up observations from other telescopes of ISON network, an initial orbit determination was performed by ISON before the satellite TLEs were published, and the results showed that the satellite was indeed the MSG-3, which was drifting East at 3◦ per hour rate. Hence, it was caught maneuvering to its final 0◦ longitude expected geostationary slot.


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Re: Обсерватория рядом с Барселоной
« Ответ #9 : Апрель 22, 2019, 11:17:33 »
we are in a large maintenance period until 9/10 of may. We have had troubles with the shutter (2 of them broke after a few expositions) and we are changing all the internal network and rewiring. I will contact you when we finish, but more or less it will be around the mid of may.

Best regards,