Автор Тема: Аллен Томсон из SeeSat-L наконец обнаружил роль сети ПулКОН/ISON  (Прочитано 15470 раз)


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Цитата: Liss
Аллен Томсон из SeeSat-L обнаружил роль сети ПулКОН/ISON в составлении Европейского каталога.
Грег Робертс в ответ разъяснил, что европейским обозначениям UInnn соответствуют любительские 96nnn и добавил:

Цитата: Greg Roberts
I wonder if the Russian/ESA observers made use of CLASSIFIED.TLE as we were observing several geo objects quite some time before they appeared in the ESA reports  :))

« Последнее редактирование: Март 02, 2008, 18:30:19 от Игорь »


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Russian / ESA GEO monitoring reports
From: Allen Thomson (thomsona@flash.net)
Date: Sat Mar 01 2008 - 23:36:47 UTC


Quite serendipitously, I happened on what appears to be a fairly
serious Russian / ESA effort to monitor GEO and other high-altitude
objects. The reports resulting from this activity contain some
information about the objects that might be of interest to other
observers and analysts.

Former SeeSat poster Vladimir Agapov of the Keldysh Institute in Moscow
appears to be playing an important role.





« Последнее редактирование: Март 02, 2008, 18:30:38 от Игорь »


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Re: Russian / ESA GEO monitoring reports
From: Igor Lissov (lissov-i@yandex.ru)
Date: Sun Mar 02 2008 - 11:08:26 UTC



> Description:
> www.unoosa.org/pdf/pres/stsc2007/tech-31.pdf
> www.cdi.org/pdfs/Jehn.pdf
More recent report on the ISON network may be found at

As far as I understand, apart from fielding a full-GEO
monitoring network the cooperation made significant
progress in identification of old TLE-less GEO
objects as well as in the research of the behavior of
high area-to-mass debris in the GEO region.

By the way, Mr Nicholas Johnson presented a report
named Space Debris Assessment for USA-193
at the same conference:

The full list of presentations is at

Igor Lissov
« Последнее редактирование: Март 02, 2008, 18:30:56 от Игорь »


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Re:Russian/ESA Geo monitoring Reports
From: Greg Roberts (grr@telkomsa.net)
Date: Sun Mar 02 2008 - 05:59:49 UTC


Hi Allen

Many thanks for your note re the above subject and for the
first two URL's-- dont have those so will get.

Yes the Russians and ESA are doing a fine job of monitoring
unpublished geo objects not found in the SPACETRACK lists-
the latest report  (ESA#10) is what I am currently using to
observe the 96*** objects I am currently reporting to SeeSat.
In the ESA report they are identified with UI*** numbers so
replace the UI*** with 96*** and they are the same objects.

Using this report I have been able to identify many of the
90*** objects that appear in Mike McCants CLASSIFIED.TLE
with their true identities - a simple task anyone could have done.

Hopefully the known 90*** objects will now appear in the so
called CLASSIFIED.TLE element set  under their true identity. 
Observed 96*** objects that have no obvious match will appear
as  96*** objects in the element sets whilst unidentified 90***
objects will remain as such.  I understand Mike is working on
implementing the new naming scheme.

I should mention that quite a few of the true identities were
established by several radio observers and brief mention of
this is made in the ESA#10 report.

I wonder if the Russian/ESA observers made use of
CLASSIFIED.TLE as we were observing several geo objects
quite some time before they appeared in the ESA reports :-))

Exciting times...

« Последнее редактирование: Март 02, 2008, 18:31:16 от Игорь »


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ESA REPORT#10 matches
From: Greg Roberts (grr@telkomsa.net)
Date: Tue Mar 04 2008 - 08:23:18 UTC

Good morning

Ive had a few queries about the matches to satellites of objects mentioned in the ESA REPORT#10 and, from information that can be found on the internet with a little searching, Ive compiled the following table. Maybe it will inspire others to observe these objects. I cannot claim any originality in these identifications and would welcome comments/corrections.


                   PROVISIONAL MATCHES ESA#10

Column headings:

1    ESA Number
2    ESA Number inclination degrees
3    ESA Number period -revs/day
4    CLASSIFIED.TLE number  --- XXXXXX when not in CLASSIFIED.TLE
5    ClASSIFIED.TLE inclination degrees
6    CLASSIFIED.TLE period - revs/day
7    Common name
8    COSPAR identifcation
9    SPACETRACK catalog number

001  02.9442  1.00265 #90031 02.9133 1.00270 DSP F21       USA-159 01033A #26880

002  03.9495  1.00745

003  03.7271  1.00450 #90066 03.7182 1.00451 CENTAUR ROCKET

004  03.9751  1.00280 #90033 03.9395 1.00270 DSP F-20      USA-149 00024A #26356

005  04.1929  0.99714

006  04.3851  1.01115

007  02.0305  1.00270 #90043 02.0376 1.00270 SDS 3F2       USA-155 00080A #26635

008  04.4371  1.OO261 #90054 04.3207 1.00270 MERCURY 1             94054A #23223

009  02.7905  1.00104

010  02.6976  0.99626

011  06.4384  1.01178

012  02.9277  1.03856

013  01.9841  1.00210 #27169 01.9632 1.00213 MILSTAR 5 CNR         02001B #27169

014  05.1135  1.00583 #90049 05.1635 1.00596

015  06.9505  1.01178

016  07.3422  1.00580 #90048 07.3743 1.00589

017  07.5166  0.99579 #90030 07.4203 0.99576

018  05.5286  1.00250 #90055 05.5002 1.00270 CHALET?VORTEX?

019  08.3049  1.01179

020  05.9640  0.99428

021  08.7569  1.00558 #90008 08.6517 1.00544

022  09.7087  1.01265

023  06.7863  1.00204

024  07.0009  0.99683 #90075 07.0051 0.99680

025  07.6411  0.99439

026  07.6613  1.00274 #90053 07.6617 1.00270 VORTEX?

027  08.9471  1.00314

028  10.5333  1.02118

029  10.5980  1.01239

030  10.9626  0.98388 #90071 10.9556 0.98390 DSP F13               87097A #18583

031  08.8550  1.01907

032  13.3505  1.01153

033  13.4108  1.01080

034  13.7745  0.98858 XXXXXX 13.3107 0.98857 DSP F12               84129A #15453

035  10.8872  1.00278 XXXXXX 11.3468 1.00274 DSP F2 ??             71039A #05204

036  10.9487  1.00204

037  13.9593  0.98679 #90003 13.9544 0.98681 DSP F11               84037A #14930

038  11.5738  1.00667

039  13.7891  1.01252

040  13.6329  1.01331

041  13.8434  1.00274

042  12.1666  0.98151 #90073 12.1764 0.98154 DSP?

043  12.3971  1.00270 XXXXXX 12.7112 1.00272 DSP F3                72010A #05851

044  14.1333  1.00250

045  14.3518  0.98829 #90050 14.3160 0.98822 DSP F9                81025A #12339

046  14.6015  0.98190 XXXXXX 14.3306 0.98191 DSP F10               82019A #13086

047  15.5195  1.00808

048  13.0385  0.99827 #90002 13.0852 0.99808 DSP F4                73040A #06691

049  13.1914  0.99563

050  13.6015  1.00547

051  14.6800  0.99440 #90074 14.5174 0.99416

052  13.6525  1.00466

053  14.8277  0.98741 XXXXXX 14.8354 0.98739 DSP F8                79053A #11397

054  13.8532  1.00544

055  14.6592  1.01772

056  14.2778  0.99467 #90072 14.2829 0.99468 DSP F5                75118A #08482

057  14.8122  0.97530 #90067 14.8187 0.97530 DSP F7                77007A #09803

058  16.7850  0.94327

059  20.0733  1.02317

060  21.2761  1.00162

061  02.9637  0.99902

062  00.7878  0.99821

063  01.7619  1.00271 #27168 01.7393 1.00270 MILSTAR 5     USA-164 02001A #27168

064  01.5263  1.00589 #27712 01.5065 1.00590 MILSTAR 6 CNR         03012B #27712

065  01.6079  1.00271 #90036 01.6315 1.00270 UFO F10       USA-146 99063A #25967

066  03.8358  1.00270 #90042 03.8261 1.00270 DSCS III-8    USA-97  93074A #22915

067  04.0202  0.99711

068  05.0641  1.00228 XXXXXX 04.9474 1.00217 UFO F3                94035A #23132

069  05.3915  1.00270 #90034 05.3927 1.00270 UFO F2        USA-95  93056A #22787

070  02.6320  1.00373

071  06.5415  0.99493

072  04.0967  1.00843 XXXXXX 04.9474 1.00270 UFO 3??               03041B #27938

073  07.3097  1.00267 #90016 07.2885 1.00275 MERCURY 2             96026A #23855

074  07.5028  1.00271 #90013 07.5016 1.00270 ORION/MENTOR5         98029A #25336

075  08.2732  0.99563 #90005 08.2788 0.99565 CENTAUR

076  07.7810  0.99605

077  10.0005  0.99318

078  10.1085  1.01278

079  10.2679  0.98989

080  10.3127  1.01302

081  10.6883  0.99910

082  09.7186  1.02333

083  10.7188  0.98391 XXXXXX 10.0070 0.98397 DSP F15?              90095A #20929

084  10.8499  0.99250

085  10.9886  1.01642

086  10.2247  1.00285

087  11.6851  0.98797

088  11.7678  1.01245

089  09.7533  1.00712

090  12.8671  0.99515 #90022 12.6937 0.99516

091  11.0213  1.00482

092  12.6956  1.00268 #90063 12.3782 1.00270 SDS 2F2(SDS B-2)      90097B #20963

093  11.1230  1.00394

094  12.8347  0.93696

095  13.2771  1.01164

096  14.3268  0.98949 #90029 14.3068 0.98958  FLSATCOM 4           80087A #12046

097  15.4997  1.00269 #90037 15.4966 1.00270  MAGNUM 1             85010B #15543

098  14.5385  1.00199


100  14.2353  1.00600

101  15.2516  0.99001

102  15.2993  0.99234

103  20.7216  1.02090

104  00.0469  1.00270                         DSCS?

105  00.0482  1.00264 XXXXXX 05.0525 1.00269  DSCS III-12 USA-153  00065A #26575

106  00.0689  1.00270 #90035 00.0700 1.00270  DSCS III-13 USA-167  03008A #27691

107  00.0693  1.00255 XXXXXX 00.0405 1.00268  DSCS III-14 USA-170  03040A #27875

108  00.7717  1.00260 XXXXXX                  DSP F22     USA-176  04004A #28158

109  00.2298  1.00263 #27711 00.2502 1.00270  MILSTAR 6            03012A #27711


111  02.0261  1.00261 XXXXXX 01.9575 1.00268  UFO F8      USA-138  98016A #25258

112  02.1595  1.00267 XXXXXX 02.0693 1.00270  MILSTAR 4            01009A #26715

113  02.4243  0.98178 XXXXXX 02.3585 0.98180  UFO F9               98058A #25501

114  02.2009  1.00266                         GeoLITE?

115  03.4379  1.00266                         DSCS?

116  03.3105  1.00277 #23967 03.3987 1.00270  UFO F7      USA-127  96042A #23967

117  02.4098  1.00269 #90038 02.3704 1.00270  UFO F11     USA-174  03057A #28117

118  03.0356  1.00264                         ADVANCED ORION-3?

119  03.6628  1.00267 XXXXXX 03.5739 1.00271  UFO F6      USA-114  95057A #23696

120  04.0388  1.00266 XXXXXX 03.9015 1.00274  DSCS III-7           93046A #22719

121  04.0414  1.00277 XXXXXX 03.9273 1.00269  UFO F4      USA-108  95003A #23467

122  04.3500  1.00260 XXXXXX 04.3500 1.00260  UFO F5      USA-111  95027A #23589

123  05.2423  1.00268 XXXXXX 05.1416 1.00273  DSCS III-6           92073A #22009


125  06.4649  1.00265                         DSP F18?

126  06.6190  0.99115

127  06.9875  0.99035

128  07.2907  1.00267                        ADVANCED ORION-1?

129  07.2457  1.00236 #90056 07.2349 1.00251 VORTEX?

130  08.1145  1.00264 XXXXXX 08.0329 1.00267 FLTSATCOM 8           89077A #20253


132  08.7766  1.10776

133  10.2457  1.00270 #90068 10.2260 1.00270 DSP F16     USA-75    91080B #21805

134  10.7441  1.00270 XXXXXX 10.6689 1.00267 FLTSATCOM 7           89069A #17181

135  12.1422  0.98676

136  12.7973  1.00265                        MAGNUM 2?

137  14.4767  1.00382

138  20.7212  1.00285

139  11.1498  1.00247

140  01.1799  1.04002 #90078 01.2087 1.04002 MiTEX launch          06024A #29240

141  03.7990  1.00690 XXXXXX 03.7832 1.00690 DSP F23               07054A #32287

142  05.5675  1.00266 #90023 05.5347 1.00270 MILSTAR DFS1          94009A #22988

143  10.9000  0.99302

144  12.0105  0.99779

145  18.6473  1.01706

146  18.7777  1.00173 #90076 18.7840 1.00180

147  04.2147  0.95871 XXXXXX 04.2147 0.95871 DSP F23 R            07054B #32288


(1) As can be seen there are quite a few major objects - denoted by XXXXXX in the 4th column which are not in CLASSIFIED.TLE. I personally feel that these objects should be observed and added .They are not difficult objects.

(2) Whilst Peter Wakelin and myself are doing a good job of keeping tabs on high altitude satellites in our trackable area, a large number of the above objects are below our horizon. It is unfortunate that no   serious amateur effort is made from anywhere else to observe these    objects - many of the objects are in drifting orbits which mean that    in the course of time they will do a complete trip around the Clarke    belt, so whilst out of range to Peter or myself they are not tracked.    Is it too much of a challenge for other observers :-))


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ESA#10 report
From: Greg Roberts (grr@telkomsa.net)
Date: Tue Mar 04 2008 - 16:21:22 UTC

Hi all

It would appear that not all know where the ESA REPORT #10 may be found -- here is the url


copies of previous years reports may also be found on this site.

Some of the papers available for download may also be of interest to some observers.



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From: Ed Cannon
Date: Wed Apr 02 2008 - 05:09:55 UTC

For those who may be interested, here are some possibly
new bibliographic items (at least some of them).

Rogers, Lucy.  It's ONLY Rocket Science (Chapter 9
covers the topic of observing satellites.) --

Same book on Springerlink --

I don't think I've seen the next one listed here. 

Proceedings of the Sixth US/Russian Space Surveillance
Workshop, August 22-26, 2005. 

The session titles are:

SESSION 1. Space Surveillance Systems & Operations
SESSION 2. Orbital Debris
SESSION 3. Space Surveillance A
SESSION 4. Atmospheric Density
SESSION 5. Orbit Determination
SESSION 6. Optical Systems and Observations
SESSION 7. Space Surveillance B
SESSION 8. Deep Space

Each session included two to five presentations.  Many
of them appear to be on-topic for SeeSat-L (generally
pretty advanced, no doubt).  Here's the link:


A while back Allen Thomson provided a list from the
same site:


I looked that up because I stumbled upon the following
addition to the list, as of February 2008:


Here are more titles, all regarding geosats (with a
few highly eccentric ones included occasionally).  As
Allen mentioned, Vladimir Agapov is involved in many
if not all of them:

"Faint GEO objects search and orbital analysis" --

"Joint RAS/PIMS/AIUB GEO survey results" (cooperative
survey of satellites in the geostationary belt area) --

"Results of GEO region artificial objects population
research and proposal for organization of cooperative
international GEO space debris monitoring" --

"International scientific optical network for space
debris research" --

"On orbital evolution of explosion fragments" --

If you can read Russian, there are a lot more titles
on this page:


Public aside to list administrator:  Ted, Thank
you very much for your message working on the
identification of the re-entered object found in

Ed Cannon - Austin, Texas, USA


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Вот, нас обсуждают еще и здесь, на Aliens & UFOs discussion forum:

The UN Meeting of February 2008 revisited - ISON

Topic started on 20-5-2008 @ 08:27 PM by Shere Khaan

The thing that blew me away and suddenly makes this all believable was the section on space debris and the reference in the minutes of the overall committee to a Russian organisation called ISON. This stands for the International scientific optical observation network

The above page I linked shows the report of their first years work which was presented at the Vienna meetings where the alleged UN UFO meeting took place. Now I am jumping to conclusions here on my little mat, but if any organisation is going to be able to identify and prove the existence of the UFO phenomenon surely it will be the one tracking all the other objects to discount them? Here is a quote from their conclusion.

So while no evidence of the UN meeting has come to light, there are certainly some very interesting projects going on in the UN that skirt this issue and coincide with the UN leak. Most everyone here believes in the UFO phenomenon, so the activities of these committees will definitely come across and hopefully be able to track the phenomenon like never before. This is one organisation that I will put on my watch list! 

reply posted on 21-5-2008 @ 05:43 PM by Shere Khaan

If you believe in UFO's then these guys definitely know about them since they can see low earth objects down to 2mm with radar and also very feint objects right up to high earth orbit. The fact that the UN meeting coincides with the FIRST EVER REPORT by ISON tells me that they found smoething that needed dealing with and backs it up much better than Lorant's testimony.


Wednesday, May 21, 2008
THE UN Meeting on Ufo's February 2008 ?

Hey guys you have probably heard that United Nations held a general assembly back in February this year to discuss a meeting on the 'Peaceful Uses of Outer Space'.

Although Nick Pope says in the above doco that nothing of interest happened in the meeting a recent release of documents from the scientific subcommittee does indicate that in fact the UN is highly interested in whats going on in space. Below is a startling summary of the forty-fifth session held in Vienna on the 11th of February to the 22nd 2008 tying in nicely with the alleged dates of the meetings covering UFO topics amongst other things.

Of Interest is the section on space debris and the reference in the minutes of the overall committee to a Russian organisation called ISON. This stands for the International scientific optical observation network and was developed with the following goals:

*estimation of real population of artificial objects on high geocentric orbits
*determining of possible origin of the discovered objects
*verification of existed space debris distribution and evolution models for high orbits (GEO, HEO, MEO)
*estimation of the real level of danger caused by space debris fragments for operational spacecrafts on high orbits at present and in the future
*testing and improvement of the technology of space debris studies using optical instruments
*improvement of the motion models for measurements processing and orbit propagation of specific space debris objects with high AMR
« Последнее редактирование: Январь 24, 2009, 23:10:03 от Игорь »


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Вот еще про нас рассуждают на другом форуме:


Belba Grubb    View profile   Translated (View Original) 
  Дополнительные параметры 13 фев, 17:09 

Группы новостей: sci.geo.geology
Автор: Belba Grubb <trungsister...@yahoo.com>
Fri, 13 Feb 2009 07:09:35 -0800 (PST)

I tried to find the post where Skywise mentioned being in a group that
watches satellites, because I'd promised to post the link the article
I'd read about similar groups. I found that link, but now I can't find
the post. Sigh. It's a big universe.

Anyway, StrategyPage is where the article was and they reworked the
old one into a new article recently to cover the collision over Russia
this past Wednesday. It was ISON I was thinking of:

/There are lots of people keeping an eye on this clutter. The U.S. Air
Force Space Surveillance Network, which tracks nearly 18,000 objects
10mm and larger, stopped sharing all of its information five years
ago, for national security reasons. The Russian Space Surveillance
System is known to use radar to track over 5,000 objects in low orbit.
But the Russians have never shared this data completely, or regularly.
Filling in the gaps are two international organizations; IADC (Inter-
Agency Space Debris Coordination Committee) and ISON (International
Space Observation Network). IADC is a government operation, whose
members include the U.S. NASA, and the equivalents in Russia, China
and several other major nations. Like most government organizations,
not all data is shared.

ISON is a non-government organization, and they come up with some of
the most interesting stuff.../
-- http://www.strategypage.com/htmw/htspace/articles/20090213.aspx

However, per the following link to a report on the results of its
first years of work, ISON data is analyzed at the Keldysh Institute of
Applied Mathematics of the Russian Academy of Sciences:

Ironically, they didn't detect the two satellites that collided.

Here's ISON's full page in English, for anyone interested:

Here is their news report page, with a summary of 2008 activities (via
Babelfish Russian-English translator, which leaves a lot to the
imagination, but there are some terrific pictures): http://preview.tinyurl.com/ajxsg3

The translator will work when you click on the link for "it is in more
detail." There's a lot of information in all the above links and I
haven't explored them in detail yet.



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DSP F18 aperture cover orbit confirmed

This is the first independent discovery of a DSP aperture cover by our hobbyist group. ISON
(International Scientific Optical Network)
had discovered three others, as of the end of 2009, one
of which has not been catalogued by USSTRATCOM.

Ted Molczan


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Tiger писал(а):
Кевин Феттер опубликовал на своём сайте 13-й выпуск ЕКА-шной классификации геостационарных объектов. Качать тут:


А что что за контора Vladimir Agapov (KIAM) , товарищу из которой приносят Acknowledgements ?


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ZOOR писал(а):
А что что за контора Vladimir Agapov (KIAM) , товарищу из которой приносят Acknowledgements ?


Владимир АГАПОВ
(ИПМ им. М.В. Келдыша РАН и ОАО МАК "Вымпел")
Постановка задач, обработка, анализ и обобщение результатов


НСОИ является глобальной научной сетью, которая ведет наблюдения за высокими геоцентричными орбитами. Ученые следят за происходящем в околоземном пространстве с тем, чтобы иметь представление о количестве искусственных объектов находящегося там, большая часть из который - космический мусор.

С начала 2008 года сеть НСОИ объединяетпод своей эгидой 18 научных учреждений в различных странах мира, 18 обсерваторий, 25 телескопов и более 50 наблюдателей и исследователей.

В общем и целом, по данным НСОИ, сейчас в околоземном пространстве вращаются 152 неизвестных объекта, по которым не имеется открытой информации относительно их орбиты. Такая информация публикуется Сетью станций наблюдения за космическим пространством ВВС США в базе данных Space-Track. Кроме того, сотрудниками НСОИ обнаружены и в данный момент отслеживается 192 единицы ранее неизвестных мелких космических обломков, находящихся на геостационарной орбите.

"Таким образом, - отмечает Агапов, - деятельность НСОИ привела к тому, что количество космических объектов, находящихся на околоземной орбите известных общественности, выросло более чем на 35%, по сравнению с данными Space-Track".


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  • Сообщений: 59466

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