Автор Тема: Наблюдаем гамма-всплески  (Прочитано 184180 раз)


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Re: Наблюдаем гамма-всплески
« Ответ #390 : Май 16, 2019, 08:35:25 »
NUMBER: 24556
SUBJECT: GRB 190515A: Kitab Observatory optical upper limit
DATE: 19/05/15 18:43:38 GMT
FROM: Alexei Pozanenko at IKI, Moscow

S. Belkin (IKI), A. Novichonok (KIAM), A. Pozanenko (IKI), E. Mazaeva
(IKI), A. Volnova (IKI), I. Molotov (KIAM) report on behalf of larger
IKI GRB FuN collaboration:

We observed the field of the Swift GRB 190515A (Moss et al., GCN 24553)
with RC-36 0.36-m telescope of Kitab Observatory starting on May 15
(UT) 16:13:02 in Clear filter. We do not find any optical source
neither in the first image, nor in a stacked image within prompt
enhanced Swift-XRT position (Evans et al., GCN 24554).
Preliminary photometry of the field is following.

Date UT start t-T0 Filter Exp. OT Err. UL(3sigma)
(mid, days) (s)

2019-05-15 16:13:02 0.00655 CR 1*90 n/d n/d 18.6
2019-05-15 16:13:02 0.02686 CR 40*90 n/d n/d 20.3

The photometry is based on the nearby USNO-B1 (R2) star:
USNO-B1.0_id R2
1422-0205150 15.02

The closest object which is not presented in any catalogs marginally
detected in our stacked image has coordinates (J2000) 06:35:24.07
+52:19:12.4 with uncertainty of 1 arcsec in both coordinates and
brightness of 20.4m (S/N =2). The position of the object is 12 arcsec
apart from the the center of prompt enhanced Swift-XRT position (Evans
et al., GCN 24554). At this time we cannot say about variability of the


  • Гость
Re: Наблюдаем гамма-всплески
« Ответ #391 : Июнь 02, 2019, 16:07:22 »
NUMBER:  24712
SUBJECT: GRB 190530A: Mondy and AbAO optical observations
DATE:    19/06/02 09:53:20 GMT
FROM:    Alexei Pozanenko at IKI, Moscow

S. Belkin (IKI),  E. Klunko (ISTP), R. Ya. Inasaridze (AbAO), A.
Pozanenko (IKI), V.R. Ayvazian (AbAO), E. Mazaeva (IKI), A. Volnova
(IKI) report on behalf of IKI GRB FuN collaboration:

We continue observations the  optical afterglow (Lipunov et al., GCN
24680, 24693 and also e.g. Kann et al., GCN 24684; Melandri et al., GCN
24689; Heintz et al., GCN 24686; Lzzo et al., GCN  24687; Xin et al.,
GCN   24688; Watson et al., GCN  24690; Xin et al., GCN 24697)  of the
Fermi GRB 190530A (Fermi GBM Team, GCN  24676; Longo et al., GCN
24679) with   AZT-33IK telescope of Sayan observatory (Mondy) and AS-32
(0.7m) telescope of Abastumani Observatory. The afterglow is clearly
visible in stacked images. Preliminary photometry of the afterglow is

Date        UT start t-T0   Filter Exp.   OT    Err. UL
                      (mid, days) (s)

2019-06-01  15:35:00 2.23638  R    29*60 19.62  0.07  21.2
2019-06-01  17:38:57 2.31769  R    30*60 19.70  0.14  20.6

The photometry is based on the nearby USNO-B1.0 stars

USNO-B1.0_id R2
1255-0157926 13.35
1254-0159410 12.63
1255-0157793 13.56

The photometry might be influenced by nearby optical source presented in
    Pan-STARRS DR1 catalog (ID 150571205309266249) mentioned in (Lipunov
et al., GCN 24680).


  • Гость
Re: Наблюдаем гамма-всплески
« Ответ #392 : Июнь 06, 2019, 00:34:10 »
NUMBER:  24754
SUBJECT: GRB 190604B: Kitab observatory optical upper limit
DATE:    19/06/05 19:24:37 GMT
FROM:    Alexei Pozanenko at IKI, Moscow

S. Belkin (IKI), A. Novichonok (KIAM), A. Pozanenko (IKI), E. Mazaeva
(IKI), A. Volnova (IKI), I. Molotov (KIAM), Sh. Ehgamberdiev (UBAI)
report on behalf of larger IKI GRB FuN collaboration:

We observed the field of the Swift GRB 190604B (Page et al., GCN  24742)
  with RC-36 0.36-m telescope of Kitab Observatory starting on June 04
(UT) 22:26:32 in  Clear filter.    We do not find any optical source
within  enhanced Swift-XRT position (Evans  et al., GCN  24746). The
non-detection is consistent with BOOTES-3 results (Hu et al., GCN  24750).

Preliminary photometry of the field is following.

Date       UT start   t-T0       Filter Exp.   OT  Err.   UL(3sigma)
                       (mid, days)        (s)

2019-06-04 22:26:32   0.32068    CR     21*60  n/d  n/d   18.6

The photometry is based on the nearby USNO-B1 (R2) stars.


  • Гость
Re: Наблюдаем гамма-всплески
« Ответ #393 : Июнь 15, 2019, 12:48:31 »
NUMBER:  24838
SUBJECT: GRB 1906013A: Kitab and AbAO optical upper limit
DATE:    19/06/15 09:38:38 GMT
FROM:    Alexei Pozanenko at IKI, Moscow

S. Belkin (IKI), A. Novichonok (KIAM), A. Zhornichenko (KIAM), R. Ya.
Inasaridze (AbAO),  V.R. Ayvazian (AbAO), A. Pozanenko (IKI), E. Mazaeva
(IKI), A. Volnova (IKI), I. Molotov (KIAM), Sh. Ehgamberdiev (UBAI) report
on behalf of larger IKI GRB FuN collaboration:

We observed the field of the  GRB 190613A (Ambrosi et al., GCN  24798)
with RC-36  telescope of Kitab Observatory  and AS-32 of Abastumani
observatory . We do not detect the optical afterglow (Ambrosi et al., GCN
24798; Zheng et al., GCN  24801;  Lipunov et al., GCN  24803).  Preliminary
photometry of the field is following.

Date       UT start   t-T0       Filter Exp.   OT  Err.   UL(3sigma)
                       (mid, days)        (s)

2019-06-13 16:26:41  0.54575    CR     5500  n/d  n/d   20.6  RC-36
2019-06-13 21:33:40  0.73706      R      1800  n/d  n/d   21.0  AS-32

The photometry is based on the nearby USNO-B1 (R2) stars
USNO-B1.0_id  R2
1572-0165015 13.62
1572-0164999 14.91
1572-0164916 14.28


  • Гость
Re: Наблюдаем гамма-всплески
« Ответ #394 : Июнь 16, 2019, 17:15:43 »
NUMBER:  24841
SUBJECT: GRB 190613B: Kitab observatory optical upper limit
DATE:    19/06/16 14:10:05 GMT
FROM:    Alexei Pozanenko at IKI, Moscow

S. Belkin (IKI), A. Novichonok (KIAM), A. Zhornichenko (KIAM),  A. Pozanenko
(IKI), E. Mazaeva  (IKI), A. Volnova (IKI), I. Molotov (KIAM), Sh.
Ehgamberdiev (UBAI)  report on behalf of larger GRB IKI FuN collaboration:

We observed the field of the  GRB 190613B    (D'Aiet al., GCN  24807) with
RC-36 0.36-m telescope of Kitab Observatory starting on June 13  (UT)
22:26:32 in  Clear filter.    We do not detect the optical afterglow
(D'Aiet al., GCN  24807; Marshall al., GCN  24817; Zheng al., GCN  24818;
Ugarte Postigo al., GCN  24825; Hu al., GCN  24826).
Preliminary photometry of the field is following.

Date       UT start   t-T0       Filter Exp.   OT  Err.   UL(3sigma)
                       (mid, days)        (s)

2019-06-13  20:55:3    0.43001     CR     3600  n/d  n/d   20.0

The photometry is based on the nearby USNO-B1  (R2) stars.

USNO-B1.0_id R2
0853-0556521 16.14
0853-0556781 16.31


  • Гость
Re: Наблюдаем гамма-всплески
« Ответ #395 : Июль 01, 2019, 23:54:02 »
NUMBER:  24947
SUBJECT: GRB 190630C: ISON-Castelgrande optical upper limit
DATE:    19/07/01 20:07:58 GMT
FROM:    Alexei Pozanenko at IKI, Moscow

S. Belkin (IKI), S. Schmalz (KIAM), A. Pozanenko (IKI), A. Volnova
(IKI),  E. Mazaeva  (IKI),  I. Molotov (KIAM) report on behalf of larger
GRB IKI FuN collaboration:

We observed the field of GRB 190630C (Ukwatta et al., GCN 24927) with
ORI-22 (22 cm) telescope of ISON-Castelgrande observatory in Clear
filter starting on July 01  (UT) 00:03:42.  We do not detect any object
within enhanced Swift-XRT position (Goad et al., GCN 24930). Preliminary
photometry of the field is following

Date       UT start t-T0    Filter Exp.   OT    Err. UL
                     (mid, days) (s)

2019-07-01 00:03:42 0.02584  CR    53*60  n/d   n/d 18.8

The photometry is  based on nearby USNO-B1.0 (R2) stars.


  • Гость
Re: Наблюдаем гамма-всплески
« Ответ #396 : Сентябрь 09, 2019, 10:45:37 »
NUMBER:  25683
SUBJECT: ZTF19abvizsw: AbAO and CrAO photometry
DATE:    19/09/07 14:05:41 GMT
FROM:    Alexei Pozanenko at IKI, Moscow

S. Belkin (IKI), A. Pozanenko (IKI), R. Ya. Inasaridze (AbAO), V.
Rumyantsev (CrAO), A. Volnova  (IKI), E. Mazaeva (IKI),  I. Molotov
(KIAM) report on behalf of  IKI GRB FuN  collaboration:

We observed the ZTF19abvizsw/AT2019pim (Kool et al., GCN 25616; Burdge
et al., GCN 25639; Wei et al., GCN 15640; Perley et al., GCN 25643;
Levan  et al., GCN  25653; Becerra et al., GCN 25655;) with AS-32 (0.7m)
telescope of Abastumani Observatory and ZTSh telescope of CrAO.
Preliminary photometry of the the optical transients is following.

date       UT start  MJD    Filter Exp.  OT      OT_err  Obs./Tel.
                      (mid, d)      (s)

2019-09-04 16:54:07 58730.723  R  54*60  21.27   0.16    AbAO/AS-32
2019-09-05 21:49:03 58731.923  R  20*120 21.33   0.14    CrAO/ZTSh

The photometry of the latest epoch of 2019-09-05 might be slightly
contaminated by red southward star (see also Burdge et al., GCN 25639).
We note the flattening of the initial decay previously reported by
Becerra (GCN 25655).

The photometry is based on nearby USNO-B1.0 stars
USNO-B1.0_id R2
1514-0239703 18.81
1514-0239806 19.68