Автор Тема: Удаленная обсерватория в Сайдинг Спринг  (Прочитано 117035 раз)


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Re: Удаленная обсерватория в Сайдинг Спринг
« Ответ #300 : Июль 21, 2017, 12:38:27 »
Dear all,

I exchanged a few e-mails with Pete in order to ask him if he got news
from ASA (see below).

The problem isn't solved yet and the situation became more complicated
since Martin Puchner is on holidays. Therefore, I called ASA today.
They were of the opinion that all three motors are working now, which,
as I told them, is not the case.

ASA thinks that another modification of the driver will enable all three
motors. They promised to provide the new software version in 2 to 3 days.

Let's hope that the telescope will finally be operational again.

Best regards,


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Re: Удаленная обсерватория в Сайдинг Спринг
« Ответ #301 : Июль 27, 2017, 13:50:10 »
This is a rather large change and before we can accommodate it, we will have to do some research.  First and foremost, we need to be sure the system can fit in your current spot in the observatory, and Pete will be taking some measurements.  Do you happen to have the full dimensions of this OTA?

The second portion we will need to work on is the amount of work that will go into this change over.  This is effectively a brand new installation of the telescope, as Pete will have to completely removing the camera, focuser, etc to package it, and then unpack, and re-install everything but the mount, including new alignment, collimation, and configuration.  An installation of this magnitude normally comes with a $*** AUD cost to it.  We are happy to work with you on this, of course.

Next, you are currently on our 2nd tier (12" to 16") of hosting, but moving to this system would place you at the top end of the 3rd tier (17" to 20").  The 2nd tier is $*** per month ($*** quarterly) and the 3rd tier is $*** per month ($*** quarterly), so this would represent an increase in the quarterly payment required to host the system.

For these last two items, we will effectively need to create a new agreement, as this changes the majority of details of the current one, so we will need to work out these details.

Lastly, just looking at the system and how we currently have your system set up - it's possible that this new OTA will need to sit further up the mount than your current system does.  If that is the case, you may also need new counter weights to offset moving the OTA further up.

We are happy to make all these adjustments - but we must ensure that it is realistic for both of us before we do, and the first step there will be ensuring that the new OTA can fit.  I will speak with Pete and Brad so we can organize the measurements - could you provide us with the dimensions?



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Re: Удаленная обсерватория в Сайдинг Спринг
« Ответ #302 : Август 15, 2017, 02:04:24 »
Принято решение о замене 16"ASA на Астросиб РК-500.

А 16"ASA после ремонта в Швейцарии поедет в Мексику.


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Re: Удаленная обсерватория в Сайдинг Спринг
« Ответ #303 : Ноябрь 01, 2017, 15:16:21 »
Решили не торопиться с возобновлением наблюдений.

Договорились в середине 2018 г. переехать в новый павильон, а к этому времени м.б. другой, более подходящий к обзорам телескоп, будет готов. Ну либо ASУ отремонтируют.