Автор Тема: Про другие наблюдательные сети  (Прочитано 107344 раз)


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Re: Про другие наблюдательные сети
« Ответ #90 : Апрель 16, 2018, 01:12:32 »
Air Force space surveillance system tracks satellites, provides data to researchers


The GEODSS network, operated by the 21st SW, can track objects the size of a basketball more than 20,000 miles in space, is made up of nine telescopes at three sites: One in Socorro, New Mexico, at the White Sands Missile Range; another on Diego Garcia, a small atoll in the Indian Ocean; and the one Rashid is responsible for on Maui. Together, these sites provide nearly complete coverage of the Earth’s geosynchronous orbital belt and deliver nearly 80 percent of all geosynchronous observations.


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Re: Про другие наблюдательные сети
« Ответ #91 : Май 27, 2018, 11:21:21 »
   USAF Academy Falcon Telescope Network (FTN)


o Officina Stellare 20-inch, f/8.1 Ritchey-Chrétien
o Apogee Alta F47: 1024×1024, 13μm pixel, 11 arc-min FOV (0.65 arc-sec/pixel or 50 arc-sec/mm)
o Apogee 9-position Filter Wheel: B, V, R, g’, r’, i’, z’, 100 lines/mm diffraction grating, exoplanet filter
o Astro Haven 12-foot Clamshell Dome
o Boltwood Cloud Sensor II
o Symmetricom GPS Antenna
o Advantech Gen II Computers w/ Intel SSD DC S3700 Series
o Synology NAS (8-20 TB)
o Cisco ASA 5505 Router
o Cisco Small Business 200 Series Switch
o Tripp Lite Uninterruptible Power Supply (UPS) SMART1000/2000
o Foscam Pan/Tilt Internet Protocol (IP) Camera (FI8919W and FI9826W)

o Software Bisque TheSkyX Suite
o FalconExec  
« Последнее редактирование: Май 28, 2019, 19:49:29 от Игорь »


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Re: Про другие наблюдательные сети
« Ответ #92 : Октябрь 26, 2018, 01:55:38 »

Global Trends in Space Situational Awareness (SSA) and Space Traffic Management (STM)


Less is known about China’s sensor networks, but its Purple Mountain Observatory isoperating telescopes in at least four locations, is associated with their space debris tracking efforts,and has tracking ships that can deploy to support specific missions such as new satellite launches(Weeden et al, 2010). China is also beginning to collaborate with countries around the world. Theyare using data from sensors both within China as well as in New Zealand and Spain. Additionally,they are working on building or planning on using optical sensors in Mexico, South Africa, and Chile (Section E below discusses China’s APOSOS network).

Other countries such as Japan and Poland are beginning to consider optical sensors used forscientific and other purposes. Polish entities, for example, own almost 20 optical telescopes(mostly tracking, with 4 surveillance-capable) that form a world-wide network which can add animportant information and thus – a value to the satellite securing activities.

The most interesting developments have been in the private sector. U.S.-based company,ExoAnalytics, with a global customer base, is distributing their network geographically,particularly in the southern hemisphere where there has traditionally been a dearth of sensors. ByJuly 2017, ExoAnalytics had installed 169 optical ground based sensors at 23 different sites aroundthe globe. The network has been growing rapidly. In Feb 2018, they had more than 200 telescopesat 24 sites. Their plans are to continue leasing sites and placing commercial off-the-shelf (COTS)telescopes in different parts of the world. Private companies in other countries have made progressas well. France-based ArianeGroup has installed (without support from the French government) GEOTracker, a network of six optical stations (two in France, two in Australia, one in Spain andone in Chile), which has coverage of the entire geostationary arc, and can detect objects in GEO down to one meter in size.

Growth in SSA optical sensors is driven principally by the cost of optical telescopes andcameras with similar capability, which has decreased over time due to savings realized through COTS telescopes (that are more strongly driven by Moore’s Law) and optical sensor parts, particularly for optical sensors that have adequate capability, but are not exquisite. This costsavings enables governments and the private sector to purchase more optical sensors for thepurpose of SSA.20 Growth is also driven by need—better global coverage is needed to better viewand track objects in GEO. An interesting recent development has been the repurposing of existingsensors previously used for astronomy and other scientific research. This proliferation of sensorsis building resiliency, persistence, and redundancy in data collection in all orbit categories.


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Re: Про другие наблюдательные сети
« Ответ #93 : Декабрь 16, 2018, 19:50:48 »


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Re: Про другие наблюдательные сети
« Ответ #94 : Декабрь 24, 2018, 19:51:59 »
Наконец нашёл информацию про GWAC, особенно про его широкоугольную оптику. Оказалось действительно линзовый объектив, причём не запредельной сложности. Поэтому видимо и параметры урезаны как по диапазону (500-800, уже эти цифры сомнений не оставляли), так и по разрешению - применена крупнопиксельная 4kx4k матрица.



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Re: Про другие наблюдательные сети
« Ответ #95 : Ноябрь 28, 2019, 11:39:44 »
Вот, на Сан-Педро Мартир поставили вот такую штуку.

Камеры 48х36. Называется DDOTi. Главная задача - поиск гравволн.



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Re: Про другие наблюдательные сети
« Ответ #96 : Июнь 04, 2020, 16:57:54 »


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Re: Про другие наблюдательные сети
« Ответ #97 : Сентябрь 08, 2020, 00:17:19 »

Remote Observatories for Asteroids and Debris Searching

The 6ROADS is highly specialized company focused on solutions for satellite business.

The infrastructural core of 6ROADS is the network of six optical observatories located across the globe.

The system of optical sensors allows for systemathic survilance and tracking of known and searching for unknown or lost objects.

With our observatories 6ROADS has full access to northern and southern hemisphere. Our observatories are able to work 24/7 and only limiting factor is sun and weather.

Access controlled office, tripled (in case of problems) internet connections, satellite phones and industrial grade computers makes our infrastructure rigid and ready for future challenges. Furthermore an organisational structures like SPOC and internal SOPs make 6ROADS a professional partner.

First 6ROADS observatory was made in 2003 and our observatories are among first automated assets in Poland. Since that time we have implemented great numer of unique sollutions for automation and reduction of obtained data. Today with more than fourteen years of expirience we are managing our assets in most distant locations, night after night, sometimes under very difficult conditions. Our activity in projecting, building and software&automatics integration allow us to effectively manage remote astronomical observatories. The 6ROADS has theoretical and practical knowledge in telescope maintaining, collimation and sensors performance. Moreover, a large number of minor planet and comet observations and discoveries made by 6ROADS team confirms our knowledge and proficency in planetary astronomy.

Today the interest of 6ROADS team is mainly focused on SSA, especially SST and NEA observations. Longterm cooperation with universities and scentific centers give us instant insight in most recent research and trends in this field.

Below is listed Equipment and some details about 6ROADS Observatories.

1. Chile, San Pedro de Atacama, Polonia Observatory: MPC Code: W98 0.25m F/3.6 Newton scope
geographical coordinations: 22°57'S 68°10'W, ASL 2394m.

2. Spain, Nerpio, Nerpio Observatory: - 0.40m F/7.0 Ritchey Chretien scope
geographical coordinations: 38°10'N 2°20'W, ASL 1650m.

3. Italy, Carpineti, Rantiga Observatory: MPC Code: D03, 0.40m F/3.8 Newton scope
geographical coordinations: 44°26'N 10°35'E, ASL 643m.

4. Poland, Cracow, Solaris Observatory, - MPC Code: B63 0.25m F/3.8 Newton scope
geographical coordinations: 50°06′N 20°06′E, ASL 276m.

5. Poland, Oborniki, 6ROADS Observatory 1: MPC Code: K98, 0.40m F/3.8 Newton scope
geographical coordinations: 52°38′N 17°04′E, ASL 52m.

6. Намибия.


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Re: Про другие наблюдательные сети
« Ответ #98 : Март 29, 2021, 02:56:57 »

Galileo satellite performs collision avoidance maneuver

In a first for Galileo, a satellite performed a collision-avoidance maneuver to avoid space debris.

Under the management of the European GNSS Agency (GSA), the maneuver for satellite GSAT0219 was performed March 6 following a collision risk alert received from EU Space Surveillance and Tracking (EUSST).

On Feb. 25, the Galileo Service Operator (GSOp) received from EUSST a collision risk alert between GSAT0219 and an inert Ariane 4 upper stage launched in 1989. Following the warning, GSOp closely monitored the risk, in close cooperation with EUSST that was refining its predictions.

In line with operational procedures, GSOp informed the GSA of the situation. In a joint effort with the European Commission, the GSA managed the follow-up activities. The effective cooperation between EUSST and the GSA/GSOp was instrumental to the success of the mission and bears testimony to the need for efficient cooperation between different organizations in the space sector.

Maneuver Authorized

Following refinement of the Ariane 4 orbit, the risk of collision was still unacceptably high. After assessment of different strategies and associated risks on the service provision, the GSA authorized the execution of an avoidance maneuver.

The satellite was taken out of service on March 5, and users were informed via NAGU #2021009. The collision avoidance maneuver was performed shortly thereafter, by temporarily relocating the satellite away from its nominal position.

Satellite GSAT0219 was reintroduced into service on March 19 after the completion of two station-keeping maneuvers to reposition it into its nominal operational orbit.  A second NAGU advised users that the satellite was once again available.

Map of sensors contributing to the event. (Image: EUSST)


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Re: Про другие наблюдательные сети
« Ответ #99 : Сентябрь 13, 2021, 01:43:06 »

Space Monitoring and Analysis System (SMAS) is designed to collect, process and analyze data on the space environment conditions, the preparation and delivery to consumers of space environment data, collection of the state and trends of its development.

The SMAS is responsible for solving the main tasks:

-Collection of information on space objects and maintenance of catalogs of objects;
-Formation of catalogs of objects that cease to exist;
-Information-ballistic support of means of observation of space objects;
-Formation of communications about the space environment and bringing them to the consumers of SMAS information.

The SMAS operates optical, radio engineering, software and hardware complexes.

At this moment, modernization and development of specialized measuring instruments are being carried out, as well as work on cooperation with astronomical observatories of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine (Mykolaiv Astronomical Observatory Research Institute) and the universities of Ukraine (Odesa I. I. Mechnikov National University, Ivan Franko National University of Lviv, Uzhhorod National University).


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Re: Про другие наблюдательные сети
« Ответ #100 : Ноябрь 15, 2021, 21:56:03 »


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Re: Про другие наблюдательные сети
« Ответ #101 : Ноябрь 18, 2021, 22:33:57 »

В Китае началось строительство многоцелевых обзорных телескопов

В провинции Цинхай на юго-западе Китая на днях началось строительство проекта многоцелевых обзорных телескопов /multi-application survey telescope array, MASTA/. Об этом сообщили местные власти.
Проект, разработанный обсерваторией Цзыцзиньшань при Академии наук Китая, главным образом, предназначен для обнаружения фрагментов космического мусора, находящегося на средних и высоких околоземных орбитах.
MASTA расположен на высоте 3 800 м над уровнем моря в поселке Лэнху, административно подчиняющемся городу Маннай Хайси-Монгольско-Тибетского автономного округа вышеуказанной провинции.
Ожидается, что строительство будет завершено в начале 2023 года, а реализация данного проекта заполнит технический пробел страны в этой сфере.
С помощью MASTA астрономы смогут обнаруживать большее количество маленьких фрагментов космического мусора и определять орбиту их движения. Таким образом, это поможет обеспечить безопасность полетов космических аппаратов, поделился старший научный сотрудник обсерватории Лэй Чэнмин.
Поселок Лэнху обладает уникальными природными условиями для проведения астрономического наблюдения. По словам замдиректора комитета по управлению индустриальным парком Лэнху Тянь Цайжан, в настоящее время в поселке расположено шесть отделов научно-исследовательских учреждений и восемь проектов телескопов. В будущем, этот поселок может превратиться в центр астрономических исследований мирового класса.


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Re: Про другие наблюдательные сети
« Ответ #102 : Сентябрь 06, 2022, 14:21:46 »
Новый китайский телескоп 8 штук по 15 см в Changchun Observatory

The ground-based electro-optical (EO) array at Changchun Observatory, National Astronomical Observatories, CAS, as shown in Fig. 12. The EO array contains eight telescopes, each having an aperture of 15 cm and an FOV of 14х14 градусов. The precision of angular measurement is , the observing frequency is 0.6 Hz. Almost all the tracklets from the EO array belong to the LEO objects.

И там же есть другой телескоп из 28-см труб.

EO array of 280 mm telescopes each has an FOV of 160 deg2 and can detect an object at 16.5 visual magnitude.
« Последнее редактирование: Сентябрь 06, 2022, 14:36:45 от Игорь »


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Re: Про другие наблюдательные сети
« Ответ #103 : Февраль 08, 2023, 22:03:40 »
The Dragonfly Telephoto Array

We are very glad and honored to contribute to the Dragonfly Telephoto Array project!
The Dragonfly Telephoto Array is a novel telescope concept designed to image large and extremely faint structures in the night sky. These structures hold important clues to the distribution and nature of dark matter, the elusive substance whose contribution to the total mass-energy density of the Universe is five times higher than that of normal matter. These structures are hard to see with conventional telescopes due to a combination of scattered light from bright stars and their mosaicked detectors. Dragonfly harnesses the power of commercially-available high-end telephoto lenses to address these issues
30 x Pegasus Astro Powerbox Advanced were placed on each array to distribute power and data to the instruments (CCD cameras, focus, and other scientific equipment).


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Re: Про другие наблюдательные сети
« Ответ #104 : Март 25, 2023, 02:20:35 »
Нашел фото батареи