Автор Тема: ExoAnalytic  (Прочитано 8389 раз)


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« : Июль 02, 2017, 11:10:56 »
ExoAnalytic Solutions

With a global network of 165 optical telescopes around the globe, ExoAnalytic focuses on tracking objects in and near geostationary orbit. Its private services augment the "space situational awareness" program led by the US Air Force.


« Последнее редактирование: Июль 02, 2017, 11:39:54 от Виктор Воропаев »


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Re: ExoAnalytic
« Ответ #1 : Август 31, 2017, 18:19:21 »


Our telescope network is powered by the ExoAnalytic Space Operations Center (ESpOC) software suite. The ESpOC command center enables automated command and control of individual telescopes, and remote command and control of all network sensors. ESpOC automatically integrates and fuses data from multiple sensors in real-time to enable closed-loop tracking and catalog maintenance. Unique ESpOC visualization capabilities provide real-time, full-motion video by overlaying all collected data for a full-sky common operational picture.


ExoAnalytic Solutions maintains a unique, robust, and independent catalog of satellites and debris. Using data from the ExoAnalytic Global Telescope Network, we routinely track, catalog, and maintain custody of thousands of space objects. Observation data is continuously correlated to objects in the catalog as it streams into the ExoAnalytic Solutions command center from our global sensors. This unique capability provides a variety of SSA services and supports tools that enable our customers to produce their own catalogs.


To improve understanding of the population of near-earth objects, ExoAnalytic Solutions maintains a catalog of one-meter sized objects in the near-GEO region. We typically collect measurements on ~1,500 man-made space objects each night and use these measurements to maintain an independent space catalog. Observations are continuously streamed from ExoAnalytic sensors and we produce updated orbits every 15 minutes.


ESpOC catalog tools autonomously correlate known tracked objects to objects in our database containing identifying information (e.g., satellite number, common name, etc.).  For unknown objects (i.e. objects that cannot be correlated to a catalog), we perform an initial orbit determination and maintain the objects as uncorrelated tracks (UCTs). BruteStack is our UCT discovery tool that provides track-to-track association and outlier rejection. BruteCorr provides tracklet to catalog correlation, multi-sensor correlation, and ambiguous track processing.


EigenOrbitFitter provides high-fidelity batch fit orbit determination using 2-D line of sight measurements to produce an orbit estimate in the form of 3-D position and velocity vectors and a 6×6 covariance matrix. EigenOrbitFitter has been validated against WAAS satellite truth orbits with <10m error near GEO, and has been used to discover momentum impulse changes as small as ~1mm/s.


The ExoAnalytic Global Telescope Network collects more than 8 million measurements per month of man-made satellites and debris. Our sensors collect angular astrometric (RA and DEC) and photometric visual magnitude measurements. Customers who seek to maintain a catalog or keep an eye on their high-value assets rely on us to provide the highest quality data in the world on-demand.


Data is our calling card. We take great pride in the quality of our data, and we take no shortcuts in the data production process.We deliver an unprecedented quantity of the highest quality data in real-time.  This is the foundation of our Space Situational Awareness (SSA) services, the feedstock for our SSA and Battle Management Command and Control (BMC2) algorithms, and it is revolutionizing SSA globally.

ExoAnalytic Solutions has operated our global network of telescopes continuously since November 2013, when we fielded our first automated observatory.  On Thanksgiving Day 2016, we collected our 100,000,000th correlated measurement.  Today, we collect ~8 million correlated measurements of man-made space objects each month.  As we grow, we keep our focus on one simple idea – produce the best data, in the highest quantity possible, at the best price available.


ExoAnalytic has a variety of data collection and delivery services to meet our customer’s needs. Customers wanting to develop their own catalogs utilize our Tiered Subscription services that consist of many telescopes distributed globally that provide data utilizing a variety of search and survey routines. Other customers are only interested in a few satellites (typically their own) and utilize Individual Telescope tasking to direct our collections. Our data collection services are tailored to each customer’s needs and include automated delivery as well as training on the use of our data with their in-house tools.


ExoAnalytic conducts routine sensor calibration and reports associated weights, biases, and characterization accuracy internally on at least a weekly basis for each sensor. Our sensor calibration process has been validated by many government and commercial users.


ExoAnalytic telescopes collect angles-only astrometric measurements (RA and DEC) and photometric measurements (visual magnitude). We collect, process, and disseminate real-time observations with data Quality of Service (QoS) that meets the following performance metrics:

    100% global coverage of GEO, HEO, MEO orbits

    Provide detections with astrometric error between 0.1-0.5 arcseconds

    Provide detections of objects as dim as 18.5 visual magnitude (Vmag)

    Provide detections with timing precision less than 10 milliseconds

    Performance of routine calibration, reporting of sensor and noise bias


The ESpOC sensor operator package turns any telescope into an SSA machine! ESpOC technology supports any optical sensor design configuration and has been used on more than 100 different telescope and camera configurations. Telescopes running ESpOC have automated:

    Image registration (position accuracy)

    Image calibration (brightness accuracy)

    Man-made space object detection (find all objects)

    Object correlation (know what they are)

    Catalog maintenance (know where they are)

    Orbit updates (know where they are going)


Our BMC2 tools are battle tested on a network of ~150 sensors and have supported steady state and emergency satellite operations for over 3 years. ExoAnalytic BMC2 enables the efficient and effective allocation of sensor resources to provide rapid space situational awareness, and to rapidly recommend appropriate operator responses to events in space. Our ESpOC sensor status suite (ESpOC S3) provides real-time observatory and sensor availability and performance conditions. ESpOC Task Manager is a dynamic sensor tasking algorithm that delivers tasking via machine-to-machine interface for all network sensors. Our Ontological Sensor Management and Adaptable Real-Time Tasking (O-SMART) module, developed for the Missile Defense Agency, optimizes tasking across the detect, track, characterize process while adaptively responding to environmental changes, evolving threat assessments, and changing priorities.


As operators of the world’s premier SSA telescope network, ExoAnalytic Solutions is uniquely positioned to support a wide variety of space industry needs. Our team of SSA professionals offers custom solutions for satellite operations throughout the spacecraft lifecycle. These services include launch monitoring, conjunction analysis, warning and secondary screening, anomaly detection and resolution. We also regularly provide customized services designed to help satellite operators ensure safety and cost-effectiveness.


Through dedicated satellite tracking of spacecraft using our global network of sensors, ExoAnalytic Solutions helps customers achieve sub-30 meter orbit solutions. These high-precision orbits support numerous missions that rely on precise knowledge of satellite positioning as well as improved safety of flight for satellites operating in dense clusters.
« Последнее редактирование: Август 31, 2017, 18:36:37 от Игорь »


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Re: ExoAnalytic
« Ответ #2 : Август 31, 2017, 19:17:25 »
Твиттер эхоаналитиков


И как минимум один из их телескопов стоит во Франции на астрохостинге и с ним они пытались наблюдать астероиды на 28-см телескопе собственной разработки:


Asteroid Initiative

We are proud to announce that Exoanalytic Solutions has set up their own brand new telescope at our Observatory to test their cutting edge Space Situational Awareness System. The workshop is consisting of some CTOS telescopes connected each other inside a global network able to monitor 24/24 asteroïds, satellites, space debris among millions of stars crossing the entire field of view of a 11 inches (280 mm) reflector as fast as a f/d 2 ratio.

The mount is a alt-az celestron 11 fork arm, the one you can purchase yourself. But Intelligence is in the proprietary software as usual. Stay connected as well to follow this new endeavor from the US coming down to France.
« Последнее редактирование: Август 31, 2017, 19:34:20 от Игорь »


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Re: ExoAnalytic
« Ответ #3 : Август 31, 2017, 19:39:18 »
Обсерватории им ставит и эта фирма  https://www.observatorysolutions.com/projects.php


South Africa Observatory


South Africa Observatory 2


Western Australia Observatory


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Re: ExoAnalytic
« Ответ #4 : Сентябрь 01, 2017, 15:48:52 »
И как минимум один из их телескопов стоит во Франции на астрохостинге и с ним они пытались наблюдать астероиды на 28-см телескопе собственной разработки:
Не, тут никакой собственной разработки. Телескопы - Селестрон с Гиперстаром, от 200 до 280 мм. Камеры - kaf8300, Atik383l. Причём их не смущает экранирование 0,6 по диаметру от жирной тушки камеры Atik на 200-ке, этот вариант превосходит даже Мастер с Апогеем, хотя с 280 мм уже всё гораздо проще.

Единственное что видимо их - система стабилизации юстировки, там какое-то колечко виднеется через одну из бленд.

Они же прямо написали, что свой у них только софт. Но цены на него конечно конские - 30 килобаксов в месяц за пункт + 10 сверху за каждый телескоп на пункте.

Fee applies to each unique site. For example, an ESpOC Operator Package I license for a site with 4 telescopes would cost $60K per month ($30K plus 3*$10K).

А формат полностью наш - это отчётливо видно по этой вакансии:
Field Engineer
ExoAnalytic Solutions, Inc. - Mission Viejo, CA 92692

ExoAnalytic Solutions Inc. is an employee owned and rapidly growing small business in the Aerospace and Defense Industry.

Job Type: Field Engineer

Position type: Full Time, Employee

Location: Mission Viejo, CA (50% on site, 50% in the field at various locations)

Major Required: Engineering, Physics, Math, Computer Science, or related field

Languages (Familiar with one or more): MatLab®, Python, C, C++, Bash/Batch Scripting

Citizenship: United States citizenship required.

Security Clearance: All new hires will be subject to a government security investigation and must meet eligibility requirements for access to classified information. US citizenship is required for clearance.

Job Description:

ExoAnalytic Solutions is looking for an exceptionally talented individual interested in joining the ExoAnalytic Global Telescope Network (EGTN) team. Applicant must have a technical degree in Engineering, Physics, Math, Computer Science or related field. Tasks will include items pertinent to observatory installation and maintenance as well as creation of new tools and routines to ensure sensor automation. Applicant will be in the field approximately 50% of the time at various observatory locations with the home office location in Mission Viejo, CA. Applicant is expected to be able to lift over 100 pounds and complete other hands-on tasks requiring the use of power tools.

Experience with Matlab, Python and/or C/C++ is preferred. Speaking a foreign language is a plus. U.S. passport required.

Job Type: Full-time

Причём замануха классическая до смеха: "Молодая, динамично развивающаяся компания ищет исключительный талант для пахоты в полях." Хорошо она хоть employee-owned, новичку похоже предложат в нагрузку к работе принять часть корпоративного риска с надеждой на часть прибыли.


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Re: ExoAnalytic
« Ответ #5 : Январь 21, 2018, 01:27:24 »
Судя по количеству телескопов в павильоне, похоже, что в Чили "нашлась" одна из обсерваторий Эхо-аналитикс.


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Re: ExoAnalytic
« Ответ #6 : Январь 21, 2018, 04:02:23 »
"Телескопы - Селестрон с Гиперстаром, от 200 до 280 мм."
А вот камеры, похоже, не 383l, а вообще дюймовки типа 490EX - видимо поле им совсем не нужно, возможно они легко им пожертвовали в угоду электронному затвору.
В центре 11" на CGEM-DX - возможно, им просто пофиг экваториал или азимутал, возможно выделенный под некоторые задачи.


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Re: ExoAnalytic
« Ответ #7 : Май 23, 2018, 19:14:26 »
ExoAnalytic Solutions

With a global network of 165 optical telescopes around the globe

Пишут, что у них уже 200 телескопов в 25 обсерваториях


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Re: ExoAnalytic
« Ответ #8 : Февраль 22, 2020, 16:34:33 »
Эхоаналитики продолжают развиваться. Пишу уже про 320 телескопов и что скоро их станет 400. Но просят за полный сервис $1,360,000 в месяц. А за малый набор - $90,000 в месяц.


Subscription Tiers

    Tier A – Consists of up to 28 dedicated robotic telescopes.  All telescopes survey the GEO belt.

    Tier B – Consists of up to 80 dedicated robotic telescopes.  Includes a 90 degree persistent staring fence from 30E to 120E.  Remainder of GEO belt covered by survey telescopes.

    Tier C – Consists of up to 160 dedicated robotic telescopes.  Includes a 180 degree persistent staring fence from 60W to 120E. Remainder of GEO belt covered by survey telescopes.

    Tier D – Consists of up to 240 dedicated robotic telescopes.  Includes a 270 degree persistent staring fence from 150W to 120E.  Remainder of GEO belt covered by survey telescopes.

    Tier E – Consists of up to 320 dedicated robotic telescopes.  Includes a persistent staring fence covering the entire GEO belt.  Plus additional scopes for off-GEO scanning.

    Tier F – Consists of up to 400 dedicated robotic telescopes.  Includes a persistent staring fence covering the entire GEO belt.  Plus additional scopes for off-GEO scanning.  Available late-2020.


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Re: ExoAnalytic
« Ответ #9 : Февраль 22, 2020, 16:43:34 »
И, наконец-то появилось хоть какое-то описание телескопов - они теперь продают обсерватории под ключ

ExoAnalytic offers two turn-key sensor system packages. A single telescope observatory optimized for superior system performance and an innovative 10-telescope observatory optimized for dim object detection are available for purchase. Both sensor system packages include observatory hardware/equipment, software, installation, and training.

Package 1: ESpOC14 Integrated Sensor System

    Superior system performance
    Observe objects as dim as 18.5 V-mag
    ~1 degree field of view
    ~5-10 second data rate
    Astrometric accuracy: ~0.2 arcseconds
    Photometric accuracy ~0.1 V-mag
    Automated dome system fully installed
    1 Telescope – 14″ class
    Computer equipment
    Image Processing Suite
    Telescope and Camera Control Module
    Installation of 1 pier and equipment
    One week of one-on-one training for up to 5 people

Package 2: HARRIER Integrated Sensor System

    Dim object detection
    Observe objects as dim as 20.0 V-mag
    ~1 degree field of view
    ~5-10 second data rate
    Astrometric accuracy: ~0.2 arcseconds
    Photometric accuracy ~0.1 V-mag
    Automated roll-off roof system fully installed
    10 telescopes – 14″ class
    Computer equipment
    HARRIER Image Processing Suite
    Telescope and Camera Control Module
    Installation of 10 piers and equipment
    One week of one-on-one training for up to 5 people
    Training for on-site staff in weekly cleaning procedures