Dear colleagues!
The EU-Project Europlanet RI ( plans to
establish a database on ground-based observatories for a better
cooperation between researchers, and also amateur astronomers. For the
evaluation of ground-based facilities, we have developed a
questionnaire, which can be found under
The database will go online in near future on the Europlanet-website.
For further details, please look at the website
(, or feel free to write me an email
( <> .
I am pleased to invite you to fill out the questionnaire for
implementing your observatory into the database (you need only to fill
out the fields that you want to fill out).
I would appreciate receiving your answers, comments, and suggestions.
Best regards,
Manuel Scherf
(NA1 Operational Manager)
PS: Please feel free to distribute this information to interested people
and observatories.
Mag. Manuel Scherf
Institut fЭr Weltraumforschung / Space Research Institute
жsterreichische Akademie der Wissenschaften / Austrian Academy of Sciences
Schmiedlstraъe 6
8042 Graz - Austria