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Re: Публикации
« Ответ #240 : Октябрь 09, 2016, 03:56:30 »
Оказывается статьи издали годом позже, чем нам сообщили - в 2017 г. Поправил, в том числе страницы.

A. Pozanenko, A. Volnova, E. Mazaeva, R. Inasaridze, V. Ayvazyan, G. Inasaridze,V. Zhuzhunadze, I. Reva, O. Burkhonov, V. Rumyantsev, Y. Krugly, and I. Molotov. Observations of Gamma-ray Bursts in Abastumany Observatory.Astronomy & Astrophysics (CAUCASUS), [S.l.], v. 1, n. 1, p. 20-31, july 2017. ISSN 2449-2914.  

Yu. N. Krugly, V. R. Ayvasian, R. Ya. Inasaridze, V. G. Zhuzhunadze, I. E. Molotov, V. A. Voropaev, V. V. Rumyantsev, and A. R. Baransky. Observations of Near-Earth Asteroids at Abastumani Astrophysical Observatory.
Astronomy & Astrophysics (CAUCASUS), [S.l.], v. 1, n. 1, p. 32-43, july 2017. ISSN 2449-2914.

V. G. Shevchenko, Yu. N. Krugly, I. N. Belskaya, I. E. Molotov. Modern Problems of Asteroid Photometry. Astronomy & Astrophysics (CAUCASUS), [S.l.], v. 1, n. 1, p. 59-68, july 2017. ISSN 2449-2914.
« Последнее редактирование: Октябрь 24, 2017, 02:01:09 от Игорь »


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Re: Публикации
« Ответ #241 : Октябрь 11, 2016, 12:01:05 »

Kim, Myung-Jin; Choi, Young-Jun; Moon, Hong-Kyu; Krugly, Yurij N.; Greenstreet, Sarah; Lister, Tim; Kaynar, Suleyman; Rumyantsev, Vasilij V.; Molotov, Igor E.; Donchev, Zahary. Optical observations of NEA 162173 Ryugu (1999 JU3) during the 2016 apparition. American Astronomical Society, DPS meeting #48, id.#326.12, 10/2016


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Re: Публикации
« Ответ #242 : Октябрь 23, 2016, 04:38:19 »
Astronomy & Astrophysics (Caucasus) 1, (2016)

Astronomy & Astrophysics
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С уважением, Реваз Чигладзе
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Re: Публикации
« Ответ #243 : Октябрь 23, 2016, 04:59:23 »
Molotov I., Schildknecht T., Montojo F.J., Rumyantsev V., Biryukov V., Zolotov V., Fakhrutdinova T., Zakhvatkin M., Voropaev V., Borovin G., Elenin L., Chestnov D., Kokina T., Namkhai T., Zalles R., Inasaridze R., Vikhristenko A., Buyko S., Smirnov A., Kornienko G., Erofeeva A., Wolf A., Kaplinskiy A., Rusakov O., Mokhnatkin A. Increasing of new GEO/HEO space debris discovery rate with ISON optical network. Proceedings of the 67th International Astronautical Congress (IAC), Guadalajara, Mexico, 26-30 September, 2016, IAC-16,A6,1,1,x33453


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Re: Публикации
« Ответ #244 : Ноябрь 08, 2016, 19:52:12 »
Pozanenko, A.; Mazaeva, E.; Volnova, A.; Elenin, L.; Inasaridze, R.; Aivazyan, V.; Reva, I.; Kusakin, A.; Tungalag, N.; Schmalz, S.; Chornaya, E.; Matkin, A.; Erofeeva, A.; Litvinenko, E.; Polyakov, K.; Nevski, V.; Ivanov, A.; Krugly, Yu.; Paronyan, G.; Voropaev, V.; Molotov, I.
GRB Afterglow Observations by International Scientific Optical Network (ISON)
Eighth Huntsville Gamma-Ray Burst Symposium, held 24-28 October, 2016 in Huntsville, Alabama. LPI Contribution No. 1962, id.4074


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Re: Публикации
« Ответ #245 : Февраль 16, 2017, 18:03:50 »

Petr Pravec, Petr Fatka, David Vokrouhlicky, Daniel Scheeres, Peter Kušnirák, Kamil Hornoch, Adrián Galád, Jan Vraštil, Donald Pray, Yurij Krugly, Ninel Gaftonyuk, Raguli Inasaridze, Vova Ayvazian, Otar Kvaratskhelia, Vasili Zhuzhunadze, Marek Husárik, Walt Cooney, John Gross, Dirk Terrell, Jozef Világi, Leonard Kornos, Štefan Gajdoš, Otabek Burkhonov, Shuhrat Ehgamberdiev, Zahary Donchev, Galin Borisov, Tanyu Bonev, Vasilij Rumyantsev, Igor Molotov. Asteroid clusters similar to asteroid pairs.

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Re: Публикации
« Ответ #246 : Март 21, 2017, 19:37:52 »
В ADS "всплыла" старая статья, опубликованная коллегами из КрАО в трудах конференции:


Volvach, A.; Pushkarev, A.; Molotov, I.; Tuccari, G.; Hong, X.; Dougherty, S.
Research on Active Galactic Nuclei with the Low-Frequency VLBI Network
AGN Variability from X-Rays to Radio Waves ASP Conference Series, Vol. 360, Proceedings of the conference held 14-16 June, 2004 at the Crimean Astrophysical Observatory in Crimea, Ukraine. Edited by C. Martin Gaskell, Ian M. McHardy, Bradley M. Peterson and Sergey G. Sergeev. San Francisco: Astronomical Society of the Pacific, 2007., p.145


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Re: Публикации
« Ответ #247 : Апрель 21, 2017, 01:31:50 »
Mokhnatkin A., Molotov I., Voropaev V., Borovin G., Andrievsky  S., Dorokhov N., Agletdinov V. Performance analysis of the large space debris tracking telescope in the North Caucasus after the second first light. Proc. 7th European Conference on Space Debris, Darmstadt, Germany, 18–21 April 2017, published by the ESA Space Debris Office, Edited by T. Flohrer & F. Schmitz, (http://spacedebris2017.sdo.esoc.esa.int), 4 pages.

Kouprianov V., Molotov I. FORTE: ISON robotic telescope control software. Proc. 7th European Conference on Space Debris, Darmstadt, Germany, 18–21 April 2017, published by the ESA Space Debris Office, Edited by T. Flohrer & F. Schmitz, (http://spacedebris2017.sdo.esoc.esa.int), 9 pages.

Escobar D., Ayuga F., Anton A., Agueda A. , Molotov I. GMV/ISON combined optical campaigns. Proc. 7th European Conference on Space Debris, Darmstadt, Germany, 18–21 April 2017, published by the ESA Space Debris Office, Edited by T. Flohrer & F. Schmitz, (http://spacedebris2017.sdo.esoc.esa.int), 7 pages.

Usovik I., Stepanov D., Stepanyants V., Zakhvatkin M., Molotov I., Nazarenko A. Improvement of the space debris model in MEO and GEO regions according to the catalog of the Keldysh Institute of Applied Mathematics (Russian academy of sciences). Proc. 7th European Conference on Space Debris, Darmstadt, Germany, 18–21 April 2017, published by the ESA Space Debris Office, Edited by T. Flohrer & F. Schmitz, (http://spacedebris2017.sdo.esoc.esa.int), 10 pages.
« Последнее редактирование: Ноябрь 01, 2017, 12:06:36 от Игорь »


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Re: Публикации
« Ответ #248 : Июнь 05, 2017, 15:30:23 »
Detailed Analysis of the Asteroid Pair (6070) Rheinland and (54827) 2001 NQ8

The Astronomical Journal 153(6):270 · May 2017

The existence of asteroid pairs, two bodies on similar heliocentric orbits, reveals an ongoing process of rotational fission among asteroids. This newly found class of objects has not been studied in detail yet. Here we choose asteroids (6070) Rheinland and (54827) 2001 NQ8, the most suitable pair for an in-depth analysis. First, we use available optical photometry to determine their rotational state and convex shapes. Rotational pole of Rheinland is very near the south ecliptic pole with a latitude uncertainty of about 10°. There are two equivalent solutions for the pole of 2001 NQ8, either (72°, −49°) or (242°, −46°) (ecliptic longitude and latitude). In both cases, the longitude values have about 10° uncertainty and the latitude values have about 15° uncertainty (both uncertainties). The sidereal rotation period of 2001 NQ8 is 5.877186 ± 0.000002 hr. Second, we construct a precise numerical integrator to determine the past state vectors of the pair's components, namely their heliocentric positions and velocities, and orientation of their spin vectors. Using this new tool, we investigate the origin of the (6070) Rheinland and (54827) 2001 NQ8 pair. We find a formal age solution of 16.34 ± 0.04 kyr. This includes effects of the most massive objects in the asteroid belt (Ceres, Pallas, and Vesta), but the unaccounted gravitational perturbations from other asteroids may imply that the realistic age uncertainty is slightly larger than its formal value. Analyzing results from our numerical simulation to 250 kya, we argue against a possibility that this pair would allow an older age. Initial spin vectors of the two asteroids, at the moment of their separation, were not collinear, but tilted by .


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Re: Публикации
« Ответ #249 : Июнь 05, 2017, 23:23:13 »

Vokrouhlický, David; Pravec, Petr; Ďurech, Josef; Hornoch, Kamil; Kušnirák, Peter; Galád, Adrián; Vraštil, Jan; Kučáková, Hana; Pollock, Joseph T.; Ortiz, Jose Luis; Morales, Nicolas; Gaftonyuk, Ninel M.; Pray, Donald P.; Krugly, Yurij N.; Inasaridze, Raguli Ya.; Ayvazian, Vova R.; Molotov, Igor E.; Colazo, Carlos A. Detailed Analysis of the Asteroid Pair (6070) Rheinland and (54827) 2001 NQ8. The Astronomical Journal, Volume 153, Issue 6, article id. 270, 17 pp. (2017).


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Re: Публикации
« Ответ #250 : Июнь 06, 2017, 12:08:25 »
Molotov I., Voropaev V., Borovin G., Yudin A., Ivanov D., Tereshina M., Pavlova E. Prototype of new ISON telescope to improve the completeness and accuracy of the catalog of space objects. Program and abstracts of XVI international seminar "Mathematical models&modeling in laser plasma processes&advanced science technologies, Petrovac, Montenegro, 5-10 June, 2017, p.65.

Elenin L., Molotov I., Schildknecht T. ISON asteroid survey program: current state and future prospects. Program and abstracts of XVI international seminar "Mathematical models&modeling in laser plasma processes&advanced science technologies, Petrovac, Montenegro,
5-10 June, 2017, p. 67.



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Re: Публикации
« Ответ #251 : Июнь 06, 2017, 15:21:35 »
Нашел прошлогодний абстракт:

Pozanenko A., Mazaeva E., Volnova A., Elenin L., Mokhnatkin A., Inasaridze R., Aivazyan V., Reva I., Kusakin A., Tungalag N., Schmalz S., Chornaya E., Matkin A., Erofeeva A., Litvinenko E., Polyakov K., Nevski V., Ivanov A., Krugly Yu., Paronyan G., Voropaev V., Molotov I. GRB afterglow observations by international scientific optical network (ISON). Program and abstracts of XV international seminar "Mathematical models&modeling in laser plasma processes&advanced science technologies, Petrovac, Montenegro, September 26 - October 1, 2016, p.55.



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Re: Публикации
« Ответ #252 : Июнь 12, 2017, 00:54:53 »

Volnova, A. A.; Pruzhinskaya, M. V.; Pozanenko, A. S.; Blinnikov, S. I.; Minaev, P. Yu.; Burkhonov, O. A.; Chernenko, A. M.; Ehgamberdiev, Sh. A.; Inasaridze, R.; Jelinek, M.; Khorunzhev, G. A.; Klunko, E. V.; Krugly, Yu. N.; Mazaeva, E. D.; Rumyantsev, V. V.; Volvach, A. E.
Multicolour modelling of SN 2013dx associated with GRB 130702A
Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, Volume 467, Issue 3, p.3500-3512

Текст статьи:  https://arxiv.org/pdf/1612.07626.pdf
« Последнее редактирование: Декабрь 08, 2017, 12:27:14 от Игорь »


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Re: Публикации
« Ответ #253 : Июль 03, 2017, 01:29:25 »
Mokhnatkin A., Molotov I., Voropaev V., Borovin G., Andrievsky  S., Dorokhov N., Agletdinov V. Performance analysis of the large space debris tracking telescope in the North Caucasus after the second first light. Proceedings of the 7th European Conference on Space Debris, ESA/ESOC, Darmstadt, Germany, 18 - 21 April 2017, 4 pages.

Kouprianov V., Molotov I. FORTE: ISON robotic telescope control software. Proceedings of the 7th European Conference on Space Debris, ESA/ESOC, Darmstadt, Germany, 18 - 21 April 2017, 9 pages.

Escobar D., Ayuga F., Anton A., Agueda A. , Molotov I. GMV/ISON combined optical campaigns. Proceedings of the 7th European Conference on Space Debris, ESA/ESOC, Darmstadt, Germany, 18 - 21 April 2017, 7 pages.

Usovik I., Stepanov D., Stepanyants V., Zakhvatkin M., Molotov I., Nazarenko A. Improvement of the space debris model in MEO and GEO regions according to the catalog of the Keldysh Institute of Applied Mathematics (Russian academy of sciences). Proceedings of the 7th European Conference on Space Debris, ESA/ESOC, Darmstadt, Germany, 18 - 21 April 2017, 10 pages.

Труды, наконец, формально опубликовали:  https://conference.sdo.esoc.esa.int/proceedings/list

You can either search for specific papers or download the full set of conference papers via a link provided at the top of the page. The search mask will later also provide access to proceedings of previous European Conferences on Space Debris.

For the proceedings of the 7th Conference, a suggested citation would be like:

"Proc. 7th European Conference on Space Debris, Darmstadt, Germany, 18–21 April 2017, published by the ESA Space Debris Office, Edited by T. Flohrer & F. Schmitz, (http://spacedebris2017.sdo.esoc.esa.int)"

Выложили фото, но нашел только Артема
« Последнее редактирование: Июль 03, 2017, 01:39:59 от Игорь »


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Re: Публикации
« Ответ #254 : Август 25, 2017, 02:14:33 »
Статьи выложили на сайте Бернского университета в Швейцарии

Molotov I., Schildknecht T., Montojo F.J., Rumyantsev V., Biryukov V., Zolotov V., Fakhrutdinova T., Zakhvatkin M., Voropaev V., Borovin G., Elenin L., Chestnov D., Kokina T., Namkhai T., Zalles R., Inasaridze R., Vikhristenko A., Buyko S., Smirnov A., Kornienko G., Erofeeva A., Wolf A., Kaplinskiy A., Rusakov O., Mokhnatkin A. Increasing of new GEO/HEO space debris discovery rate with ISON optical network. Proceedings of the 67th International Astronautical Congress (IAC), Guadalajara, Mexico, 26-30 September, 2016, IAC-16,A6,1,1,x33453


Molotov I., Zolotov V., Fakhrutdinov T., Rumyantsev V., Schildknecht T., Matkin A., Namkhai Tungalag, Vikhristenko A., Montojo F.J., Kokina T., Zalles R., Inasaridze R.
New subsystem of the ISON optical network to improve the conjunction analysis.
Proceedings of the 66th International Astronautical Congress, 12-16 October 2015, Jerusalem, Israel, ISSN1995-6258,IAC-15,A6,1,1,x29417

« Последнее редактирование: Август 31, 2017, 11:14:54 от Игорь »