Astronomy & Astrophysics (Caucasus) 1, (2016)
Astronomy & Astrophysics
Scientific paper Submission
The submitted article’s technical parameters are the same as in the USA leading international scientific journals.After the positive review only astronomy and astrophysical original articles will be published in this journal.
The manuscript should be presented in A4 format. The size of the article ,including bibliography and other types of enclosure should not exceed 20 pages printed with 1interval and 12 sized font.
It is possible to submit the online version of the manuscript but is should be written only in English. (Text must be typed in Times New Roman, MS word or Pdf file)
The text should be written on the whole page and not separately on twocolumns,the same as in this journal.
Structure of the paper:
Title of the paper:
Name of the author/authors,firstname,secondname, working place,country and online address must be presented below the manuscript title.
The abstract must be informative.Shouldrepresent the content of the paper,describe the goal of the research,symmerize results of the survey and show its theoretical and practical importance.The abstract should not exceed more than 250words,nearly one page.
Key words: Authors should provide key words,which are relevant to the topic.Maxium amount of the words should be 8 . Use only commonly used shortenings .
Introduction: Authors should highlight the essence of the problem, their sub-aims,what is their hypothesis,importance of their paper and what have been done peviously in this field.
Methods: The article should be build methodologically correct way. It should reflect the usage of modern research methods.
Results: Results must be described clearly and briefly. Each illustration should have its inscription. Number the tables used in the text consistently.
Analysis: This paragraph should investigate the importance of the paper results.You should compare your result to the previous ones.
Conclusions: The main conclusion can be written in this paragraph.
Acknowledgment: At the end of the paper on the separate chapter you should express your gratitute to those people who helped you during the research.
Literature citation: Consider that every source you have used in this paper is also indicated in the bibliography or vice versa.
Sources Reference Style: The literature quoted in the scientific publication should be indicated with round brackets.(Sort version:name of the author and the rule of the article publication.
Reference: Nominated literature where the author’s identity is indicated fully,the date of the publication and appropriate page should be arranged alphabetically.
С уважением, Реваз Чигладзе
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