worldwidetelescope.orgThe purpose of the American Astronomical Society's WorldWide Telescope project is to enable the seamless visualization and sharing of scientific data and stories from major telescopes, observatories, and institutions among students and researchers, through science museums and full-dome immersive planetariums, and in scholarly publications. Started with WorldWide Telescope
The WorldWide Telescope Ambassadors program has excellent resources to get started with WWT, start with "Learn How To User WorldWide Telescope" and see below
You can use WorldWide Telescope by installing it on a Windows PC or using the Web Client
Use the WorldWide Telescope Web Client
After launching the WorldWide Telescope Web Client, click the down arrow under the Explore tab and select Tour WWT Features.
Install WorldWide Telescope on a Windows PC
After downloading WorldWide Telescope, install and launch the program. Upon first opening the Home screen, you’ll find a dialogue box that tells you how to navigate in the WorldWide Telescope.
Learn More
To learn more about WWT you can check out the user guide, the WorldWide Telescope Ambassadors' YouTube channel, and our YouTube channel, starting with the "Getting Started" video below: