Автор Тема: Про конференции  (Прочитано 507428 раз)


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Re: Про конференции
« Ответ #1065 : Июнь 22, 2018, 19:44:58 »

Грозит ли Земле падение астероидов выясняли в Харькове ведущие астрономы мира

Международная научная конференция на тему «Безатмосферные тела Солнечной системы в эпоху космических исследований» продлится до 22 июня. Направления работы конференции:  оптические свойства Луны; планетарный реголит: наблюдение и симуляции; физические свойства астероидов и транснептуновских объектов; эффект Ярковского и YORP эффект.

В Харьков впервые приехали всемирно известные специалисты по исследованиям Солнечной системы наземными и космическими средствами из США, Германии, Франции, Италии, Финляндии, Испании, Польши, Японии, Бразилии, Аргентины, Китая, Южной Кореи, Монголии и стран СНГ.

Форум посвящен 210-летию астрономических исследований в Харьковской области, 100-летию с начала регулярных наблюдений Луны и 40-летию исследования астероидов в Харьковской астрономической обсерватории.

Среди участников конференции профессор Браунского университета Карли Питерс (США) – руководитель проекта NASA по минералогическому картографированию Луны, доктор Парижской обсерватории Антонелла Баруччи (Франция) – автор работ по исследованиям тел пояса Койпера и участник реализации космической миссии Rosetta Европейского космического агентства.

Также в Харьков приехал Даниэл Ширс – заслуженный профессор Университета штата Колорадо (США), он известен работами по эволюции орбитального движения малых тел и доктор Фюми Йошида из Центра планетных исследований Института технологий Чиба (Япония). Она принимает активное участие в реализации проекта космической миссии DESTINY + до астероида Фаэтон Японского космического агентства.

Ученые из 17 стран впервые собрались на конференцию в ХНУ им. Каразина.


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Re: Про конференции
« Ответ #1066 : Июнь 24, 2018, 01:43:14 »
> Современная звездная астрономия 2018

> Второе сообщение
> Уважаемые коллеги,
> Напоминаем, что в этом году "Современная звездная астрономия" (СЗА)
> проводится в качестве секции научной конференции "Астрономия 2018"
> (ГАИШ МГУ, 22-26.10.18). Открыта регистрация на конференцию. Просим
> участников СЗА зарегистрироваться до 15.08.18. Правила регистрации
> изложены
> на сайте конференции: http://www.sai.msu.su/EAAS/rus/confs/EAAS_XIII/
> К началу конференции предполагается издать сборник расширенных тезисов.
> Объем статьи - до 4 страниц. Язык - русский (с английским абстрактом)
> или английский (с русским и английским абстрактами). Все статьи пройдут
> научное рецензирование, принятые к печати статьи получат индекс DOI,
> а также будут индексированы в ADS и РИНЦ. Статьи нужно прислать
> на адреса malkov@inasan.ru, boch@sai.msu.ru до 10.09.18.
> Предоставление расширенных тезисов не является для участников СЗА
> обязательным. Публикация расширенных тезисов не отменяет публикации
> Трудов конференции СЗА (т.е. полных текстов докладов в журналах).
> Дополнительная информация о публикации расширенных тезисов,
> инструкция для подготовки текста и образец могут быть найдены
> на сайте конференции: http://www.sai.msu.su/EAAS/rus/confs/EAAS_XIII/
> Создан и сейчас проходит апробацию список рассылки msa-list,
> по которому вы и получили данное оповещение. Дальнейшие
> сообщения, касающиеся этой и последующих конференций
> из цикла "Современная звездная астрономия" будут рассылаться
> именно по этому списку. Все претензии и пожелания по этой
> рассылке (подписаться, отписаться и т.п.) прошу присылать на адрес
> malkov@inasan.ru
> Искренне ваш,
> О.Малков (от оргкомитета)

Сергей Шмальц

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Re: Про конференции
« Ответ #1067 : Июнь 28, 2018, 11:08:40 »

The International Space Weather Initiative School on
Space Weather and Global Navigation Satellite Systems
8–12 October 2018, Baku, Azerbaijan

The International Space Weather Initiative (ISWI) School on Space Weather (SW) and Global Navigation Satellite Systems (GNSS) will be held in Baku, Azerbaijan, on 8 – 12 October 2018.

The School will be an excellent learning and enrichment opportunity for scientists and graduate students from Asia and Eastern Europe. The purpose of the School is to advance the topics of Space Weather and Global Navigation Satellite Systems to scientists, engineers and graduate level students, who are pursuing doctorate (PhD) in solar physics, space science and engineering. Some Masters level students, who have already some exposures in solar/space physics may also apply. Some financial assistance will be provided to students and scientists attending the school. The co-sponsors of the ISWI School will jointly select participants on a competitive basis.

Space Weather is the variation in Sun energy emissions, solar wind, magnetosphere, ionosphere and thermosphere, which can influence the performance and reliability of a variety of space-borne and ground-based technological systems. As such Space Weather is recognized as the cause of significant errors experienced by GNSS and its applications, including Satellite Based Augmentation Systems (SBAS) and Ground Based Augmentation Systems (GBAS) and their users.

The School is hosted by the Science Development Foundation (SDF) under the President of the Republic of Azerbaijan and the Shamakhy Astrophysical Observatory (ShAO) of the Azerbaijan National Academy of Sciences (ANAS) and sponsored by the International Committee on GNSS (ICG) through the United Nations Office for Outer Space Affairs (UNOOSA), ISWI and the Scientific Committee on Solar Terrestrial Physics (SCOSTEP).

School directors are: Dr.Natchimuk Gopalswamy, Goddard Spaceflight Center, NASA, USA, Dr. Patricia H. Doherty, Institute for Scientific Research, Boston College, USA and Dr. Elchin Babayev SDF and ShAO, Azerbaijan.

Official language of School will be English.

The Lectures of School:
Solar Physics;
Sun-Earth connection;
Transient Disturbances from the Sun (Coronal mass ejections (CMEs), Flares, Energetic Particles);
Solar Wind and Corotating Interaction Regions (CIR);
Ionosphere and ionosphere modeling;
Magnetosphere/Ionosphere coupling;
Space Weather and its effects on society;
Introduction to GNSS;
GNSS systems and signals;
GNSS applications affected by Space Weather;
Space Physics and Space Plasma;
Solar Activity and Climate Changes;
High Energy Cosmic Neutrinos and Positrons;
Shock Waves;
Hands on: Using CMEs database: cdaw.gsfc.nasa.gov;
Technical Tour: “Azercosmos” JSCo and Shamakhy Astrophysical Observatory, ANAS.


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Re: Про конференции
« Ответ #1068 : Июль 02, 2018, 00:39:51 »
Международная научная конференция на тему «Безатмосферные тела Солнечной системы в эпоху космических исследований»
Ученые из 17 стран впервые собрались на конференцию в ХНУ им. Каразина.


International Conference


Institute of Astronomy and Department of Astronomy and Space Informatics of V.N. Karazin Kharkiv National University

June 18-22, 2018

Tuesday, June 19

15.30–15.45: Yu. N. Krugly, I. E. Molotov, R. Ya. Inasaridze, V. R. Aivazyan, O. I. Kvaratskhelia, V. G. Zhuzhunadze, I. N. Belskaya, V. G. Chiorny, O. A. Golubov, A. V. Sergeyev, V. G. Shevchenko, I. G. Slyusarev, V. V. Rumyantsev, N. M. Gaftonyuk, Sh. A. Ehgamberdiev, O. A. Burkhonov, I. V. Reva, A. V. Kusakin, Z. Donchev, L. V. Elenin, V. A. Voropaev, V. V. Kouprianov, A. R. Baransky, E. Litvinenko, V. I. Kashuba, A.O. Novichonok OBSERVATIONAL EVIDENCES OF YORP EFFECT


R. Ya. Inasaridze, Yu. N. Krugly, I. E. Molotov, V. Ayvazian, O. I. Kvaratskhelia, G. Kapanadze, V. A. Voropaev PHOTOMETRY OF NEAs AT ABASTUMANI ASTROPHYSICAL OBSERVATORY, GEORGIA

N. Tungalag, A.Pozanenko, A.Volnova, R.Buyankhishig, I.Molotov, V.Voropaev, S.Schmalz, M.Tereshina, V.Kouprianov, Yu.Krugly ASTRONOMICAL OBSERVATIONS IN KHURELTOGOOT OBSERVATORY, INSTITUTE OF ASTRONOMY AND GEOPHYSICS, MONGOLIA
« Последнее редактирование: Июль 02, 2018, 01:04:22 от Игорь »

Артем Мохнаткин

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Re: Про конференции
« Ответ #1069 : Июль 13, 2018, 16:56:16 »

Workshop FReSWeD 2019
Towards Future Research on Space Weather Drivers
July 2-7, 2019
San Juan, Argentina

Understanding and being able to forecast space weather is an increasingly important aspect of our modern technology-reliant society. This Workshop will promote the exchange of information in the area of space weather, from the point of view of the phenomena that drive it from its origin in the solar atmosphere, through its evolution in the interplanetary medium, to its arrival in geospace. Advanced understanding on space weather drivers is essential to improve predictability of the solar-terrestrial coupling.

Among the specific subjects that will be covered are:

-Solar sources, generation and development of dynamic events that determine space weather conditions.
-Coupling of solar atmospheric layers: data-driven models of the large scale corona and solar wind.
-Interplanetary counterparts of solar activity and its space weather consequences.
-Computational and observational tools for space weather forecasting.
-Space- and ground-based instrumentation with space weather applications.

The Workshop will include invited and contributed talks, posters, as well as joint discussions. The Workshop will be accompanied by a school with a mix of introductory tutorials, demos and hands-on labs.  These activities are geared towards students and young researchers who seek to gain a broad overview of space weather domains, concepts and tools/resources.

This space weather Workshop and its associated school are being organized on the occasion of the total solar eclipse of 2019, whose totality path will cross five provinces of Argentina extending for more than 1200 km.

Further information can be found at: http://www.iafe.uba.ar/freswed2019

If you are interested in attending and would like to be on a pre-registration email list, please fill in the pre-registration form on our website above.

Hebe Cremades,  Cristina Mandrini, and  Carlos Francile,
On behalf of FReSWeD SOC and LOC


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Re: Про конференции
« Ответ #1070 : Август 04, 2018, 11:59:50 »
Dear Members of the Orbital Debris, SSA and STM communities,

Attached is the Call for Abstracts for the Fall 2018 Workshop on Orbital Debris Education and Research to be held Nov 13-15 at the University of Maryland, College Park, MD, USA.   More information, including the most up-to-date agenda and speaker list, travel and lodging, and past workshop agendas (2014/2016) is available on the CODER website (http://www.coder.umd.edu) under the WORKSHOPS tab.

Best Regards,



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Re: Про конференции
« Ответ #1071 : Август 30, 2018, 20:30:26 »
Dear Colleague,
The purpose of this letter is to invite you to be a speaker at the "3rd International Conference on Astronomy and Space Science" on May 02-03, 2019. This conference will be held at beautiful city of London, UK.
The Astronomy Congress aims to be an exemplary cross-discipline gathering in the field of Astronomy and Space Science for research presentation, discussion, learning, inspiration and encouragement with participants leaving with new research knowledge and ideas, and perhaps the beginnings of international collaborations and friendships.
Privileges for Speakers:

• Abstracts will receive a DOI provided by Cross Ref
• Active Communications and Networking with Experts in the field
• Live streaming of your presentation through our websites and YouTube (upon your interest)
• Best Poster & Young Researcher Award Nominations
• International Workshops and Symposia on latest trends
• Certification by the International Organizing Committee
• Post your Department/University requirement in the conference website and souvenir.
For conference website please have a glance at: Astronomy Conferences
We really like to have your presence at this conference please let me know your interest towards the same.
Please do not hesitate to contact or mail me if I can be of further assistance. We appreciate your time and look forward to hearing from you.

We anticipate your presence at our event.
Hazel Smith | Program Director
Astronomy 2019


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Re: Про конференции
« Ответ #1072 : Сентябрь 04, 2018, 01:56:17 »
32nd ISTS Call for Abstracts and Exhibition

Joint Symposium : 32nd ISTS & 9th NSAT
ISTS : International Symposium on Space Technology and Science
NSAT : Nano-Satellite Symposium

Main Theme: “ Fly like a Phoenix to Space “
June 15 - 21, 2019  Fukui City, Fukui Prefecture, Japan

Dear Colleagues,

Abstracts for Joint Symposium (32nd ISTS & 9th NSAT) can be now submitted online at the ISTS web site

Prospective authors are invited to submit abstracts by October 31, 2018.
We are soliciting technical papers in the following sessions:
(a) Chemical Propulsion and Air-breathing Engines
(b) Electric and Advanced Propulsion
(c) Materials and Structures
(d) Astrodynamics, Navigation Guidance and Control
(e) Fluid Dynamics and Aero-thermodynamics
(f) Small Satellite: Joint Session with 9th NSAT
(g) Space Transportation
(h) Microgravity Science and Technology
(i) Thermal Control
(j) Satellite Communications, Broadcasting and Navigation
(k) Science and Technology for Human and Robotic Space Exploration
(m) Sounding Rocket, Balloon and Flight Experiment using Small Flight Vehicle
(n) Earth Observation
(p) Space Life Science
(q) Space Power Systems
(r) Space Environment and Debris
(t) Systems Engineering and Information Technology
(u) Space Education and Outreach for the Benefit of All People
(v) Space Law, Policy and International Cooperation
(w) Safety and Mission Assurance
(s) Student Session : Important Notice : Selected papers will be presented in finalist oral session. The other papers will be included in general oral / poster sessions.

* Organized Sessions
  - OS-1: Launch Vehicles Today and Tomorrow from Nano to Heavy
  - OS-2: Active Private Sectors in Space Development
  - OS-3: Big Discoveries by Small Bodies Exploration
  - OS-4: Young-ISEF Follow-on

Important Deadlines
* September 3, 2018 : Online Abstract Submission Open
* October 31, 2018 : Deadline for Abstract Submission
* End of December, 2018 : Notification of Acceptance for All Authors
* February 1, 2019 : Deadline for Paper Upload for Student Session Only
* March 1, 2019 : Notification of Presentation Schedule for All Authors
* April 15, 2019 : Deadline for Paper Upload
* June 15-21, 2019 : Joint Conference

The International Space Exhibition will be held along with the 32nd ISTS and regarding Call for Exhibition, please visit https://www.ists.or.jp/exhibition.html

Please forward this message to your colleagues and professionals you know who may have interest to this symposium.
On behalf of the 32nd ISTS organizing committee, we eagerly look forward to your abstract submission and exhibition.

Sincerely yours,

Prof. Yasuhiro MORITA
General Chairperson, 32nd ISTS
Prof. Kojiro SUZUKI
Chairperson of Program Committee, 32nd ISTS


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Re: Про конференции
« Ответ #1073 : Октябрь 02, 2018, 18:33:06 »
The First International AeroSpace Simposium

The Silk Road



Small Satellites

The section is devoted to the creation of new small satellites, their communication systems, control and maneuvering systems, onboard computers, power engineering and the problems of their launching into orbit.

​Modeling for the Aerospace Applications

The section includes reports on modern mathematical methods for aerospace applications, including ballistic problems, strength physics, calculation of thermal effects and modeling of aerodynamics.

​Space Debris

The problems of utilization of space debris, the current status of popular orbits and the development of new methods for collecting space wastes are discussed.

Деадлайн - 15 ноября.


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Re: Про конференции
« Ответ #1074 : Октябрь 04, 2018, 16:59:38 »
На конференции Международного астронавтического союза в Бремене.

Соавторы на фоне экрана с докладом про обсерваторию в Кастельгранде.


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Re: Про конференции
« Ответ #1075 : Октябрь 07, 2018, 00:35:37 »

Современная звездная астрономия 2018

23-24 октября 2018 г.

Вторник 23.10, Блок 3
устный доклад=

Мазаева Е.Д. (ИКИ РАН), Позаненко А.А., Минаев П.Ю., Вольнова А.А., Молотов И.Е., Воропаев В.А., Шмальц С.Е., Новичонок А.О., Румянцев В.В., Клунко Е.В., Рева И.В., Кусакин А.В., Инасаридзе Р., Тунгалаг Н., Бурхонов О. Немонотонности в кривых блеска послесвечений гамма-всплесков.


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Re: Про конференции
« Ответ #1076 : Октябрь 16, 2018, 01:21:01 »

к 239-летию основания МИИГАиК
28 мая 2018 года

Кокина Т.Н., заведующая Центром Астрономии Автономного
университета Синалоа, Мексика, Мендоса А.Д., исследователь
Центра астрономии Автономного университета Синалоа, Мексика,
Молотов И.Е., старший научный сотрудник института Прикладной
математики им. М.В. Келдыша РАН, Воропаев В.А., ведущий
инженер института Прикладной математики им. М.В. Келдыша
РАН, Селая Р., ответственный наблюдатель обсерватории в
Косала Центра астрономии Автономного университета Синалоа,
Мексика, Кокина Е.Д., ответственная за информатику, Центра
астрономии Автономного Университета Синалоа,
Мексика,Боровин Г.К.,д.ф.-м.н. главный научный сотрудник
института Прикладной математики им. М.В. Келдыша РАН
Результаты участия Центра Астрономии Университета Синалоа в
проекте Сети оптических наблюдений НСОИ АФН


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Re: Про конференции
« Ответ #1077 : Октябрь 21, 2018, 23:08:36 »
International CA Workshop June 2019 in Paris, save the date

Dear colleagues,

Please find attached the first announcement for the third International Conjunction Assessment Workshop organized at CNES HQ end of June 2019. The call for presentations will be sent out in December.

Save the date for June next year!

Best regards,



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Re: Про конференции
« Ответ #1078 : Октябрь 24, 2018, 03:49:46 »
Call for Papers - 3rd IAA conference on Private Human Access to Space (PHAS)- Xi-An (China) - 27-29 May 2019

Dear colleagues and friends,

After the very successful first two editions of the PHAS Conference in Arcachon, the International Academy of Astronautics (IAA) and the Nortwestern Polytechnical University (NPU) China are pleased to invite you to participate to the next edition of this nice and productive conference.

Devoted to every topic associated to commercial aspect of the Human Access to Space: Suborbital or orbital, Technical at system and sub-system level including reusability aspects, Legal, Psychological, Physiological, Insurance, Ground, Business plan and market, Certification, Training… Your subject is obviously addressed J

Come and enjoy this worldwide gathering with all the major key-players; the congress should be second to none, in Xi-An, very very unique in China with its terracotta army, known as the starting city of the Silk Road 2130 years ago!

We are expecting abstracts by the first days of January 2019.

Please don’t hesitate to contact us for any additional information, and see you soon in Xi’An !

All the best

Christophe BONNAL
General Chair – Program Committee – 3rd PHAS
Senior Expert


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Re: Про конференции
« Ответ #1079 : Октябрь 26, 2018, 00:52:53 »


GAUSS is planning an IAA Conference on Space Debris Observation to be held from 8 to 10 July 2019 in the Basilicata Region (South of Italy) where the Astronomical Observatory of Castelgrande is located.

Castelgrande Observatory forms part of the International Scientific Optical Network (ISON) and carries out Space Debris and NEO observations through CastelGAUSS Project, in cooperation with KIAM the Keldish Institute of Moscow and in agreement with the Municipality of Castelgrande (Province of Potenza, Italy) .

The “IAA Regional Symposium of Space Debris Observations from Basilicata” intends to address the topics related to Space Debris, offering insights deriving from studies and first-hand researches.

On site optical observations of Near-Earth (NEOs) and GSO Objects performed by GAUSS/KIAM experts with CastelGAUSS 22-cm aperture telescope recently led to significant detections and examples of astrophotography: for instance a picture of the Chinese Space Station Tiangong-1 re-entering Earth’s atmosphere and a GRB (gamma-ray bursts) optical afterglow.  

More details on the event will follow, stay tuned!
« Последнее редактирование: Июнь 27, 2019, 13:11:02 от Игорь »