Автор Тема: Про конференции  (Прочитано 508997 раз)


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Re: Про конференции
« Ответ #1215 : Июль 26, 2022, 23:21:37 »

Международная конференция
Space Sciences and Technologies

19-23 сентября, Бюракан, Армения.

Space Sciences and Space Astronomy
Multiwavelength Astronomical Surveys, Catalogues, Archives and Databases
Exoplanets and Planetary Science
Virtual Observatories and Astroinformatics
Space Technologies
Interdisciplinary and Multidisciplinary Sciences


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Re: Про конференции
« Ответ #1216 : Август 01, 2022, 15:27:40 »
Dear colleagues,

We are pleased to announce the 2nd ESA NEO and DEBRIS DETECTION CONFERENCE, which will be held at ESA/ESOC, Darmstadt, Germany, 24 - 26 January 2023.

The conference will highlight all classical and new disciplines of NEO and Debris Detection Research, including:

    Observation strategies - technology improvements of radar, passive optical, and laser systems
    Instrumentation component developments (CCDs, CMOS, ...)
    New telescope & radar projects (e.g. fly-eye telescope)
    Space-based observation concepts
    Space surveillance system architectures & applications for space traffic management
    Detection systems for fireball and other events
    Orbit prediction & determination in near-Earth and cislunar space
    On-orbit & re-entry risk assessments
    Data processing concepts
    Data exchange mechanisms & standardisation

Please note: The pandemic situation may imply the need to change the conference planning. A final decision for an in-person or virtual event will be taken on 01 October 2022.

Details on the conference venue, scope, registration, accommodation, abstract & paper submission and important dates can be found on the conference website.

The deadline for the submission of abstracts is 01 October 2022. We do not plan for an extension of the submission deadline.

With best regards from the local organizers,

Tim Flohrer & Richard Moissl
« Последнее редактирование: Август 01, 2022, 15:55:49 от Игорь »


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Re: Про конференции
« Ответ #1217 : Август 01, 2022, 16:51:28 »
Dear Colleague,

We are pleased to inform you that the 8th IAA Planetary Defense Conference will be held on April 3-7, 2023 at the Vienna International Centre, Vienna, Austria. It will be an Hybrid conference hosted by the United Nations Office for Outer Space Affairs (UNOOSA), in cooperation with the European Space Agency (ESA) and the host country Austria.

Experts from all over the world will gather to discuss and exchange ideas on Planetary Defense. Key session topics will include:

• Key International & Policy Developments: The Decision to Act - Political, Legal, Social, and Economic Aspects
• Ongoing and upcoming mission highlights (DART, Hera, Hayabusa2, OSIRIS REx/APEX, NEO Surveyor, Apophis, etc.)
• NEO Discovery
• NEO Characterization
• Deflection / Disruption Testing & Modelling
• Space Mission & Campaign Design
• Impact Effects & Consequences
• Disaster Management & Impact Response
• Public Education & Communication
• Opportunities from NEO Close Approaches
• International Year of Planetary Defence 2029 Initiative
• Hypothetical Impact Hazard Exercise

Details are forthcoming on abstract submittal, registration, scheduling, etc. and will be available on the conference website at https://iaaspace.org/pdc

Please save the date,
Thank you and best regards,

IAA Office


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Re: Про конференции
« Ответ #1218 : Сентябрь 06, 2022, 15:04:33 »

Abstract submission is open now!

Dear colleagues,

We are pleased to announce the 2nd ESA NEO and DEBRIS DETECTION CONFERENCE, which will be held at ESA/ESOC, Darmstadt, Germany, 24 - 26 January 2023.

The conference will highlight all classical and new disciplines of NEO and Debris Detection Research, including:

    Observation strategies - technology improvements of radar, passive optical, and laser systems
    Instrumentation component developments (CCDs, CMOS, ...)
    New telescope & radar projects (e.g. fly-eye telescope)
    Space-based observation concepts
    Space surveillance system architectures & applications for space traffic management
    Detection systems for fireball and other events
    Orbit prediction & determination in near-Earth and cislunar space
    On-orbit & re-entry risk assessments
    Data processing concepts
    Data exchange mechanisms & standardisation

Please note: The pandemic situation may imply the need to change the conference planning. A final decision for an in-person or virtual event will be taken on 01 October 2022.

Details on the conference venue, scope, registration, accommodation, abstract & paper submission and important dates can be found on the conference website.

The deadline for the submission of abstracts is 01 October 2022. We do not plan for an extension of the submission deadline.

With best regards from the local organizers,

Tim Flohrer & Richard Moissl


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Re: Про конференции
« Ответ #1219 : Октябрь 19, 2022, 15:36:36 »
International CA workshop May 2023 in Paris

Dear colleagues,
Please find the link for the first announcement for the fourth International Conjunction Assessment Workshop organized at CNES HQ beginning of May 2023.
The call for presentations will be sent out in December.


Save the date for May next year!
Best regards,


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Re: Про конференции
« Ответ #1220 : Октябрь 19, 2022, 15:39:31 »
CNES 9th Workshop on End of Life Satellites and Sustainable Technologies

Dear colleagues, Save the Date !
I am pleased to inform you that the 9th Workshop on End of Life Satellites and Sustainable Technologies initially planned in 2022 and withdrawn because of the covid-19 pandemic,  will take place finally from Wednesday January 18 to Friday January 20, 2023 in the "Espace" room, CNES headquarters in Paris.
IADC guidelines, ISO 24113 and different national laws recommend post mission disposal measures once mission is ended. It consists in disposal of spacecraft or launch vehicle orbital stage in order to minimize interferences with the protected regions and to take measures to reduce risks of accidental break-up by removing, for example, stored energy. This aims to guarantee sustainability of space activities by reducing space environment footprint. Space operators and manufacturers implement innovative technical and operational concepts to be compliant with these requirements.
Facing the growth of the objects population in Space, it has never been more important to preserve the space environment for the next generations.
The objectives of this two-days workshop (2 half day and one entire) are to get an overview of the state of the art in technologies and concepts and discuss ways to address current and future challenges.
We are currently building the program and if you wish like to share your expertise one of topic we invite you to propose to deliver an oral presentation during one of the 2 sessions on the following topics:

Session 1 : End of life
         Standards & Best practices
         Post Mission Disposal concepts
         End of life Operation lessons learned
         Maneuver and end of life detection/characterization
         Reentry & desorbitation concepts
         Reentry Observations
         Mission extension vs end of life

Session 2 : Sustainable Technologies
         Spacecraft reliability vs PMD Probability
         Design for Demise
         ADR Ready,
         Protecting spacecraft against micro-meteoroid
         Spacecraft Health Monitoring
         Tools, methodology, initiatives
         Environment footprint

The previous editions of this workshop were successful with each time more than 100 participants representing Administrations, Space Agencies, Operators and Industry companies.
Please Save the Date !
If you are interested to make an oral presentation, please tell me rapidly by returning this email send me small abstract before 16th November 2022.
This workshop has no registration fee but is limited because the size of the room. 
Thank you in advance for your answer. Feel free to send any suggestion on the subject and to forward this message to any person or organization.
I will send you an other email in few days to give you the link to register.
Best regards.
Pierre OMALY


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Re: Про конференции
« Ответ #1221 : Ноябрь 25, 2022, 03:53:35 »
Preliminary programme online | 2nd ESA NEO and DEBRIS DETECTION CONFERENCE, 24-26 January 2023



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Re: Про конференции
« Ответ #1222 : Февраль 21, 2023, 11:25:53 »
The 17th edition of the International Conference on Space Operations (SpaceOps 2023), one of the world’s premier space events, is all on track to be held from 6-10 March at the Dubai World Trade Centre.


The event will be held for the first time ever in the Arab world and is hosted by Mohammed Bin Rashid Space Centre (MBRSC).

The conference provides delegates with an exciting and engaging technical programs and plenary events covering various aspects of Space Operations, with a focus on past and future industry innovations.

7th March 2023 : Space Traffic Management – Needs and Solutions


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Re: Про конференции
« Ответ #1223 : Февраль 21, 2023, 11:27:37 »
Submit your abstract for the IAC 2023!

It's Time To Discover Baku, Azerbaijan - The City Of Winds In The Land Of Fire

The theme of the 74th International Astronautical Congress is holding high the powerful theme “Give Space a Chance”. It is symbolic that we will meet in Baku, Azerbaijan, the land famous for its ancient tradition of hospitality, a beautiful old country at the junction of Europe and Asia, on the Caspian coast, that always leaves unforgettable impressions and touches the heart of everyone who has ever visited it. Get to know Baku: https://iac2023.org/travelling-to-baku/.

The IAC 2023 will generate a rich and memorable atmosphere where you can share your expertise, experience, and resources and engage with the Global Space Community. Abstract shall be submitted by 28 February at

Your prospective, valuable contributions on space, will be evaluated by the International Programme Committee and the ones accepted to be presented will also be published in the Congress Proceedings. Conference proceedings will be sent to Elsevier’s Compendex and Scopus databases to be indexed after the event.
Please check the FAQ before submitting your abstract:

We look forward to welcoming you in Baku on 2-6 October 2023!


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Re: Про конференции
« Ответ #1224 : Март 10, 2023, 14:03:42 »
AstroRob2023 (16-20 Oct) First Announcement

Dear colleagues,

Following the success of the previous six workshops in 2009, 2011, 2013,
2015, 2017 and 2019, skipping the 2021 one due to the pandemics, it is a
pleasure to announce the 7th Workshop on Robotic Autonomous
Observatories (AstroRob 2023), to be held in Torremolinos (Málaga),
Spain on Oct 16-20, 2023.

14 years after the celebration of the First Workshop on robotic
autonomous observatories in Málaga, the number of automatic astronomical
facilities worldwide has significantly grown, as well as the level of
robotisation, autonomy, and networking, with many recent developments
motivated by the search of new electromagnetic counterparts to
gravitational waves in the next months. This has a strong impact in many
other astrophysical fields, like fireballs detection, minor planet
studies, the search for extra-solar planets, the monitoring of variable
stars in our Galaxy, the study of active galactic nuclei, the detection
and monitoring of supernovae, and the immediate follow-up of high-energy
transients such as cosmic gamma-ray bursts, besides the search of
neutrino and gravitational waves electromagnetic counterparts. Last, but
not least, space debris surveillance and tracking is another field of
increasing interest. Educational aspects will be also covered.

The Scientific Organizing Committee will try to work on a very dynamic
program, dealing not only with scientific and technical issues but also
with educational and open science aspects.

The workshop will be host in Hotel Occidental Costa del Sol (same hotel
as in the 2009, 2011, 2013, 2015 and 2019, a hotel which has just been
refurbished) in Torremolinos, Málaga (Spain) just at the beach forefront
and 10 min from the Malaga International Airport. Your family is most
welcome if they also want to relax while you are attending the Workshop
(check special discounts). Temperatures are still very pleasant at that
time of the year (early Autumn) and swimming in the Mediterranean see is
This Seventh Workshop will be hosted by the Instituto de Astrofísica de
Andalucía (IAA-CSIC) and the Department of Systems Engineering and
Automatics (ISA-UMA) under the auspices of the Spanish Research Council
(CSIC) and the Universidad de Málaga.

The main dates to remember are:

     10 Mar 2023: First announcement
     28 May 2023: Second announcement
     16 July 2023: Deadline for early registration
     07 Aug 2023: Deadline for hotel reservation
     10 Sep 2023: Deadline for oral talks contributions
     17 Sep 2023: Preliminary Scientific Program
     02 Oct 2023: Deadline for posters request
     06 Oct 2023: Last Announcement
     16-20 Oct 2023: Workshop

As usual, additional information and details on Registration can be
found at the Workshop web page:



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Re: Про конференции
« Ответ #1225 : Апрель 24, 2023, 20:32:32 »
74th International Astronautical Congress
Baku, Azerbaijan, 2-6 October 2023

Subject: IAC 2023 — Notification to Authors

Dear Dr. Molotov,

As Co-Chairs of the International Programme Committee for the 74
th International Astronautical Congress, we are pleased to inform you that
your abstract “New status of ISON” has been accepted for a 16-minute oral presentation.

Please find the details hereunder.
Session 1
Order of presentation 9, Paper ID Nr.: IAC-23,A6,1,9,x76215

Please also confirm your attendance and presentation to your Session Chairs (in cc) by 9 June.
- Submission of final paper: 15 September
- Registration of presenting authors: 22 September

Thank you for your interest, and we look forward to working with you on a successful congress!
Yours sincerely
IPC Co-Chair                 IPC Co-Chair


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Re: Про конференции
« Ответ #1226 : Апрель 26, 2023, 05:26:10 »
Научная Ассамблея КОСПАР 2024 пройдет в Корее с 13 по 21июля.


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Re: Про конференции
« Ответ #1227 : Сентябрь 01, 2023, 02:51:38 »
Workshop invitation (IAC23)

Dear Dr. Igor Molotov,

I trust this email finds you in good health and high spirits.

With the highly anticipated 74th International Astronautical Congress (IAC) just around the corner (October 2-6), I am excited to extend an offer to you. Your exceptional abstract in the topic “New status of ISON” has truly impressed us, and we believe that your insights could provide immense value not only to all participants, but also have positive impact on younger generation.

Thus, we are considering the possibility of hosting an engaging workshop at one of our prestigious universities, offering and providing an opportunity for you to share your research and expertise. This endeavor aligns with our commitment to fostering knowledge dissemination and social responsibility.

To ensure a seamless experience, we have carefully aligned this event with the IAC23 and World Space Week’s schedule. Your involvement would undoubtedly elevate the quality of both the workshop and the overall congress.

Your positive response would mean a lot to us. We are genuinely eager to explore this collaboration.

Thank you for considering our invitation. Looking forward to your response.

Best Regards,
« Последнее редактирование: Сентябрь 01, 2023, 02:56:48 от Игорь »


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Re: Про конференции
« Ответ #1228 : Ноябрь 08, 2023, 03:33:12 »
74th International Astronautical Congress
Baku, Azerbaijan, 2-6 October 2023
your abstract “New status of ISON” has been accepted for a 16-minute oral presentation.
« Последнее редактирование: Ноябрь 08, 2023, 03:34:46 от Игорь »


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Re: Про конференции
« Ответ #1229 : Ноябрь 08, 2023, 03:42:35 »
Принял участие в 8-ой арабской конференции по астрономии и геофизике в Каире, Египет,
с докладом International ISON project & database on space debris

Ссылка на презентацию  http://astronomer.ru/data/0257/Egypt_2023_Molotov.pptx
« Последнее редактирование: Ноябрь 08, 2023, 03:48:23 от Игорь »