Автор Тема: Blue Mountains Observatory в Австралии  (Прочитано 4683 раз)


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Blue Mountains Observatory в Австралии
« : Февраль 14, 2018, 13:26:50 »
Нашел любительскую обсерваторию в Австралии, которая периодически проводит фотометрические наблюдения астероидов



Список публикаций: http://www.bluemountainsobservatory.com.au/asteroid/publications.html
5 телескопов:

B24   0.61m Corrected Dahl-Kirkham Telesocpe   This open truss telescope is used mainly for faint object research.   

Planewave CDK 24" (0.61m) f /6.5

EFA electronic focuser.
Focal length 3798 mm

MI-1000 with 1250 fork mount and Sitech II controller.

80mm Explore Scientific APO refractor f/5 used as guidescope
Focal length = 400mm
SBIG STi guide camera with KAF-0340 sensor.
Pixel size of 7.4x7.4 micron.

Software used to control the telescope and mount are the Sky X pro, CCDSoft, T-Point, @focus2, Sitech II V090, CCD Commander

10 position Apogee filter wheel:
ASTRODON Generation 2 (TRU BALANCE) E-series square filters L,R,G,B

B14   0.35m Schmidt Cassegrain Telescope   This close tube telescope is used for general purposes. it has been routinely used for asteroid photometry, astrometry, comet imaging, comet photometry. Also Nova and supernova astrometry and astrophotography.   

B14HD   0.35m Schmidt Cassegrain HD Telescope   Closed tube telescope is used for satelite observation. Asteroid photometry, astronometry, comet imaging.   

B12   0.30m Schmidt Cassegrain Telescope   This close tube telescope is used mainly for astrometry. It is also suitable for asteroid photometry, comet imaging, comet photometry, nova and supernova astrometry. The Johnsons and Cousin photometric filters are suitable for accurate photometric work. We also use this telescope using Narrow band imaging.   

B5   0.13m APO Refractor


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Re: Blue Mountains Observatory в Австралии
« Ответ #1 : Февраль 14, 2018, 15:38:08 »

Помимо наблюдений, обсерватория подрабатывает астротуризмом  :)


Set amongst bushland and overlooking a valley, Observatory Cottage is located in Leura, 2.7 km from Katoomba.

The property features its own observatory with a trained astronomer to guide you with your stargazing.
Also included at Observatory Cottage is a wood fire, sofas to relax on and valley views. There is a flat-screen TV with over 40 cable channels.

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