Автор Тема: Про конференции  (Прочитано 495374 раз)


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Re: Про конференции
« Ответ #1125 : Май 28, 2019, 21:26:48 »
Dear Colleagues,

We would like to bring to your attention a workshop devoted to the research on small Solar system bodies
which will take place in Akdeniz University, Antalya, Turkey, on September 4-6, 2019.

The workshop aims at shorten the gap for astronomers in understanding the contemporary problems in dynamics and physics,
and the requirements set up to observations. We plan to discuss the synergy of dynamics and physics of these
bodies, giving the possibility for analysis of their observations and the corresponding follow-up programs.

The workshop website is opened:

- Small Solar System bodies and natural satellites
- Analysis of their observations (astrometry, photometry, polarimetry, spectroscopy, occultations)
- Gaia catalogue and Large Synoptic Survey Telescope
- Follow up programs

Keynote speakers abstract submission: July 1
Abstract on-line submission: August 4

The flyer is also available

We will be happy to welcome you in Antalya.
Don't hesitate to distribute this info to possibly interested colleagues.

Dr. Anatoliy Ivantsov (Akdeniz University, SOC chair)
Dr. Daniel Hestroffer (Paris Observatory, SOC co-chair)
 Daniel Hestroffer
 IMCCE  -  Observatoire de Paris, université PSL
 UMR CNRS 8028 - UPMC Sorbonne université - univ. Lille


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Re: Про конференции
« Ответ #1126 : Май 28, 2019, 23:25:37 »
Околоземная астрономия-2019

Уважаемые коллеги!

Срок подачи тезисов продлен до 1 сентября.
Мы планируем издать тезисы в электронном виде.

Окончательная программа конференции будет сформирована 10 сентября.

Пожалуйста, кто еще не заполнил, заполните гугл-формы об участие в конференции

(https://forms.gle/otwNJgJGcHcoX5p9A) и про публикацию трудов (https://forms.gle/u1hmKaoQkfwG1baM7).

Ссылки на формы доступны с первой страницы сайта нашей конференции http://agora.guru.ru/oza2019.

С уважением,
Елена Баканас,
секретарь оргкомитета
конференции "Околоземная астрономия и космическое наследие"


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Re: Про конференции
« Ответ #1127 : Май 29, 2019, 16:28:42 »
Появилось очень интересное предложение для любителей оптики, ощущающих пробелы в вопросах её проектирования.
Для граждан РФ и Беларуси стоимость участия 35 000 руб (против 700 Евро для остальных). Срок подачи заявки 31 мая 2019 г.
Думаю, по цене одного хорошего окуляра немало ЛА захочет устранить надобность в бесконечных перетираниях про якобы вылезающий при малейшей разъюстировке дублета хроматизм или про "свободу" сферического Ньютона от комы и т.п.


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Re: Про конференции
« Ответ #1128 : Май 31, 2019, 03:54:11 »
Международная конференция
Физика звезд и планет: атмосферы, активность, магнитные поля

16-20 сентября 2019 г., Шемаха, пос. Ю.Мамедалиева

Мы с удовольствием объявляем о международной научной конференции "Физика звезд и планет: атмосферы, активность, магнитные поля", которую планируется провести 16-20 сентября  2019  г.,в  Шемахинской  Астрофизической  Обсерватории им.Н.Туси Национальной Академии Наук Азербайджана (ШАО НАНА).

Рабочие языки конференции: русский,английский

По всем вопросам, касающимся организации и участия в конференции, можно обращаться по адресу stellaratm2019@gmail.com

Основная тематика конференции
1. Спектры звезд: наблюдения, обработка, моделирование
2. Параметры, химический состав звездных атмосфер, магнитные поля звезд.
3. Звездная активность, нестационарные звезды.
4. Компактные объекты.
5. Строение и эволюция звезд
6. Физика тел Солнечной системы
7. Внесолнечныепланеты

1.Звездные атмосферы
2. Звездная нестационарность и эволюция
3. Планеты и малые тела Солнечной системы, экзопланеты

1-е сообщение  -15декабря 2018
Начало регистрации и отправление тезисов докладов -15января 2019
Завершение регистрации -1 августа 20192-е сообщение -1 марта 2019
3-е сообщение -1 июля 2019
Срок подачи тезисов докладов -до 1 июля 2019 (18:00)
День приезда -15 сентября 2019
Начало конференции -16 сентября 2019
Завершение работы конференции -19 сентября 2019 (18:00)


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Re: Про конференции
« Ответ #1129 : Июнь 14, 2019, 14:00:54 »
AstroRob2019 (Sep 30 - Oct 4)

Dear colleagues:

This is the second announcement of the Sixth Workshop on Robotic
Autonomous Observatories that will be held in Torremolinos (Málaga),
Spain, on 30 Sep - 4 Oct 2019. If you plan to attend, please do register
before 15 July 2019 (early payment, i.e. lower registration fee):

We are happy to confirm that Dr. Gerald J. Fishman (NASA chief
scientist, Emeritus) has confirmed his assistance and will give the
Opening Talk on “The early history of gamma-ray bursts – a personal
view”. We look forward to an exciting scientific program, with the
contributions to be published in Rev. Mex. A.A. as the last AstroRob
2017 (see the AstroRob 2017 published contributions at

Social activities included in the fee are the Excursion to Caminito del
Rey (Oct 2) and the Conference dinner (Oct 4). Swimming in the
Mediterranean sea will be possible thanks to the usually good weather
conditions in early October. Accompanying persons are also welcome.
Additional excursions to nearby towns (e.g., Cordoba, Granada, Sevilla,
etc.) are also feasible for them at extra cost.

And do not forget that accommodation at the beautiful Conference site
(http://www.pueblocaminoreal.com) is booked only until Aug 6 on a first
come, first serve basis, at very affordable prices. So we encourage to
contact the hotel (Smy Costa del Sol) sending an e-mail to
reservas.malaga@smyhotels.com with the subject "AstroRob 2019”

If some of you need an invitation letter in order to get the visa,
please contact us as soon as possible.

Please do not hesitate to send this announcement to other colleagues who
might be interested in attending.

Additional details are given below.

All the best,

Alberto Castro-Tirado
on behalf of the SOC and LOC





25 Feb 2019: First announcement
14 June 2019: Second announcement
15 July 2019: Deadline for early registration
06 Aug 2019: Deadline for hotel reservation
14 Sep 2019: Deadline for oral talks contributions
19 Sep 2019: Preliminary Scientific Program
01 Sep 2019: Deadline for posters request
15 Sep 2019: Last Announcement
30 Sep-4 Oct 2019: Workshop


-Existing robotic observatories worldwide
-New hardware and software developments
-Real-time analysis pipelines
-Wide-field imaging and follow-ups
-Archiving the data and quality control
-Telescope and observatory control systems
-Transient detection and classification
-Space Debris Surveillance and Tracking
-Protocols for robotic telescopes networks
-Scientific results obtained by means of robotic observatories
-Public Outreach and Citizen Science
-Global networks
-Educational applications
-Future strategies
-Gravitational Waves electromagnetic counterpart searches


Ten years after the celebration of the First Workshop on robotic
autonomous observatories in Málaga, the number of automatic astronomical
facilities worldwide has significantly grown, as well as the level of
robotisation, autonomy, and networking, with many recent developments
motivated by the search of new electromagnetic counterparts to
gravitational waves in the next months. This has a strong impact in many
other astrophysical fields, like fireballs detection, minor planet
studies, the search for extra-solar planets, the monitoring of variable
stars in our Galaxy, the study of active galactic nuclei, the detection
and monitoring of supernovae, and the immediate follow-up of high-energy
transients such as cosmic gamma-ray bursts, besides the search of
neutrino and gravitational waves electromagnetic counterparts. Last, but
not least, space debris surveillance and tracking is another field of
increasing interest. Educational aspects will be also covered.

The Scientific Organizing Committee will try to work on a very dynamic
program, dealing not only with scientific and technical issues but also
with educational and open science aspects.
The workshop will be host in Hotel Smy Costa del Sol (same hotel as in
the 2009, 2011, 2013 and 2015, a hotel which has just been refurbished)
in Torremolinos, Málaga (Spain) just at the beach forefront and 10 min
from the Malaga International Airport. Your family is most welcome if
they also want to relax while you are attending the Workshop (check
special discounts). Temperatures are still very pleasant at that time of
the year (early Autumn) and swimming in the Mediterranean see is
feasible. For the second time, the Workshop time will take place around
the famous Torremolinos’s San Miguel Fair so we will also plan some
activity around this celebration (Sep 29-Oct 2).

This Sixth Workshop will be hosted by the Instituto de Astrofísica de
Andalucía (IAA-CSIC) and the Department of Systems Engineering and
Automatics (ISA-UMA) under the auspices of the Spanish Research Council
(CSIC) and the Universidad de Málaga.

The Scientific and Local Organizing Committees are listed below:


Amelia Bayo (Universidad de Valparaíso, Chile)
M. D. Caballero-García (ASU-CAS, Prague, CZ)
Alberto J. Castro-Tirado (IAA-CSIC Granada, Spain; chair)
Alex R. Gibbs (University of Arizona, USA)
Sergey Guziy (Nikolaev National University, Ukraine)
Lorraine Hanlon (UCD, Ireland)
David Hiriart (UNAM, Mexico)
Nobuyuki Kawai (Tokyo Institute of Technology, Japan)
Vladimir Lipunov (MSU Moscow, Russia)
David Martínez-Delgado (CFST Warszawa, Poland)
Shashi B. Pandey (ARIES Nainital, India)
Carlos Pérez del Pulgar (UMA, Spain)
Ferhat Fikri Özeren (TÜBİTAK TUG and ERCİYES University,Turkey)
Binbin Zhang (University of Nanjing, China)


María Eva Alcoholado-Feltström (LOC secretary)
Antonio Reina (UMA, Spain; chair)
Irene Carrasco, Emilio Fernández-García, Youdong Hu (IAA-CSIC)
Alberto Castellón, Sebastián Castillo (UMA)


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Re: Про конференции
« Ответ #1130 : Июнь 19, 2019, 15:13:10 »
ESA/ESO SCIOPS Workshop 2019, 19-22 November 2019, 2nd announcement

              * S E C O N D   A N N O U N C E M E N T *
                 ESA/ESO SCIOPS WORKSHOP 2019
             Working together in support of Science

                       Cross Facilities Collaboration
                        in the Multi Messenger Era

                           ESAC, Madrid, Spain
                         19-22 November 2019

Please note in your agenda the dates for the upcoming ESA/ESO SCIOPS 2019 Workshop, with the main theme of "Cross Facilities Collaboration in the Multi Messenger Era", addressing the main discussion areas:

    Collaboration between large scientific teams in the multi-messenger era (scientific drivers, challenges, lessons learned, feedback from experience, ...)
    How space- and ground-based observatories communicate their transient and observational capabilities, and potentially prepare and/or adapt them to provide scientists with access to time and data for multi-messenger programs (i.e. use of follow up facilities and data including access and support to science ready data products and facilities for which researchers are not necessarily experts, …)
    Cultural and policy changes needed to enable multi facilities time allocation, prioritization of observations, publishing of information on upcoming observations and data sharing
    Tools, services and standards to support coordination between facilities, for selection and publication of targets by survey facilities, coordination and publication of follow-up (fast) observations among observatories as well as for publishing, searching, analysing and visualizing data
    Tools and services to support collaboration between teams

Registration and abstract submission are already open and please note the information dates:

    1st September 2019: Abstract submission deadline
    1st October 2019: Conference program released
    18th October 2019: Registration deadline

All information can be found on the web page at : https://www.cosmos.esa.int/web/sciops-2019/home and feel free to contact the LOC by email at sciops2019@sciops.esa.int, if you have any questions.

Looking forward to see you there !
SCIOPS 2019 Programme and Local Organizing Committees

Thanks in advance

Christophe ARVISET                       

Head of the Data and Engineering Division
Operations Department, Directorate of Science
European Space Astronomy Centre (ESAC)
European Space Agency (ESA)


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Re: Про конференции
« Ответ #1131 : Июнь 22, 2019, 14:28:25 »
Коллективное фото UN COPUOS (Комитет ООН по использованию космического пространства в мирных целях) - 62-я сессия в июне 2019 г.

Во время него было подписано соглашение между ИПМ им. М.В. Келдыша РАН и Управлением ООН по вопросам космического пространства об участии нашего проекта НСОИ АФН в инициативе Открытая Вселенная.


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Re: Про конференции
« Ответ #1133 : Июнь 27, 2019, 19:54:59 »
IAA SciTech Forum 2019

AA/AAS Conference on Space Flight Mechanics
IAA/AAS Conference on Space Structures and Materials

International Program Committee

Yury Razoumny, RUDN University, Russia
Filippo Graziani, Sapienza University of Rome, Italy
Anna Guerman, University Beira Interior, Portugal
Jean-Michel Contant, International Academy of Astronautics, France


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Re: Про конференции
« Ответ #1134 : Июль 19, 2019, 15:30:02 »
The Spaceops 2020 Abstracts Submission Platform is now open!
Further to the Call for Papers announced previously, you can now submit your abstracts from the Spaceops2020.org website!
From the website you will be redirected to an online submission tool, where you will be able to upload your abstract together with other relevant information.
You can access the Instructions for submitting your abstracts by clicking on the FAQs button on this e-mail, and you will find them as well on the Spaceops2020.org website and on the submission system.
SpaceOps provides a technical and managerial forum for experts in Space Operations (Mission and Ground Segment Designers, Mission Operators, Engineers in charge of mission logistic support, Technical and Administrations Managers, Industry, Academia, and etc.) to present, discuss and promote technical concepts, emerging methodologies, and measures for advanced Space Operations.
The upcoming 16th SpaceOps conference (SpaceOps 2020) will be taking place from 18 – 22 May, 2020 in the beautiful city of Cape Town, South Africa.  The conference will be held under the theme “Beyond boundaries in human endeavours.”
Authors are invited to submit an original abstract, an unpublished paper that has not been submitted in any other forum. Abstracts will be evaluated based upon: Relevance to Topic, Innovation, Substance merit (content and realism), Applicability and benefit to future missions.
The Topics for submission are:

     Mission Design and Management (MDM)
    Operations Concepts (OC)
    Flight Execution (FE)
    Ground Systems Engineering (GSE)
    Data Management (DM)
    Planning and Scheduling (PS)
    Guidance, Navigation, and Control (GNC)
    Communications Architectures and Networks (CAN)
    Human Spaceflights and Operations (HSO)
    Cross Support, Interoperability, and Standards (CSIS)
    Human Factors, Training and Knowledge Transfer (HFT)
    Space Transportation System (STO)
    Artificial Intelligence for Space Operations (AI)
    Cyber Security for Space Operations (CYB)
    Safety and Sustainability of Space Operations (SSU)
    Beyond Boundaries in Human Endeavour (BBO)

Abstracts must be written in English and the length should not exceed 1200 words. Tables or drawings are not allowed in the abstract.
Submit your abstract at Spaceops2020.org no later than 23:00 UTC on 16 August 2019. You will be re-directed to spaceops.iafastro.directory from July 2019, where electronic submission will be made.
We look forward to receiving your abstracts for SPACEOPS2020 and please check the Conference Website regularly to get the latest updates on the Technical Programme!


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Re: Про конференции
« Ответ #1135 : Июль 22, 2019, 19:02:42 »
2nd IAA Conference on Space Situational Awareness (ICSSA)

Dear Colleagues and Friends,

This is a kind reminder that the abstract deadline for the 2nd ICSSA is August 15th, 2019: see www.icssa2020.com.

Call for Papers:

We are looking forward to an exciting program, including national and international sponsors, three eminent keynote speakers (J.-C. Liou, NASA; Ch. Bonnal, CNES; R. Virzo, University of Sannio [Benevento]), the second special issue of Acta Astronautica, and the best student paper award.

The location is also electrifying: the US capital offers several Smithsonian museums (free!), including an aerospace one, and the Space Shuttle Discovery at the Steven F. Udvar-Hazy Center in Chantilly, Va.

The 2nd ICSSA is co-sponsored by the AIAA and is in partnership with the University of Florida led AFOSR Center of Excellence in Assured Autonomy in Contested Environments.

On behalf of the organizing committee, I look forward to seeing you in Washington, DC next year.


Luciano Anselmo


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Re: Про конференции
« Ответ #1136 : Июль 23, 2019, 23:15:33 »



Выложили фотки с итальянской конференции по космическому мусору, которая проходила практически на рабочем месте Сергея.


Александр Вольф

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Re: Про конференции
« Ответ #1137 : Август 12, 2019, 22:00:55 »
Asteroids, Comets, Meteors Conference
June 14–19, 2020
Flagstaff, Arizona



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Re: Про конференции
« Ответ #1138 : Сентябрь 01, 2019, 21:12:22 »
Астрономическое совещание стран БРИКС научная конференция «Многоканальная и многоволновая астрономия»



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Re: Про конференции
« Ответ #1139 : Сентябрь 01, 2019, 22:32:28 »
Астрономическое совещание стран БРИКС научная конференция «Многоканальная и многоволновая астрономия»



Scientific Organizing Committee

Ulisses Barres - CBPF, Brasil
Carlos Alexandre Wuensche – INPE, Brasil
David Buckley - SAAO, South Africa
Russ Taylor - UCT-UWC-SKA, South Africa
Igor Molotov  -  Keldysh Institute / RAS, Russia
Alexei Pozanenko  - Space Research Institute / RAS, Russia

Paul A. Boley, Ural Federal University, Russia
Changyin Zhao, Director, Purple Mountain Observatory / CAS, China
Chen Zhang  - Purple Mountain Observatory / CAS, China
Ranjan Gupta, IUCAA,  Pune, India
Harinder P. Singh, University of Delhi, New Delhi, India
« Последнее редактирование: Сентябрь 06, 2019, 15:02:22 от Игорь »