Автор Тема: Про конференции  (Прочитано 511937 раз)


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Re: Про конференции
« Ответ #1170 : Май 02, 2020, 01:08:28 »
I am also pleased to inform you that the new dates for the 72nd International Astronautical Congress, IAC 2021 have been fixed. The IAC 2021 will take place in Dubai, U.A.E., from 25 – 29 October 2021. Please also mark these important dates in your calendar.

Prof. Pascale Ehrenfreund
International Astronautical Federation (IAF)


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Re: Про конференции
« Ответ #1171 : Май 13, 2020, 22:55:41 »
Предполагается, что МАФ в октябре будет проведен виртуально!

IAC 2020 The CyberSpace Edition - Notification of acceptance

Dear Dr. Molotov,

The first-of-its-kind CyberSpace Edition of the IAC to be held on 12-14 October 2020 will feature an exciting Technical Programme and we sincerely count on your participation!

Your abstract “Justification of the need to develop means of panoramic survey of the sky” which was initially submitted by the 6th March deadline has been accepted. Congratulations! Authors of accepted abstracts can either choose to contribute to the Technical Sessions of the IAC 2020 CyberSpace Edition* or they can resubmit their abstract for IAC 2021 to take place next year in Dubai.

Should you select the first option*, you will be asked to develop your abstract and submit a full manuscript with a presentation and add a pre-recorded 8-minute video lecture to it. All the materials will be published in the IAC 2020 proceedings and a selection of narrated presentations will be broadcasted during the online Technical Sessions in October.

On behalf of the International Programme Committee, you are kindly requested to confirm your participation at the virtual IAC in October. The Authors confirming their presentation online do so on the understanding that they also commit to submit a full manuscript, with a presentation and a video lecture.

In order to do so, please connect to your IAF Account at https://iafastro.directory/iac/account/login/ and update your selection status by 29 May at the latest as per below:

More information and instructions will be published on our website http://www.iafastro.org/events/iac/iac-2020/technical-programme/

We wish you all the best in these challenging times. Stay tuned and please do not hesitate to contact us if you have any questions!

Best regards,

IAF Secretariat


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Re: Про конференции
« Ответ #1172 : Июль 22, 2020, 13:08:06 »
7th IAA Planetary Defense Conference, 26-30 April 2021, in Vienna

Dear Colleagues,
The 7th IAA Planetary Defense Conference (PDC2021) will be held from 26 – 30 April 2021 at the Vienna International Center in Vienna, Austria.
This bi-annual conference brings together world experts to discuss the threat to Earth posed by asteroids and comets and actions that might be taken to deflect or disrupt a threatening object.
A hypothetical NEO/Earth impact scenario will be part of the conference (similar to what was done at previous conferences). The conference will include panel discussions and a small exhibition. As in the past, all presentations will be video streamed.
The PDC2021 is planned as a single-track conference. The Call for Papers is attached and submittal of poster papers is encouraged. Registration and acceptance of abstracts will start on 1 September 2020. More information and links are given at https://iaaspace.org/pdc.
The PDC2021 is planned as an in-person meeting, but the PDC organizers recognize that the ongoing pandemic causes uncertainties in the plans for PDC2021. Given that, the in-person meeting may be augmented to increase possibilities for external participation or may be replaced by a fully virtual meeting.  Such modifications may affect registration fees, and the final situation and registration fees may not be clarified until early in 2021. Please be sure to provide your email address on the registration page, and we’ll provide updated information as we have it.
We are looking forward to your participation in the 2021 IAA Planetary Defense Conference.
Best regards,

The PDC 2021 Organizing Team

Short and long-term economic, political, and social consequences of a serious threat or an impact.

ABSTRACT SUBMITTAL:  Technical paper abstracts (250 to 500 words in length) in the areas described above or related to planetary defense will be accepted electronically through the conference website (http://iaaspace.org/pdc)beginning September 1, 2020. Please be sure to designate the topic area your paper addresses (see topics listed above). Please also indicate whether the abstract is eligible for the student competition (see below). The deadline for receipt of abstracts is December 15, 2020. Letters of official acceptance will be mailed on or before February 2, 2021.

PAPERS:  Full-length manuscripts or two-page extended abstracts are due by close of business on March 31, 2021. Revisions and corrections will be accepted within two weeks after the end of the conference. The format for papers is specified on the conference website. Accepted papers (including two-page extended abstracts and poster papers) will be published on the official conference proceedings and hosted at the IAA website. Full-length manuscripts may be considered for publication in a special edition of Acta Astronautica.
« Последнее редактирование: Август 13, 2020, 17:54:29 от Игорь »


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Re: Про конференции
« Ответ #1173 : Октябрь 09, 2020, 16:17:59 »
2020 CODER Orbital Debris Virtual Workshop
Call for Abstracts

Secure World Foundation (SWF) is partnering with the University of Maryland Center for Orbital Debris Education and Research (CODER) to hold the CODER 2020 Virtual Workshop Dec. 1 - 3, 2020.

The CODER Workshop will be a premier virtual forum for orbital debris issues and ideas, open to all who are involved or interested in any aspect of the growing threat to safe and secure space flight.

Call for Law, Policy, and Economics Abstracts

SWF will be organizing a dedicated session of the CODER workshop on law, policy, and economics topics, and encourages students and professionals to submit abstracts on those topics. You can find a full list of topic areas at: http://www.coder.umd.edu/coder2020

Please submit abstracts to coder-admin@umd.edu in the following informal format:

Identify title, author, affiliation and contact information.  Submit a one-paragraph abstract of no more than 500 words, and a brief biography highlighting your relevant experience. 

The workshop will be presentations only. No papers will be required.

Submission Schedule

Abstract Submission Deadline: Oct. 23, 2020

Notification to Authors: no later than Nov. 6, 2020


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Re: Про конференции
« Ответ #1174 : Октябрь 19, 2020, 03:10:07 »
Call for papers 7th IAA Planetary Defense Conference, April 26-30, 2021, Vienna, Austria

Dear Colleague,

We would like to remind you that you are invited to submit an abstract to the 7th IAA Planetary Defense Conference to be held on April 26-30, 2021 in Vienna, Austria. Call for Papers is now available at https://iaaspace.org/pdc

 -   Highlight/Spotlight topic areas
 -   Key International and Policy Developments
 -   Advancements in Near Earth Object (NEO) Discovery
 -   New NEO Characterization Results
 -   Deflection & Disruption Modeling and Testing
 -   Mission & Campaign Design
 -   Impact Management & Consequences
 -   Disaster Management & Response
 -   Public Education and Communication
 -   The Decision to Act: Political, Legal, Social and Economic Aspects

    – Technical paper abstracts (250 to 500 words in length) in the areas described in the Call for Papers or related to planetary defense will be accepted electronically through the conference local website (https://atpi.eventsair.com/7th-iaa-planetary-defense-conference-2021/abstractsubmission)

    – Please be sure to designate the topic area your paper addresses (see topics listed in the Call for Papers).
    – Please also indicate whether the abstract is eligible for the student competition.
    – The deadline for receipt of abstracts is December 15, 2020.

    The PDC organizers recognize the uncertainties and challenges caused by the COVID-19 pandemic. We intend to announce a decision regarding conference format (i.e., in-person / virtual) by 15 Jan 2021. Those interested in PDC participation are encouraged to pre-register to receive updates via email.

    To register or to pre-register please use the following link:

    The conference will include a hypothetical NEO/Earth impact event scenario that will be part of the conference (similar to what was done at the 2013, 2015, 2017 & 2019 conferences). Conference attendees may also use the hypothetical scenario as their topic for papers and presentations.

    Thank you and best regards,

    IAA Office


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Re: Про конференции
« Ответ #1175 : Ноябрь 12, 2020, 23:21:42 »
8th European Conference on Space Debris, 20-23 April 2021 | Registration starts tomorrow | Abstract submission deadline extended to 25 November 2020

the URLs in the email are referring to forwarding hosted by our conference organiser genius.de. Feel free to go to the webpage directly for abstract submission via: http://space-debris-conference.com/page/abstract-and-paper-submission

It is important that submission of abstracts is still possible until 25 November 2020! Please consider submitting an abstract and as well please mark the event in your planning for attending (virtual) conferences in 2021.

Call for Papers:

Each abstract (approximately 500 words) should clearly outline major achievements and innovative ideas. Abstracts were selected on the basis of:

    interest in the subject by the target audience
    relevance to the conference topics
    originality of the ideas presented
    quality and clarity of the content

Papers (both for oral and poster presentations) must be submitted in English by 10 April 2021, according to the “instructions to authors" (Word file, PDF, LaTeX Template). English will also be the working language at the conference.

The conference programme will highlight all classical and new disciplines of space debris research:

- radar, (active) optical and in-situ measurements;
- operational collision avoidance and services;
- on-orbit and re-entry risk assessments;
- environmental impact assessments;
- debris environment modelling and prediction;
- space situational awareness systems and applications;
- debris mitigation techniques and processes;
- regulatory aspects, standardisation, policies;
- orbit prediction, determination, and cataloguing;
- debris aspects of large constellations;
- active removal, servicing, and remediation concepts;
- hypervelocity impacts, protection and shielding.

Best regards,


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Re: Про конференции
« Ответ #1176 : Январь 12, 2021, 10:33:56 »
Dear Colleague,

We are pleased to announce that the 2021 PDC Hypothetical Asteroid Impact Scenario is now available online at https://cneos.jpl.nasa.gov/pd/cs/pdc21/. As in years past, this hypothetical scenario will be studied and discussed at the upcoming 2021 PDC to gain new insights into the many aspects of planetary defense scenarios and possible responses to them. Prospective authors are encouraged to submit abstracts describing work to be performed on the 2021 PDC scenario. As a reminder, abstracts are due on 15 January 2021 and author notifications are expected on 2 February 2021.

IAA PDC 2021 team



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Re: Про конференции
« Ответ #1177 : Январь 26, 2021, 22:00:56 »



25TH - 29TH OCTOBER 2021

Submit your abstract at www.iafastro.net no later than 28 February 2021 (11:59 PM EST).


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Re: Про конференции
« Ответ #1178 : Февраль 12, 2021, 01:51:46 »
В настоящее время прорабатывается вопрос Кубанского слета юных астрономов.
Предварительно высказались в участие - организаторы: Краснодарское региональное отделение РГО, Астрофизическая обсерватория Кубанского госуниверситета, Комитет молодежной политики Кубани, Национальное Астрономическое Агенство, обсерватория Солнечный Ветер и многие  др.  Оргкомитет ждет предложений.
Программа будет опубликована. Слет приурочен к 60-летию полета человека в космос - полету Ю.А. Гагарина - 60 лет!

    Участники только свои ?

И чужие.
Дмитрий Макаров САО РАН
Игорь Чилингорян МГУ ГАИШ
Сергей Барабанов ИНАСАН
Виктор Воропаев ИПМ
Это привлеченные лекторы, надеюсь будет больше.
Если будут любители и школьники из других регионов, примем и  программу под них организуем. :)


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Re: Про конференции
« Ответ #1179 : Февраль 12, 2021, 01:55:15 »
Letter of decision

Dear Igor Molotov,

Thank you for submitting your abstract

Stages of development of the ISON optical telescope global network

to the 8th European Conference on Space Debris, 20 - 23 Apr 2021 (virtual conference).

We are pleased to inform you that your abstract has been accepted for poster presentation.

Please note:

    The conference will be held as a virtual event. More information about the conference system, login and procedures will follow soon.
    Presentations must be pre-recorded by the speakers. We provide a video recording tool for the presenters.
    Recording and uploading of the video presentations will be possible from the beginning of February until 31 March 2021. You will receive a separate notification with further instructions and guidance.
    Posters can be uploaded as PDF files in the conference system. Again, further instructions will follow in the beginning of February.
    Presenters (oral or poster) of accepted abstracts must register.
    Please make sure to use the same email address for presenting authors during conference registration and abstract submission.
    A “No Paper – No Podium & No Podium - No Paper” rule applies.
    Papers must be submitted in English by 10 April 2021, according to the "instructions to authors". English will also be the working language at the conference.


Kind regards

Tim Flohrer for the Conference Organisers of the 8th European Conference on Space Debris
« Последнее редактирование: Март 03, 2021, 02:18:43 от Игорь »


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Re: Про конференции
« Ответ #1180 : Март 02, 2021, 14:36:21 »
7th IAA Planetary Defense Conference
26-30 April 2021, online event

Accepted Oral Presentation

Dear Igor Molotov,

It is our pleasure to inform you that your abstract (see details of the applicable abstract below) submitted to the 7th IAA PDC Conference 2021, has been accepted for an oral presentation.

Title: Asteroid survey and follow up observations with small telescopes in framework of ISON network

Paper Status:  Accepted - oral

Theme:  Advancements in Near Earth Object (NEO) Discovery

Presenting Author: Mr Igor Molotov
Co-Author: Mr Leonid Elenin
Co-Author: Dr Yurij Krugly

Information and intructions for authors and presenteres will be published soon on the office 7th IAA PDC Conference 2021 website along with the preliminary programme.

Paper Submission Date 16 April 2021

We look forward to welcoming you to the 7th IAA PDC Conference 2021.

Hoping to have informed you sufficiently.

With kind regards,
On behalf of the Technical Committee,

ESA Conference Bureau

« Последнее редактирование: Март 30, 2021, 04:20:10 от Игорь »


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Re: Про конференции
« Ответ #1181 : Март 17, 2021, 21:41:18 »
Опубликована программа 8-й европейской конференции по космическому мусору



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Re: Про конференции
« Ответ #1182 : Апрель 22, 2021, 20:08:52 »
Принял участие в виртуальной Европейской конференции по космическому мусору, с постерным докладом Stages of development of the ISON optical telescope global network.

Интересно, что постерная сессия проводилась в игровой форме. Ходят маленькие человечки с надписанными именами и заходят в комнатки при каждом постере. Тогда можно посмотреть данный постер и появляется видеочат для общения с докладчиком.  Прикольно.
Но и удобно - пообщался с некоторыми коллегами, договорились о конкретных шагах по развитию сети ISON.

Сделал пару скринов. На втором - ко мне в нарисованную комнатку зашел посетитель из Airbus - вверху по центру видеоокошко посетителя, а внизу справа - мое.
« Последнее редактирование: Апрель 22, 2021, 20:10:34 от Игорь »


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Re: Про конференции
« Ответ #1183 : Апрель 30, 2021, 16:12:28 »
72nd International Astronautical CongressDubai, United Arab Emirates
25 – 29 October 2021

Subject: IAC 2021 - Notification to Authors

Dear Dr. Molotov,

we first would like to thank you for submittingan abstract for the 72nd International Astronautical Congress. This year, the IAC Call for Abstracts has attracted an overwhelming number with more than 3,350 submissions from 86 countries. There was a large numberof excellent abstracts to review, thus making the selection very challenging for the International Programme Committee during the annual IAF Spring Meetings, which took place last March.

Due to space limitations on the IAC programme, many potentially deserving abstracts have been turned away. Considering the excellent quality of your abstract “IAC-21,A6,1,x62853 -   Development of survey telescopesin  the  ISON  project”,  the  International  programme  Committee  would  still  like  to  retain  it  for  a  back-uporal presentation. This means that if an oral presentation is withdrawn by 15 June, you will be moved to replace the withdrawn presentation and you will be informed accordingly on the next steps to follow after 15 June.

Confirmation of presentation
Confirmation of presentation should be regarded as an undertaking that, the main author shall submit the following materials for the Technical Programme: a full manuscriptand a 10-min video lecture to be included in the online Congress Proceedings and the Virtual Technical Gallery. Each paper must be original and unpublished work,  not submitted for publication elsewhere (copyright problems fall entirely under responsibility of theauthors).  The  proceedings  are  published  with  ISSN  and  all  IAC  papers  are  indexed  with  SCOPUS  and  EICompendex.

Online registration is open at:https://iac2021.org/registration
Early-bird registration rates are available open until 30 July.

Stay tuned to our website for more updates on the Technical Programme: https://www.iafastro.org/events/iac/iac-2021/technical-programme-2021/
« Последнее редактирование: Апрель 30, 2021, 16:19:53 от Игорь »


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Re: Про конференции
« Ответ #1184 : Май 12, 2021, 19:12:03 »
7th IAA Planetary Defense Conference
26-30 April 2021, online event

Title: Asteroid survey and follow up observations with small telescopes in framework of ISON network
Ссылка на презентацию
