Очередное столкновение на орбите - фрагмент космического мусора попал в пассивный российский спутник Блиц для лазерной локации. В результате орбита спутника понизилась и он стал медленнее вращаться.
http://ilrs.gsfc.nasa.gov/The Russian BLITS nanosatellite has collided with a piece of space debris
Release Date: 02/28/2013
On January 22, 2013, a collision happened between the BLITS passive laser nanosatellite and a space debris fragment. As a result, an abrupt change occurred of the BLITS orbit parameters (a decrease of the orbiting period). Besides this, as can be seen from the Altay SLR station photometrical observation results, the BLITS spin period has changed from 5.6 sec before collision to 2.1 sec after collision.
Currently, additional observations are made to determine the reasonability of continuing the BLITS observation campaign.