Автор Тема: Работы по NEO другими командами  (Прочитано 88467 раз)


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Работы по NEO другими командами
« : Март 28, 2010, 22:44:25 »
Вот, набрёл случайно на сайте ИПА РАН:

Международное сотрудничество ИПА РАН

С Центром малых планет Смитсонианской астрофизической обсерватории США (Minor Planet Center of the Smithsonian Astrophysical Observatory) ведутся совместные работы по проблемам вычисления орбит малых планет, публикации сборника "Эфемериды малых планет" и распространения экстренной информации о быстродвижущихся объектах по учреждениям СНГ;

С Астрономическим институтом Академии наук Словакии (Astronomical Institute of the Slovak Academy of Sciences) ведется подготовка издания: "Каталог короткопериодических комет";

С Николаевской астрономической обсерваторией Национальной академии наук Украины ведутся работы по определению положений, фотометрических и физических характеристик малых тел Солнечной системы;

С Крымской астрофизической обсерватория Государственного комитета по науке и технике Украины ...... разрабатывается эффективная программа наблюдений малых тел Солнечной системы и использования наблюдательного материала для уточнения орбит малых планет и комет;


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Re: Работы по NEO другими командами
« Ответ #1 : Март 28, 2010, 23:12:28 »
Европейцы зачинают свою базу данных по NEO - соответсвующий доклад был представлен на конференции

Irene Huertas. Planetary Database for the monitoring of NEO objects

Many objects circling the Sun have an orbit near the Earth's or crossing the Earth's orbit. In the long term there is a risk of collision between one of these Near Earth. Objects and our planet, possibly leading to catastrophic events. It is therefore of utmost importance to catalog these comets and asteroids, compute their orbits, and obtain their physical properties. The conjunction of orbit and physical data allows mission planning to asteroids identified as potentially hazardous bodies and may serve as a database for an impact analysis and consequences estimation. To this end a Planetary Database service has been set up by the European Space Agency in collaboration with Astos Solutions. The aim of this database is to provide a storage facility where this data can be collected worldwide and also made publicly available in a reliable, quick and user-friendly way. The planetary database combines data from different sources. It mirrors physical properties from the DLR EARN database and orbit data from NeoDys and MPC.


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Re: Работы по NEO другими командами
« Ответ #2 : Март 29, 2010, 00:02:14 »
Европейцы зачинают свою базу данных по NEO - соответсвующий доклад был представлен на конференции

Irene Huertas. Planetary Database for the monitoring of NEO objects

Many objects circling the Sun have an orbit near the Earth's or crossing the Earth's orbit. In the long term there is a risk of collision between one of these Near Earth. Objects and our planet, possibly leading to catastrophic events. It is therefore of utmost importance to catalog these comets and asteroids, compute their orbits, and obtain their physical properties. The conjunction of orbit and physical data allows mission planning to asteroids identified as potentially hazardous bodies and may serve as a database for an impact analysis and consequences estimation. To this end a Planetary Database service has been set up by the European Space Agency in collaboration with Astos Solutions. The aim of this database is to provide a storage facility where this data can be collected worldwide and also made publicly available in a reliable, quick and user-friendly way. The planetary database combines data from different sources. It mirrors physical properties from the DLR EARN database and orbit data from NeoDys and MPC.

Девушка (из  http://www.serco.com), которая деклала доклад, сказала, что база данных по NEO будет по этому адресу:

Хотя пока там вроде бы ведется речь о несколько других вещах.

Welcome to the ESA Planetary Database
The ESA PDB gathers orbital and gravity data on planetary bodies, moons and small bodies from the Solar System. The idea initiates from the need for a unique, wide, reliable and safe data center, primarily made available to ESA internal projects (Earth Observation and Science missions). The gravity models provided are outputs from the ESA gravity field modeling tool "GRAVMOD", which has the capability to model a wide scope of gravity fields, including highly irregular bodies, in various formats. The scope of PDB is currently being extended to a wider community of users, where participation is encouraged via the Wiki and Forum pages.

For technical questions and support, please contact pdb-service@astos.de

Hosted by Astos Solutions GmbH  http://www.astos.de/
« Последнее редактирование: Март 29, 2010, 00:08:10 от Игорь »


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Re: Работы по NEO другими командами
« Ответ #3 : Май 07, 2011, 18:48:48 »

Crni Vrh Observatory
Asteroid&Comet Observations

MPC observatory code 106
Longitude: 14o 04' 16" East; Latitude: 45o 56' 45" North; Altitude: 726 m
First Published November 10, 1995  
Crni Vrh Observatory is operated by a group of dedicated observers. We run a Comet and Asteroid Search Program named PIKA after a Slovene acronym. For that purpose, we designed and built a 0.6-m (1x1 degree FOV), f/3.3 Cichocki telescope (named after B. Cichocki). It is custom made, advanced technology, wide-field imaging system, designed for sky survey applications. Since 2004, it operates as a remote robotic telescope. It nightly scans the sky and returns new discoveries of small Solar System bodies, which sometimes threaten our home planet Earth. Recent software upgrade enable us also discovery of distant cosmic explosions such as supernovae, Gamma Ray Bursts and variable stars.
« Последнее редактирование: Май 07, 2011, 18:57:01 от Игорь »


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Re: Работы по NEO другими командами
« Ответ #4 : Май 07, 2011, 19:00:49 »

SPACEWATCH® is the name of a group at the University of Arizona's Lunar and Planetary Laboratory founded by Prof. Tom Gehrels and Dr. Robert S. McMillan in 1980.  Today, Spacewatch is led by Dr. Robert S. McMillan.  The primary goal of Spacewatch is to explore the various populations of small objects in the solar system, and study the statistics of asteroids and comets in order to investigate the dynamical evolution of the solar system.  CCD scanning studies the Centaur, Trojan, Main-Belt, Trans-Neptunian, and Earth-approaching asteroid populations.  Spacewatch also finds potential targets for interplanetary spacecraft missions, provides followup astrometry of such targets, and finds objects that might present a hazard to the Earth.

CCD-scanning observations are conducted 20 nights each lunation with the Steward Observatory 0.9-meter Spacewatch telescope and the new Spacewatch 1.8-m telescope, both on Kitt Peak.

The 1.8-meter telescope near the 0.9-meter allows us to search 0.7 magnitudes fainter. To complement the deep penetration of the 1.8-m, we have put a mosaic of CCDs on the 0.9-m telescope. This permits us to cover sky at least six times faster than the pre-2002 system.

Some of Spacewatch's distinctions:
First to use CCD-scanning routinely in astronomy
First to use CCDs to survey the sky for comets and asteroids
First near-Earth asteroid detected with a CCD (1989 UP)
First astronomical group to develop automated, real-time software for moving-object detection
First to discover a near-Earth asteroid by software (1990 SS). See images and information page for 20th anniversary of this discovery
First to use a CCD to discover a comet, which was also the faintest comet at the time of discovery. (125P/1991 R2)
First automatic discovery of a comet (C/1992 J1)
Discovered the C or S type asteroid with closest approach to the Sun at time of discovery (1995 CR at 0.120 AU)
Identified two new asteroid populations - small NEAs and distant Centaurs
Discovered fastest rotating and most accessible asteroid at time of discovery (1998 KY26)

The Spacewatch 1.8-meter and 0.9-meter telescopes
on Kitt Peak, 45 miles southwest of Tucson, Arizona.


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Re: Работы по NEO другими командами
« Ответ #5 : Май 07, 2011, 19:03:36 »

Astronomical Research Observatory

24 Inch (0.61m) Astro-Research on a SB Paramount ME
30 Inch (0.76m) Robotic AutoScope

32 Inch (0.81m) Astro-Research Robotic Telescope
48 Inch (1.2m) Astro-Research Robotic Telescope

ARI Research Projects



SUPERNOVA RESEARCH - currently inactive

Active Galactic Nuclei Research - Collaboration with the University of Chicago

Narrow-passband Planetary Nebulae Research - Collaboration with the University of Illinois

Near Earth Object - Photometric Observations


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Re: Работы по NEO другими командами
« Ответ #6 : Февраль 24, 2013, 20:19:57 »
Полуметровик f/3 обсерватории Oukaïmeden.

ISON-NM Observatory (H15)
ISON-SSO Observatory (Q60)


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Re: Работы по NEO другими командами
« Ответ #7 : Февраль 24, 2013, 23:05:38 »
Полуметровик f/3 обсерватории Oukaïmeden.

Спасибо. А парамеры телескопа с матрицей?


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Re: Работы по NEO другими командами
« Ответ #8 : Февраль 24, 2013, 23:12:38 »


The MOSS telescope has a large field of view and is mainly devoted to new minor planets search. The telescope has a 0.50m parabolic prime mirror and is used at prime focus with a Wynne corrector (F/D=3.0). The detector is a SBIG STL11000 based on a Kodak KAF 11000 chip. The image scale is 1.2 arcsec/pixel. The FOV is 1.5 square degrees.

The MOSS telescope is used in remote control. It is operated by the three partners in Marrakech, France and Switzerland.


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Re: Работы по NEO другими командами
« Ответ #9 : Февраль 24, 2013, 23:37:27 »
А вот интересно, а где они взяли такой телескоп и монти?


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ISON-NM Observatory (H15)
ISON-SSO Observatory (Q60)


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Re: Работы по NEO другими командами
« Ответ #11 : Февраль 24, 2013, 23:43:47 »
А у них очень неплохой сиинг.

ISON-NM Observatory (H15)
ISON-SSO Observatory (Q60)


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Re: Работы по NEO другими командами
« Ответ #12 : Февраль 24, 2013, 23:56:01 »
А вот интересно, а где они взяли такой телескоп и монти?

Observatoire de Dauban controlé à distance

Оптика: Astrotelescope.com
Монтировка: Valmeca.com
Корректор и фокусёр: Astrooptik.com


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Re: Работы по NEO другими командами
« Ответ #13 : Февраль 25, 2013, 00:09:37 »
Оптика: Astrotelescope.com
Видимо, сейчас такой фирмы уже нет


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Re: Работы по NEO другими командами
« Ответ #14 : Февраль 25, 2013, 00:17:21 »
Разве что контакты оптика, Жана-Мари Леклера.

Aged 36, Jean-Marc is an optical professional. He has been an astronomy enthusiast since the age of 14. He began astronomy in 1986 with the help of a 60 mm diameter telescope, given at the event of the passing of Halley’s comet. His first works were drawings created with an eyepiece, then he became interested in  black and white argentic photography.