Dear colleagues,
Enclosed is the GEO survey plan for tonight (December 4)
10700_20171204_object.list is the survey program. Please rename it to
object.list and put to your Ephem folder.
The survey program is in text format. You can view it by any text
editor. There are two types of strings in this file. Strings beginning
with "#" are just comments. Another strings are survey exposures.
Every exposure string is outstripped by comment string with UTC time
of the exposure beginning. If you start observation e.g. in the
middle of the night, please DELETE all strings before present time.
There is some file naming convention. As you see the name of each file
starts from 10700. This is the number of you telescope we assigned in
our database. 20171204 is the date in format YYYYMMDD. I also included
few demonstrating images that show the strategy of the survey. Sorry
for the Russian titles along the axes. But it is easy to understand
what the picture does contain simply from the name of the file.
RA_Dec is R.A./Dec. plot of visible part of GEO, the Moon position
during the night, and location of observed fields;
time_HA - hour angle for the survey fields vs. time;
Az_El - Azimuth vs. Elevation for imaging fields.
During new moon, every single plan is designed for five nights.
Since the full moon interfere observations, we must depart from it for
a certain distance. Because the Moon moves near 12 degrees per day, I
will make individual survey plans for each night near full Moon.
For correct GEO survey planning, I need to know rapidity of the setup.
After the first survey processed, please send me camctl.log (it's a
camera log file). It must be in CCD Images folder.
Best regards,