detection of the Comet P/2010 H2 by MASTER Robotic NetATel #2578; P.Balanutsa, D.Zimnukhov, E.Gorbovskoy, V.Lipunov, V.Kornilov, A.Belinski, N.Shatskiy, N.Tyurina, D.Kuvshinov, V.Chazov, P.Kortunov, A.Kuznetsov, M. Kornilov (SAI, Moscow), A. Tlatov, A.V. Parhomenko, D. Dormidontov (Kislovodsk solar station of the Pulkovo observatory RAS), V.Yurkov, Yu.Sergienko, D.Varda (Blagoveshchensk Educational University), V.Krushinski, I.Zalozhnih, T.Kopytova, A. Popov (Ural State University), K.Ivanov, S.Yazev, N.Budnev, E.Konstantinov, V.Lenok(Irkutsk State University)
on 22 Apr 2010; 6:56 UT
Distributed as an Instant Email Notice (Comets)
Password Certification: Vladimir Lipunov (
Subjects: Optical, Comets
We find two prediscovery images of the Comet P/2010 H2 fields in database of two MASTER robotic telescopes ( MASTER-Net) located at Kislovodsk and Blagoveschensk (Lipunov et al.,2010, Advances in Astronomy, vol. 2010, pp. 1-7).
The field with a the recently discovered (Vales, CBET #2249) unusually Comet P/2010 H2 has been twice covered by our telescopes in Blagoveschensk (Russia) and Kislovodsk (Caucasus, Russia; Latitude = 43o 44'.767 N; Longitude = 42o 31'.417 E; Altitude = 2067 m) in the night from April, 15 to April, 16th 2010 in a during a regular Sky Survey. Thus we have most later the image without a comet (Blagoveshchensk at 2010-04-15 13:20:29 UT ) and the first image with comet (Kislovodsk 2010-04-15 19:44:12 UT).
Click MASTER-Kislovodsk prediscovery image.
The Catalina Sky Survey (R. A. Kowalski, CBET #2249) also have prediscovery image of bright comet P/2010 H2, were reported to the Minor Planet Center by J. Vales, discovering with the 0.60-m f/3.3 Deltagraph at Crni Vrh, (Slovenia CBET #2249), but our point witout objects later.
Results are presented in the table below:
Time UT Mag Coord Observaroty
2010-04-15.40 V>20m - Catalina Sky Survey
2010-04-15.63 M>16m - MASTER-Blagoveschensk
2010-04-15.82 V=13.7+/-0.1 13 39 33.68 +04 45 41.4 люSTER-Kislovodsk
2010 04 16.01 M=12.6 13 39 25.17 +04 45 49.5 Vales, CBET #2249
M-unfiltered, the accuracy of coordinates is 0.2"
Later MASTER observations will be soon published.
Also we have a number of images from Blagoveshchensk Wide Field Camera (1000 square deg.) in an time interval from 15.4 UT to 15.7 UT with an unfiltered limit is about 10m. There is no objects found on this sets.